Honey - 35 Reviews

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest

Blume Honey Water Ginger Zest
I'm sure this is not something that a beverage company would ideally want to be associated with, but this would be perfect if you were feeling under the weather. It doesn't really make me think of cough drops or anything like that, it just seems like it would be a nice relief if you had a sore throat or a cold. It's honey, ginger, and lemon; that just screams soothing to me. If you drank this hot I feel like it could cure anything, well you know any sort of minor ailment, not a life threatening disease. It's not magic.

The honey is very strong in this and the ginger has just the slightest burn to it. It's certainly not a gulping beverage, but I cold sip on this all day long. Whether I am sick, or just looking for something that tastes delicious, this drink is there for me.
Ginger, Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 10/3/18, 8:27 AM
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Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus

Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus
Well it certainly is nice to try something new again. This was great. I'll come right out of the gate, swinging my fists like a complete idiot; ready to fight no one and everyone at the same time. Honey rules. I put it in my coffee at home. I put it on ice cream. I add it to other stuff that you mind your G.D. business about, that's what! This is sweet. It's a different sweet than "1,000,000 sugar" sweet. It just tastes like honey which tastes sweet. It's a bit of a mental thing. As far as the "citrus vanilla" goes., yeah, that's there lighter in the mix. It's certainly a honey base but it does have notes of citrus and vanilla. I don't know how they do it. It's not thick at all. It's "like water" but tastes like honey. A drinkable honey for those of you cosplayers who go to Winnie The Pooh conventions but don't want to get your $1900 costume all sticky before the inevitably sex party afterwards aptly named "The Piglet Roast."

As sweet as this is, the whole (tiny) bottle is only 70 calories. This was generously sent to us but if I saw it in the wild, I would buy it. It's nice. A+. Quick shipping. Would buy from again.
Juice and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 9/7/18, 1:33 PM
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Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry

Blume Honey Water Wild Blueberry
This, this is not what I was expecting and it is so much better. I was expecting something akin to a Vitamin Water that had a hint of honey in it. IN reality it tastes like someone put on a kettle to make some tea, poured it into a mug, put in an extremely healthy amount of honey and then forgot to put in the tea bag. By the time they realized their folly, the water had cooled too much so they added some blueberry juice instead and magic happened. This is the most honey tasting thing I have ever ingested that wasn't just straight honey. It really tastes like I am just licking the honey off of a spoon. It is simply wonderful. The blueberry flavor also tastes real, so I can't imagine anyone ever complaining about that. There is also grapefruit, coriander, rosemary and peppercorn in here for reasons that I do not know, but it tastes incredible, so I'm not going to question their inclusion.

If you don't like honey I don't know why you would try something called honey water, but if you do you cannot go wrong with this. It's pure bliss.
Other/Weird and Water
United States
Jason Draper on 8/19/18, 7:49 AM
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Matchabar Hint of Honey Matcha

Matchabar Hint of Honey Matcha
This tastes like you took a heaping spoonful of matcha powder and mixed it into a glass of water and then added a tad of honey (almost a negligible amount). It definitely tastes strongly of matcha, but it almost feels powdery still, like you made yourself a protein shake and didn't shake up your little bottle enough. You're quite the exercise fanatic aren't you? You're not like me who uses their matcha powder to mix in with vanilla ice cream. We are opposites you and I. PS. I totally shook the hell out of this and it didn't make a difference.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/28/17, 4:04 PM
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Tumeric The Elixer of Life Turmeric Golden Milk

Tumeric The Elixer of Life Turmeric Golden Milk
Remember in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when the Nazi lets the woman choose the grail and she chooses poorly and when he drinks it he instantly ages, rots, and turns to dust? That was pretty sweet wasn't it? I mean not as sweet as when they open the Ark of the Covenant, but still really sweet. What they didn't show in the movie was that if Indy had filled the proper wooden grail up with the water it would have turned into turmeric golden milk aka the elixir of life. That is actually the backstory of this company. The movie is actually a documentary that was shot in real time. What they didn't catch on film was that the grail was eventually stolen by an unknown person. What is known is that this company got their hands on it and now everyone has the key to eternal life in the form of hemp milk.

