Steaz - 25 Reviews

Steaz Cactus Water With Green Tea

Steaz Cactus Water With Green Tea
I think I speak for all people when I say that prickly pear is a wonderful fruit. Pears blow but add some spikes and thorns and nails and it flips it right around. Make a pear dangerous to eat and it makes it better than its soft, smooth brother. Or cousin. They're related but maybe just through marriage. It counts but barely.

This is wonderful. The green tea isn't powerful but you can taste a little bite. The prickly pear, though, she shines through with beams of light as bright as the G.D. sun. It's a soft flavored drink. Real sugar and a little bit of Stevia come together and really round this little guy out.

This rarely happens, but I finished the drink before I finished writing this review. I'm on the top of the third paragraph and it's gone. I've polished off twelve ounces in like 100 words. This is great. It's not terrible for you, either. At fifty calories per can, I'd easily take a tallboy of this any day of the week. You hear me, Steaz? Tallboys. I'm inventing the demand as I type. Everyone who reads my words is seeing it in my head wondering if it exists. Make it exist. Do the right thing, Steaz. Do the right thing.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/25/16, 2:57 PM
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Steaz Cactus Water With Cucumber & Green Tea

Steaz Cactus Water With Cucumber & Green Tea
Are you aware that the desert is a dead, dry place with no hope? Did you also know that cucumbers are the most refreshing thing this world has ever seen? If only cucumbers grew in the desert maybe life would exist. Because you know, nothing lives in the desert…€¦oh wait; a lot of things live in the desert. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't lead richer lives if cucumber was a normal part of life for them. Steaz has taken that refreshing vegetable and combined it with prickly pear (the fruit on a cactus) as well as some green tea and the results are quite nice. The prickly pear is nice and sweet, but it allows the cucumber to cut through and give you that relief you so desperately crave. The only downside to this at all is that they tried to cut down on calories by using stevia along with cane sugar. It's not horrible, but you can tell it's there, which I would prefer it wasn't. Other than that there is nothing but smooth sailing with this drink. Go ahead and drop me off in a remote desert location hundreds of miles from anywhere. As long as I had a couple cans of this I would be just fine, or dead. Fine or dead, one or the other.
Iced Tea and Other/Weird
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/11/16, 9:48 PM
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Steaz Cactus Water With Starfruit & Green Tea

Steaz Cactus Water With Starfruit & Green Tea
I know that to everyone out there it sounds like being a part of Thirsty Dudes is a nonstop party. I mean sure, Mike and I have abandoned our families and live in a giant penthouse in the fanciest of buildings downtown. Sure, we race motorcycles everywhere we go, including both the public and private elevators to our penthouse. You know how some nicer fridges have a filtered water tap built into the door? Ours dispenses ice cold sarsaparilla. We have an entire freezer that is filled with nothing but green tea ice cream mochi. That doesn't make us any different than you our mild mannered readers. We still ride our prototype hoverboards one push at a time just like you. We are still humbled when companies send us advance flavors before they hit the market. Actually, that makes us feel pretty special. It's not the millions of dollars we have made from reviewing these drinks that fill us with a sense of pride, it's the little things like this.

When a package arrived the other day of the three flavors of the new Steaz cactus water line, I was pumped. You know pumped like when I ride the zip line down from our penthouse to the hot dog cart a few blocks away. I couldn't wait to review it and help get the word out on a product I was sure was going to be fantastic. The problem was that I was completely incapacitated from the flu. I didn't leave the couch, except to crawl to the rest room for about 72 hours. I thought it was the end of my life of luxury and leisure. As it does, time passed and my health returned and here I am enjoying a can of starfruit and green tea cactus water, even if it is a few days later that I would have liked it to be.

It was worth the wait folks. This is delicious. Cactus water is basically nature's version of Gatorade and it is far superior to what has been dumped on coach's heads for decades. It is high in antioxidants, reduces inflammation and is just chock full of electrolytes. This is sweet, smooth, and fruity. The green tea tastes is only vaguely there in the aftertaste, but the starfruit is right up front with the sweetness of the cactus water. There is some stevia in the mix as well, but I wouldn't really have guessed that from the taste, which is a sign of proper use of any zero calorie sweetener. Steaz has not disappointed.

I wonder how many cans of this it would take to fill one of those Gatorade coolers. I'll need to use the power of science to figure that out so I can be prepared for our next air hockey tournament up in the loft. I'm going to destroy Mike and then have the butler dump this on me when I win. Just like the champ I am.
Iced Tea and Other/Weird
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/16/16, 2:23 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Jasmine Hibiscus

Steaz Iced Green Tea Jasmine Hibiscus
Steaz pumps out more flavors that almost any beverage company that I can think of. I feel like we get packages from them more than anyone else, and I am certainly not complaining. They manage to work out new teas, but they also keep their quality high. My only complaints seem to come from their zero calorie sweetener lines, and that's not on them. There is only so much a company can do when they want to sweeten a beverage, but keep it zero calories. Also, I've had issues with their carbonated teas, but I'm simply not a fan of carbonated tea for the most part.

