Organic Stevia Extract - 9 Reviews

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Sugar Free Extra Spicy

Brooklyn Crafted Ginger Beer Sugar Free Extra Spicy
How does one kill off the diet taste of stevia? The answer is apparently to bombard it with ginger. This is a joint effort from Bruce Cost and Brooklyn Organics to create a sugar free spicy ginger beer. Guess what? They did it and it's pretty darn delicious. As far as I can tell the base of this soda is the plain Bruce cost ginger beer, except it is sweetened with stevia (the Brooklyn Organics way) and the amount of ginger in greatly increased. The result is a soda that only vaguely tastes like stevia with a fairly hefty burn to it. It doesn't quite hit Goya level of painful, but it's on its way. It is definitely at a level that makes this beverage a slow sipper. This isn't a soda you are going to slurp down in a matter of minutes. This is something you'll nurse over a decent amount of time, enjoying it with every sip.

As with most beverages that solely use zero calorie sweeteners, I would prefer it had real sugar in it, but I understand their reasons for not doing so. This may be the best sugar free soda I have ever tasted. It most definitely is the best diet ginger beer I've ever had (which has not been many). Sometimes you need to make tradeoffs in your life and I'm very happy this is out there as an option.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn CraftedWebsite
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Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 9/28/17, 2:06 PM
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Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Classic

Brooklyn Organics Craft Ginger Ale Classic
Somewhere out there, someone's dreams have come true. The stage is set like this; there is a human out there who is a total soda fiend. I'm talking like Mike's mother in law who keeps a glass of diet Pepsi next to her bed at night (is that a real thing, or did my mind make it up?), except there is no diet in this addicts world. We are talking full sugar. For most of their life it was high fructose corn syrup this, and high fructose corn syrup that. Then cane sugar came back into vogue and their palate evolved into appreciating fancy sodas. There were no more two-liters in our subjects life it was all craft six (four)packs. Over time they realized that they didn't feel quite right, something was obviously up with their health so they saw a health professional and were diagnosed with diabetes. The doctor informed them that their soda days were over unless they wanted to drink sucralose or aspartame (neither of which were recommended). Years went by and the Days of Soda seem like a mere fever dream. Then stevia came into fashion and there were sodas that were available that still tasted diet, but not like chemical death. The thing is that there was nothing on the market that matched our characters beloved ginger ale. Then Brooklyn Organics came about and suddenly they could have that classic ginger taste that they missed so dearly. Sure, it tasted heavily of stevia, but it was way better than what was on the market. It was a soda that tasted like real ginger, but with only the faintest hint of a burn. A true ginger ale.

Now, since I can enjoy beverages sweetened with sugar, this is clearly not for me. I know it's healthier than regular soda, but I don't drink them very often these days, so I'll take the extra calories for a better flavor. To me this would be fantastic if it had real sugar. The ginger taste that fights its way through the stevia is wonderful. Unfortunately that stevia taste is really strong, and it's simply not for me. This is for those out there who need to rely on zero-calorie sweeteners due to health, or those who for some reason can see past their flavor. If you fall into one of those categories get out there and buy this immediately. You won't be sorry.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Brooklyn OrganicsWebsite@BklynOrganics
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Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 9/27/17, 3:07 PM
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REBBL Super Herb Elixer Turmeric Golden-Milk

REBBL Super Herb Elixer Turmeric Golden-Milk
I will start by saying; this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The turmeric was pulled down by the coconut milk which is the featured player in this act. I actually wish that it was a bit stronger and it's already a pretty bold drink. I think the coconut is too strong and kills some of the spice of the turmeric. There is honey in here somewhere according to the ingredients but you can't taste it. At the end you get the sting of the turmeric but you have to really wait it out while the coconut milk flavor dies out.