Eternal life has a nice thickness to it. It also tastes like it has a very close familial relationship with chai latte. It's not like a brother or sister, but more of the cool cousin that lives out of state and who only makes it home one a year for Xmas or Thanksgiving. At that time they marvel the rest of the family with their tales of an exotic bohemian life. You would think that they were being a jerk, but that have such charisma that everyone loves them. That's exactly what this drink is. The combination of hemp milk, coconut cream, honey, turmeric, ginger, cardamom, chia, sea salt, vanilla bean, and cassia leaves you with an overall sense of well being. Not only that, but it taste delicious. That is hard to achieve, but I guess the Holy Grail helps.
Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 3/19/15, 10:59 PM
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Zone 8 Honey Lemon

Zone 8 Honey Lemon
Honey versus lemon, fighting in your mouth. Fighting over something dumb like the hand of a princess who is filled to the brim with the profits of gems and jewels. Fighting over the bathroom like a male in a house full of older sisters. Fighting like seagulls when you throw a french fry in a Burger King parking lot.

In the skirmish, this drink is lacking in a good flavor. It kind of tastes like a lemon and honey tea is being strained through cereal but you have to kind of remind yourself that it's just the wildly pungent flavor of honey. Lemon and honey sounds good in a cough drop. Heck, it does sound good in an iced tea but the blend is off and I was left with a bottle of tea that seemed more like a home remedy than an over the counter drink.
Iced Tea
Zone 8Website@DrinkZone8
United States
Mike Literman on 10/7/14, 4:51 PM
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Arizona Oak Brewed Tea Unsweetened

Arizona  Oak Brewed Tea Unsweetened
Arizona is becoming a man. We don't need to go into the whole "What makes a man a man?" discussion? We all know. We either are a man, know a man, or have watched that sex-ed video about male "parts."

Why are they a man? Well they are maturing. No more filthy garbage sweetener. No giant, metal cans for a dollar. They are charging decent money for a quality product. Black tea steeped in American Oak mixed with honey and maple sugar. You can taste everything, too and it's great. The honey is more of a flavor than a sweetener and as a result of our recent reviews of maple waters, you can taste the maple as well.

You end up with a fantastic, unsweet tea with the flavors of things that are sweet but aren't sweetening the drink. Flavor, essence, honey, oak. Do not hesitate to buy this and please, keep buying it. It would be a shame if something happened to this drink and they didn't continue making it. A low down, dirty shame.
Iced Tea
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
Mike Literman on 9/19/14, 10:15 AM
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Urban Zen Green Tea Lemon

Urban Zen Green Tea Lemon
It's been many moons since I've seen this. I bought it and stored it. I didn't store it for a special moment like a taco party, hot dog extravaganza or anything like that. I just put it away and forgot about it. Sorry, guys. I'm nothing if I'm not honest. So let's carry on with the honesty, shall we?

How is this? It's pretty lemony. Lemonesque. Lemonique. It's a good, sweetened green tea but something about it gets a bit old. It's pretty strong in the lemon and it has real lemon so it's both bitter and sour. The more I drink it and analyzed it, the more appreciative I got but it didn't make the drink any better. The fact that it's sweetened with honey first and cane sugar second gets much respect, though. Credit where credit is due. This is fine. If you like your green tea strong and homemade, you might have found it.
Iced Tea
Urban ZenWebsite
Mike Literman on 7/9/14, 4:45 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea, Honey & Hibiscus

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea, Honey & Hibiscus
I'm just going to come out and say it folks; Mmm…€¦Tea Co just ahs too many varieties. Now I love when companies have a bunch of different options, and this company makes some great iced teas, but there just isn't enough difference in their teas to necessitate all of there separate flavors. We're already reviewed their green tea, honey & hibiscus and their green tea & hibiscus. I'm also pretty sure there is a black tea & hibiscus one out there. Do we really need a black tea, honey & hibiscus one too?