This is one of that flavors that stands out in a sea of greatness though. I love jasmine tea and I love all things hibiscus. I once drank multiple pots of jasmine green tea at an Asian restaurant because they kept bringing it. It was so good that I couldn't help myself, but of course I haven't slept since due to my caffeine intake. Mike and I have also been known to purchase obscene amounts of hibiscus tea for our pleasure drinking, which we don't get to do much of.

Steaz has combined both nicely. One might think that combining the two would make everything too floral, but that is not the case at all. Sure, you can taste florals, but it's not like you got into a fight at a funeral and someone shoved an arrangement down your throat. It's nice and subtle. The hibiscus is just that, hibiscus. There is no trace of the spices that sometimes accompany this flower, but even though I love them, I don't think they would have a place in this beverage. So it is classic hibiscus mixed with classic jasmine all of which is lightly sweetened cane sugar and just a drop of lemon juice. It's wonderful and if someone kept pouring it into my glass I could see myself drinking a case of it before I even knew what happened.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/7/16, 1:33 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Lemon Ginger

Steaz Iced Green Tea Lemon Ginger
"Where da ginger at!" I exclaim as I drink sip after sip. "Where da ginger at!" I yell when I can't find my live-in girlfriend. More importantly, though, this drink didn't have ginger in it as far as I know. You can tell me up and down that it did but taste it, bro. Ginger it does not. There isn't that earthy flavor that ginger brings and there isn't that sweet heat that ginger so generously gives.

Gingerless aside it was good. Like a lightly sweetened half and half. Oh a half and half cut into thirds called a "third and third and third" with lemonade, tea and ginger? Now we're talking. You hear me, Steaz, if that is your real name. Now we're talking.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/29/16, 5:38 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Goji Blackberry

Steaz Iced Green Tea Goji Blackberry
You'll never guess what happens next! After you drink this, you'll be totally refreshed. Why? Well because you're sure to drink the whole thing because it's good. You are sure to drink the thing because it's zero calories and doesn't taste like you're eating the plastic beads out of a 90's hackey sack. You'll drink the whole thing because you feel thirsty and it's better than the alternative which is almost certainly Brisk.

So after you're done drinking it what are you left with? Well, a nice berry tea taste and only the slightest bit of erythritol. It's less sharp than Stevia and I like Stevia. I like my old housemate Steve. I like one of my oldest friends Steve. I like the guy who used to sell thing on eBay for a skateshop in Lockport Stevebay. I'm filled to the brim with Steves I like. Sure I'm talking about erythritol but who cares. I'm in a caring mood and I care for this drink. A little bit of tea and a little bit of fruit and a little bit of sweet. I'm not going to go as far as saying that it's a trifecta by any means but I will say that it's a fantastic supplement for most of that other diet garbage you've been drinking.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 8/18/15, 3:53 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Grapefruit Honey

Steaz Iced Green Tea Grapefruit Honey
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I am here today to prove to you beyond the shadow of a doubt that grapefruit and honey are a perfect flavor combination. I know what you're thinking; grapefruit is too tart and it's what grandmothers eat for breakfast. While that may be true, it is still a delicious fruit when consumed in moderation. On the other side of the coin I have never heard a single person utter a complaint about honey. Everyone loves honey. Even bees understand that people love honey and don't put up too much of a fuss about humans collecting it for consumption. Mike tells me that someone in his family is beekeeper and that he can get me fresh honey comb. I've yet to see this come to fruition. Sorry, I've gone off on tangent there folks, but as you can see I am a passionate man, and this is a passionate flavor.

Now I don't claim to be a fancy man. I didn't attend a fancy learning school, I got my degree from a SUNY school, just like most of you. The fact of the matter if that you don't need to have a piece of paper from an Ivy League school to be able to proclaim with certainty that this is one delicious beverage. I'm guessing that you folks in the jury booth are like myself and have never drizzled honey on a grapefruit. Perhaps, just perhaps we have been wrong all of these years not to have done that. For you see the two pair perfectly, especially if the presentation vehicle is a lightly sweetened green tea. The results are smooth, delicious and refreshing. The tea, the grapefruit and the honey are all quite distinct in the flavor, but they also mingle together to create something new and wonderful.

Ladies and Gentleman, before you banish this beverage to the shelves of the Big Lots of the world I urge you to just give it a chance and I assure you that you will want it to appear in the coolers of every gas station this great country of ours has to offer.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/6/15, 10:52 AM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Unsweetened Passionfruit

Steaz Iced Green Tea Unsweetened Passionfruit
As I sit here and drink this I find myself thinking “Well this is underwhelming.” The thing is, I am wrong, dead wrong. You see I forget that most humans don't have two growlers in their fridge at all times that are used to hold unsweetened iced tea that they make. I like fruity teas and passionfruit may be the fruitiest of all fruits, so this tastes a lot like tea I have made and drank in mass quantities. This is actually a wonderful tea, but since it's in my normal wheelhouse it seems almost boring to me. To anyone else this would more than likely be great. Well, unless they don't like unsweetened tea. If that's the case, what are they doing drinking this, when they know they won't like it? This is green tea with a nice hint of passionfruit in it. The tea runs the game while the fruit is just there for backup. It's simple, it's perfect, and now that my can is empty I find myself wanting about 5 more of them. So much for underwhelming.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/20/15, 7:33 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Dragonfruit