I don't know if I would drink it again but this one bottle was good and I'm happy I was "forced" to drink it for the site otherwise I probably wouldn't have tried it.
Coconut and Milk
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Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 3/15/16, 4:12 PM
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B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Mango Banana

B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Mango Banana
Bananas. Jay and I abhor bananas. We cannot let it sway our vote but if we could it would be more 1's like you would find in a single's speed dating convention. Because we are professionals we cannot judge based on our hatred for the fruit. Let it be known, though, for the record, we hate bananas. Now off to the races and off to the review.

This will not stop being tangy. It's sharp and tangy. I suppose you'll get that with a yogurt smoothie drink. Yogurt is not really tangy but remember the first time you had Greek yogurt and you were like, "Man, did I just drink mini razors? This is sharp." and then you eat more of it and you say, "Oh, that's not too bad. Maybe I do like Greek yogurt." This is like that first taste of Greek yogurt again and again. It's a bit distracting if I can be honest which is what you're paying me for. The fruit flavor is shared pretty evenly. Good mango taste and, if you like banana, this tastes like bananas. You know what else? It tastes like someone crushed up Smarties and spiked this drink. Maybe that's where the tang and/or zip is coming from.

We've had a lot of fun here today, haven't we? We've learned about the cons of speed dating, how I hate bananas, and the review which you came to read. You know what? I'll expect my check in the mail.
B'more OrganicWebsite@BmoreOrganic
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Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 4/10/14, 10:48 AM
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B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Vanilla

B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Vanilla
While I was growing up my grandmother ate a lot of yogurt. In fact her and her friends were the only people I ever knew to eat yogurt. I would try it occasionally and it was simply not for me. Then something happened and yogurt became in vogue. It more than likely had to do with health benefits and people finally caring about what they put into their bodies, but suddenly the yogurt section in the store grew greatly. I mean I know that in other cultures yogurt is around all the time and everyone eats in, but for a kid who grew up on the edge of the suburbs and the Irish part of the city, it just wasn't around in the eighties.

Since yogurt has gained a greater presence I have come around to it. I actually eat one every other day or so, I am a bit picky with what flavors I'll eat though. Plain yogurt has a bit of a sour taste to it, that can be masked nicely by some flavors and that is what I lean towards. A mixed berry, fruit on the bottom is my yogurt of choice.

This bottle is pretty much a more liquefied plain yogurt that has been sweetened with stevia. The all-natural sweetener doesn't quite do the same job of covering up the natural sourness as actual sugar does. Instead you get the sourness as well as that specific stevia taste. I mean it's way better than if they had used sucralose or something like that, but it there is still a very distinct additional flavor. This is like a diet lassi drink. On top of all of that, the vanilla flavoring isn't very strong.

This drink is high in protein, contains probiotics and it is fat/gluten free. It's got some pluses going for it, but unfortunately the flavor isn't quite where I want it to be. To summarize, this tastes like a whipped up yogurt that has been very lightly flavored with vanilla and it was sweetened with stevia, whose flavors lingers for a bit to long. If you have an aversion to yogurt stay far away from this, as I assume it amplifies everything you dislike about it. It you're a card carrying member of Team Yogurt dig right in my friend.
Diet and Yogurt
B'more OrganicWebsite@BmoreOrganic
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Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 3/19/14, 12:44 PM
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Ahhmigo Endurance Lemon Chia Superseed

Ahhmigo Endurance Lemon Chia Superseed
"Tastes like lemonade," sounds like trickery to me. Telling someone that something tastes like something else seems like a not-so clever way of sneaking something into someone. If they would have said this was their interpretation of lemonade, I would have been fine. Them saying on the bottle that this "tastes like lemonade" tells me that this isn't lemonade and it's not trying to be lemonade but still tastes like it.

Does this taste like lemonade? Yes. It tastes like lemonade with those delightful little chia seeds in it. I like them. I don't know if I ever didn't but for the record, I like them. They've got a little crunch but you have to get through the smooth jelly exterior first. Although it sounds gross, I like it and if you don't actively chew the seeds, you might be able to care a little less with the fact that something you're drinking crunches.