I understand that some people prefer black tea over green and vice versa. I also know that there is a sweetened versus unsweetened version, hence the honey. The thing is that this is not a big company. They are based out of Illinois, and that state is the only place I've come across these. On top of that the shelf life of these teas is less than six months. That's a long time, but not that long, especially in comparison to other companies teas. My point is how can they afford to make so many different flavors with minor differences and keep a back stock? I appreciate that I can have my choice for how I'm feeling at the moment, but I have concern for the companies lasting abilities with this game plan. I certainly want to see them expand their empire and not fold, because I love these teas.

Now that I have expressed my concerns, let's more on. Shall we? This is an awesome drink. The honey flavor is very strong, while having less than 15 grams of sugar per bottle. It does overshadow the hibiscus flavor a bit, but I'm okay with that. I mean this is the same drink as the green tea one I did a few months back, you know except with black tea. I know Mike would complain that the hibiscus isn't what he wanted it to be, but he needs to realize is that the hibiscus teas he likes have added spices to them. This is just black tea, honey and hibiscus flower. There is even a hibiscus flower floating around in the bottle. Of course I ate it. I am a professional. I could have used more hibiscus flavoring in this, but for a ready to drink tea, this more than exceeds my expectations.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 3/17/14, 2:34 PM
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Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Honey

Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Honey
Do I need more protein in my diet? I don't know let me check the chart. I seem to be doing alright on fiber, attitude, body mass index, those are all alright. What else do we have here? Ice cream intake is low, oil pressure is good, Altitude is at an acceptable level, and the water level is up to the line. I don't see...oh here it is. Protein. Yeah, protein level is slightly below the line. Can't I just eat a chicken sandwich or something? No? Why not? They don't sell any here? This is a restaurant. What restaurant doesn't sell anything with chicken in it? No meat? At all? That's fine. I guess I'll have a salad then. No salad? You're a restaurant, right? You know what a restaurant is, right? What do you have here? Just drinks? Fine. I'll just look at the menu. Whatever. Whatever you have. Why did I come here? Didn't they have a menu outside that I could have looked at? I'm telling you, Times Square has changed. They were right?

Oh, thanks. What is this? Oh, a protein drink with honey in it? Seems like something you just whipped up. Thanks. You know what, though? It just tastes like milk with honey in it, which in itself is mildly refreshing. It's a protein drink, which is surprising because it doesn't taste like there is a bucket of sand in it. It's actually not bad. I would have enjoyed that chicken sandwich that I kind of developed a taste for but this is a close, I don't know, eighth, maybe ninth.

I don't know. That's a good question. Would I recommend this restaurant? You're going to hate me for saying this, but I'm still not convinced that this is an actual restaurant. How do you make ends meet? This place is like two thousand square feet and one block from Times Square. It's got to cost like ten thousand dollars a month to be here. You've got to be in cahoots with someone. Oh, that hit a nerve. No, look, I can see myself out. Thank you for the drink. I left a nice tip.
Milkshake and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Core PowerWebsite@CorePower
United States
Mike Literman on 2/17/14, 11:43 AM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea Honey Cinnamon & Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea Honey Cinnamon & Lemon
Emmanuel loved cinnamon toast. It was his favorite thing in the whole wide world that his little 7 year old brain could comprehend. He loved it more than his parents, his dog and Batman combined. That's a whole lotta love people, and he favored Powdered Toast Man anyways. Every Sunday morning he would get up grab a little container and mix in sugar and cinnamon into the perfect combination to spread on his buttered toast throughout the week. He would heap the stuff on, so that it would make a mess if he even breathed on it. It was glorious stuff.

One afternoon his mom came home from shopping and handed him a bottle of iced tea. She said she bought it special for him and that she just knew he would love it when they gave her a sample at the store. As soon as he breathed in as he awaited the liquid to travel down the neck of the bottle Emmanuel knew she was absolutely right. Before a drop came into contact with his taste buds he could taste the cinnamon in the smell (yes that's a thing). It was like the time he opened the wrong side of the cinnamon container and way too much came out creating a powdery cloud around him.

After the luxurious eternity that seemed to pass the tea was finally in his mouth. It was all cinnamon and honey, and that was just fine by him. The green tea was down underneath the two stronger flavors and the lemon was hardly there. The honey gave it just the right amount of sweetness, while the cinnamon had a strange dryness to it that should have been weird, but was great.

Emmanuel proclaimed that this was a perfect drink for him and demanded she go back to the store and buy him a case. His mother nervously agreed and was on her way. Oh, did I mention that Emmanuel was the cousin of that kid from the Twilight Zone movie? Why else do you think his mother let him eat cinnamon toast for every meal, unless she feared being transformed into a Jack in the Box?
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 1/10/14, 8:24 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon
Take a look around. Do you see any other bottles of tea on the shelves with real friggin' lemons in it? No, not lemon flavoring, seasoning, or essence. A real slab of lemon right there in the bottle. Aside from that, you've got a black tea and that is sweetened with honey. Could you imagine a better combination? I am not going to run through the ingredients again. I will just leave it there on the table, all spread out. One, two, three and you can take a look and decide if you need anything else to make a wonderful iced tea.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Mike Literman on 12/23/13, 12:06 AM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Hibiscus

Mmm...Tea Co. Green Tea, Honey & Hibiscus
The weather has turned to turd soup, but you aren't going to let that down. You gather up some provisions, and your significant other and head out to the local botanical gardens for a mid winter picnic. Sure, the gardens look down upon people taking their meals at their establishment, but that's nothing that a twenty slipped to the security guard can't take care of.

Everything is going perfectly. You're surrounded by wonderful green foliage, and the temperature is in the mid 80's inside the dome. No, not “Under the Dome.” I don't know how Brian K Vaughn got mixed up in that train wreck. He's better than that, and his comic writing proves it. Speaking of along with some sandwiches, veggies and hummus you also brought along the last few issues of Saga, for your lover to catch up on as you just sit back and enjoy the escape from winter as you sip on the tea you brought along. You spent a little time making it at home. You brewed it in this big kettle over the fireplace. You wanted to be romantic, and why waste the energy from the stove when you have a perfectly good fire roaring? You brewed some nice green tea in that kettle and added a little honey to sweeten it up. Okay you added a decent amount of honey, and it is very obvious when you taste it. It has the heaviest honey taste out of any tea you've ever made. Apparently at some point during your outing a single hibiscus leaf fell into the tea. It's weird because it gave it a bit of flavoring, but since it doesn't' have cinnamon or other spices in it, it tastes different to other hibiscus teas you've tasted. It's a great tea though to go along with a great outing to make you forget about the weather outside.

That is exactly what will run through your mind grapes as you drink a bottle of this tea. Either that or I am just a true weirdo who envisioned that while driving through the Canadian countryside on a blustery night.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Jason Draper on 11/27/13, 5:55 PM
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Suja Vanilla Cloud

Suja Vanilla Cloud
New juice cleanse companies are popping up all over the place. I for one love it and appreciate that people are taking the time to consider what they are putting into their bodies (I need to do the same). I would love to do one of these cleanses, but I simply cannot afford it. If I were to purchase the 5-day cleanse it would cost me $270. That is more than a months rent for me (Yes I live in Buffalo with one of the countries lowest average rent cost). Sure I could knock it down to a 3-day cleanse, but that is still going to put me back $162. Unfortunately it's just not in my budget.

The Vanilla Cloud beverage is the daily dessert for this cleanse. You're supposed to drink it last in the day (at least three hours before bed). I like that this exists. In recent years I have fallen victim to the practice of not thinking a meal is complete until I have dessert. Dessert for me just happens to be a square or two of dark chocolate, so it's not completely horrible, but it's a practice I should probably kick at some point.

What does a juice cleanse dessert consist of? Water, coconut, honey, almonds, acerola cherry, cinnamon, vanilla bean, nutmeg and camu camu. They are all healthy things that sound like they would be great together, and I assure you that they are. This tastes like almond milk with some cinnamon and nutmeg in the mix. A seasonal almond milk if you will. I would also explain it as a very subdued chai. I actually don't taste the coconut in here at all, which I'm okay with. There are also some light chunks in here, but they are small, and just make some sips a little gritty.