The Stevia taste is there and I could tell right away. It's not too offensive but it's worth pointing out that this is a low calorie drink that tastes like a low calorie. An important point is that they're not trying to disguise it as not being diet. They also go on to point out what feels like a thousand times that this contains things that are good for you. Great right? Eh. It's good.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Chunky
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Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 10/8/13, 5:09 PM
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Honest Tea Passion Fruit Green Tea

Honest Tea Passion Fruit Green Tea
Sometimes drinks speak to me. No, not in a crazy way. Sometimes I see a drink and I just have to have it. This, for some reason, I had to have. I grabbed it, threw it on my shelf only to completely forget about it for about two weeks. Today, while picking my drinks for the day, I came across it and thought, "Oh yeah. I really wanted this." so in the bag and to work it went.

On first sip, it was very Stevia-esque. On second sip, I could start tasting what was supposed to be happening. Are you a graphic designer? Sure you are. Everyone and their brother is a graphic designer. As soon as you touch MS Paint (or Mac equivalent) and design your first birthday card, you say to yourself, "This is all a graphic designer does? Well, looks like I am going to design my album art for my band The Death Of A Thousand Suns Birthday." This drink is a gradient if I've ever tasted one. It does start out very Stevia, but then it slowly fades into a passion fruit that is actually quite nice. The green tea doesn't really come out to play for me.

I'm interested to see what else Honest does in this "zero calorie" line. I like a range of their drinks and am always game to try new ones.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 10/4/11, 4:17 PM
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Honest Ade Zero Calorie Classic Lemonade

Honest Ade Zero Calorie Classic Lemonade
Today is the first day of summer. If nothing else that means that lemonade season is upon us. The days are hot and sticky. Even sitting still sweat pours down your face. Everyone hates and loves it in equal amounts. Water and soda just won't cut it. You need something that gets down to the heart of the matter for pure unadulterated refreshment. You really only have two options a Slurpie from 711 or lemonade. Since Slurpies aren't always available lemonade wins out almost every time.

Honest knows how to quench a thirst. They also know that there are a lot of people watching their weight and sugar intake. Being the smart people they are they also know that artificial sweeteners are beyond gross. They like to keep it natural, so they went with stevia.

I just got home from work. I'm completely drenched with sweat, and I need to get ready so that I can meet up with the other Thirsty Dudes for tacos. I still took the time to sit back relax and enjoy this lemonade. It has a very natural lemon taste, but with the cold bite of stevia. You can't win 100% with diet, but stevia is the sweetener that will get you the highest percentage possible. Sit back enjoy and for goodness sake slather on some sunscreen. We don't want you looking like a lobster.
Diet and Lemonade
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Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 6/21/11, 4:56 PM
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Honest Tea Organic Passion Fruit Green Tea with Maqui Berry

Honest Tea Organic Passion Fruit Green Tea with Maqui Berry
The Honest company knows what they are doing when it comes to iced teas. We even used their teas for the picture of us pounding drinks in our header. It looks like they are now trying their hand at some 0 calorie teas. They seem to know what they are doing with that as well.

This has that tell tale diet taste to it, but it's mellowed out nicely by the green tea and the passion fruit. To be honest, I don't know why they don't just eliminate the sweeteners completely from diet drinks. Instead they add either artificial or in this case stevia. Sure stevia is much better than those gross artificial sweeteners, but it just seems unnecessary. If someone is on a diet, they should be able to live without sweeteners in their tea. Unsweetened tea is delicious. A lot of the time I prefer it to the sweetened variety. If you're trying to lose weight, make some sacrifices. Not only will it be healthier for you, it will also taste better.

Unfortunately the rest of the world doesn't agree with that, so companies have to step it up. Honest Tea did a great job here.
Diet and Iced Tea
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Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 2/28/11, 8:35 PM
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