I really enjoyed this, and it makes me wish even more that this cleanse was something I could do. I'm sure after five days you would feel a vast improvement, but at the same time what income bracket do you need to be apart of to participate.
United States
Jason Draper on 11/20/13, 10:18 AM
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Motto Sparkling Matcha Tea Original

Motto Sparkling Matcha Tea Original
First of all, good one Motto. You got me. I knew this was sparkling and I saw some stuff at the bottom. Let's call it "sludge" for the sake of conversation. I turned the bottle upside down and moved it around and that sludge wasn't going anywhere. I looked at the bottle and it said, "Please shake well and open carefully" so I did. I don't know how carefully you can open a pop top bottle but as expected, it fizzed up over the top. I let that guy do his business in the sink. I'm no dumb idiot. I'm not getting all sticky and green teaful. That's for the birds.

After that debacle, I drank it. First sip I was turned off. Second sip through the end kept pulling me in. I "got" it. It's a lightly sweetened, super bitter Matcha tea. It tastes like a really bitter green tea if you've never had matcha before. It has vinegar in it, which seems odd, and you could taste it but it wasn't offensive. I don't really know what that guy was doing in there but he's in there, doing his thing. This drink was sweetened with honey, which achieves such high marks in my book. I'm going to say that to all Thirsty Dudes, something sweetened with honey gets a big thumbs up. The sparkling just makes the drink a little different and might actually cut the flavor down a little bit. Between everything going on in this bottle, the reprieve is nice.

I hope they come out with some different flavors. Maybe different strands of tea or some fruit tea? I'm giving you some gold here, Motto. Use it.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/7/13, 7:12 PM
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Urban Zen Green Tea Honey Jasmine

Urban Zen Green Tea Honey Jasmine
I had a true taste comparison with this one. As I've previously mentioned Arizona was my gateway into green teas. It was the first I've ever had and for a longtime it was my benchmark. How stupid I was. Last night I went to a show with my friend Dave and he brought a can of the classic Arizona green tea and I brought this bottle of Urban Zen. We were both happily drinking our respective teas when he needed me to hold his for some reason. Being the sneaky so and so that I am I took a sip. Wow, the two drinks while having essentially similar makeups were light years apart. I had never realized how cheap Arizona tasted before. It's essentially a sweetener with some green tea flavoring in it. This on the other hand was the real deal. It's properly brewed whole leaf green tea that has been infused with jasmine flower. It has a real green tea taste, and it's mostly sweetened with honey, which gives it's own twist to the flavor. All in all this has only 10g of sugar in it, which is all you ever really need in a sweetened tea. I'm pretty sure that Arizona has about 4 times that. The comparison made me realize how much of a kids drink Arizona really is, and how this is a tea of a pseudo sophisticated adult. It's slightly bitter with a nice light floral taste. Jasmine tea, it's not just for fancy Asian restaurants anymore. Arizona, I don't know if I'll ever look at your green tea the same way again.
Iced Tea
Urban ZenWebsite
Jason Draper on 11/4/12, 5:51 PM
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Fremo Aloe Vera Drink Pineapple

Fremo Aloe Vera Drink Pineapple
Part of me really thought that I was over aloe drinks. When I first discovered them a few years back (yes I am an explorer as well as a scientist) I couldn't get enough. I would buy the huge bottles and down them in one sitting, like some fat conquistador slob. I realized that the amount of sugar I was consuming was enough to give an elephant diabetes, so I “cooled my jets,” as the kids say. It's been awhile since I've had a bottle, and just like with most things, with time your feelings towards them fade. The refreshment that was once my love had become just another face in the crowd of thousands of drinks we've downed in the name of Thirsty Dudes.

Drinking this bottle was like renewing my wedding vows. One sip and I fell in love all over again. It's sweet, but it's more honey than cane sugar. Actually the whole bottle only has 16g of sugar, which is way lower than I expected. This is a perfect blend of the classic white grape-ish flavor of aloe mixed with pineapple. Both are present in their own ways and it's one hell of a ride of flavor.

Let's not forget about our friends the aloe chunks. It looked like there were a ton of them in the bottle, but when I was drinking it, it seemed like there were less than other companies use. Either way, they are still fun to drink and catch in your teeth.

Today I will make a vow to aloe that I will never again forever about how much I love you, and the enjoyment it brings to my life. I may stray to other drinks on a regular basis, but I will always come back to you when all is said and done.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Jason Draper on 9/11/12, 12:03 AM
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Green Bee All Natural Soda Lemon Sting

Green Bee All Natural Soda Lemon Sting
I complain about this stuff all the time, a company delivers, and I complain. Therefore, I am sorry in advance. This drink, lemon sting, is just too much. It's a lot of lemon, and I like lemon. It's also a lot of honey, and I like honey. The two together tastes a bit too much like I should be drinking this with a sore throat.

I give this company full appreciation. I really do. Also, for adding rosemary in this drink saved you from a dreaded "2" rating. There is nothing in this drink, and for what it is it's great. What it is is reminiscent of long nights spent with a runny nose, coughing, and trying to talk as little as possible while trying to achieve 100% completion in whatever video game you're playing. I'm currently playing Just Cause 2 and if I have to have a sore throat and need lozenges for the duration of time it takes me to get 100% I might cut my throat clean off.
Soda Pop
Green BeeWebsite@greenbeesoda
United States
Mike Literman on 8/9/12, 3:42 PM
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Green Bee All Natural Soda Ginger Buzz

Green Bee All Natural Soda Ginger Buzz
“Expect the best. Accept the worst” When Blake Schwarzenbach wrote those lyrics I can only assume he wasn't talking about this soda, but it's fitting. In my world there are few sodas that sound better than a ginger drink that is sweetened with honey. I was thinking a honey flavored ginger beer, and I was hoping for one heck of a burn to it. As it turns out this isn't a ginger beer at all. In fact it doesn't taste like any soda that I've ever had before. That could be a good thing, except that it tastes exactly like honey cough drops; Ludens to be more specific. There is a ginger flavor, but the honey overpowers it and the combo, with a little coriander mixed in gives it a definite cough drop taste. Did you know that coriander is cilantro? That kind of blows my mind.

At first I didn't like this at all really. I was turned off thinking that I was drinking cough drops. I kept sipping on the bottle though, and now that I'm done, I have to say that I don't hate it. It's not something that I would want all of the time, but I think the more you drink it, the more acclimated you become and the more you enjoy it.

Our friends Dave and Gabby brought this back from a trip to Maine. Many thanks to them. After finishing this off, I'm very interested in trying Green Bee's other flavors.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Green BeeWebsite@greenbeesoda
United States
Jason Draper on 8/3/12, 8:28 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon

Mmm...Tea Co. Black Tea Honey Lemon
Karen was a stupid idiot. She was one of those people who always said, "I could make this better at home." when she ate or drank things. It was annoying to spend any amount of time with her because it was almost certain she would utter it. One thing that made it more annoying was that she was not a fantastic cook, or baker, so every time she said it, you would flashback to the time she said, "Oh, remember that time we had that meal at that restaurant? Well I made it and it was way better." and it sucked. No offense to Karen, but she was an excellent banker but a terrible copycat when it came to food.

She went to the store and bought a bottle of Mmm...Tea's black tea, honey, and lemon tea and brought it home. She took a sip and thought, obviously, that she could make it better at home. She thought the tea was a bit bitter but did have an honest, lemon and honey taste. The actual slice of lemon in the bottle probably helped a bit. She brewed some black tea, bought some honey in a bear container as she thought that was the pinnacle of honey manufacturing, and a lemon. She mixed everything up, and threw it in the fridge for a couple hours. She took it out, poured it into a glass, and for the first time made something that was actually better than the original.

Congratulations, Karen. Enjoy your success until the next time you try and make something better than the original.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
Mike Literman on 5/8/12, 12:10 PM
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