Steaz Iced Green Tea Dragonfruit
I love it; a light, bitter green tea and a nice fruity taste throughout. There is nothing more to say but I wish I had more. I wish this came in a forty ounce bottle right next to the St. Ides. I want to drink this all day. I would like to dedicate an entire day to drinking this. There is a natural sweetness from the dragonfruit and the green tea is on point. Five. This gets a hard five. If we had half bottles, it would still get a hard five.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/16/15, 2:53 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Superfruit

Steaz Iced Green Tea Superfruit
Did you know that every superhero is assigned a fruit, and their powers rub off on that fruit causing it to become a super fruit? It's a total scientific fact. I read it on the internet and next to television is the closest thing to gospel that this world has ever seen. The way I hear it Superman was paired with goji berries, Spiderman works with mangosteen, Flash is the keeper of all things pomegranate, Jean Grey runs the acai camp and Wolverine is in charge of blueberries. Sure there are others that work with lesser fruits, but these are fruits major champions and Steaz has decided to honor them by collecting all of their fruit and mixing it in with some green tea.

For such a strong selection of flavors you would be shocked by how mild the flavor is. Steaz could have easily gone overboard with this but they kept everything light. I think that they got the fruit flavors in their perfect, but the tea flavor is a bit light for my tastes. I like a nice strong bitter tea taste, and it's a bit water heavy in here. It doesn't ruin the drink by any means, but it does make me drink it all that much faster.

Keep your eyes open folks because the internet is all a buzz about a new pairing of the Green Lantern and an undisclosed fruit. You won't believe how the other superheroes have reacted. Click this non-existent link to find out!
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/28/15, 12:13 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Half and Half

Steaz Iced Green Tea Half and Half
"Oh, that's diet." is not the most fantastic first impression. I mean, sure, diet is diet but as we hurdle head first towards "the future," some companies have really killed this "diet" thing. Steaz has a fifty-fifty relationship with me. When we started, I drank something, promptly hated it, and wrote them off for a long time. I warmed up and drank a bunch of stuff I liked and then we came to this and it's nothing special. I, for the gazillionth time, am not looking to be blown away, but this tastes like a garbage, diet drink.

Between the bunk lemonade and the Erythritol, this drink might as well have been ninety-nine cents and come in a plastic jug that weighs as much as a child's bowling ball. The green tea was alright but it was a bit distracted and modified by the bitterness of the Erythritol that you didn't know if it was "good" bitterness or "unauthentic" bitterness.

It's a can of lies and deceit. Pass it by. You can do better Steaz and you can do better, general public.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Natural Erythritol
Mike Literman on 6/17/14, 4:56 PM
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Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Steazy Cola

Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Steazy Cola
Steaz has their heart in the right place, and for years they have been working at creating perfect harmony between soda and green tea. Unfortunately they are not quite there. I would never say any of their creations have been gross, and I had no problem drinking them, it's just that they never reach their potential. Tea pop should be the greatest thing ever, but they always see to fall short. The soda flavor is always far too light. I'd like to say that was because they were more concerned with the flavor of the tea, but that also gets lost most of the time. Take this drink for example; cola is one of the strongest flavors a soda pop can have, and there is no excuse for its weakness in this beverage. I want crisp, dark cola flavors. This tastes lighter than the most diet of diet bogus colas. The taste of the green tea is there, but it's muddied by the erythritol, which they used to sweeten this.

My final verdict is that while this is a completely acceptable beverage, it could be made much better if they either used cane sugar (it's a zero calorie beverage, so that won't happen) or make the cola flavoring stronger. I bet they could make it could even mask the sweetener. The tea flavor would probably be lost even more though. Let's get a team of scientists on this. I want this to be so good, and I know it can be.
Diet, Iced Tea, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 12/16/13, 8:52 PM
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Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Zero Calorie Blood Orange

Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Zero Calorie Blood Orange
I like sparkling beverages and I love green tea. I also prefer lower calorie beverages when it's due to less sugar instead of zero calorie sweeteners. That is where Steaz went wrong. This would have been great with just a pinch of sugar, or better off no sweeteners at all. A sparkling unsweetened tea would be wonderful. Instead they used Erythritol, which is normally an okay choice for zero calorie sweeteners, but they seemed to have used ten times the recommended amount. The fluid in this can tastes more like sweetener than it does blood orange or tea for that matter. It would be bad enough, but still somehow acceptable if the diet taste was only there when you sipped it, but it leaves a long lasting diet aftertaste that lingers for minutes after each sip.

Steaz took a swing for the stars, and they unfortunately struck out. Actually the more I think about it I can hardly taste the blood orange at all. It's truly a shame.
Diet, Iced Tea and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 8/20/13, 8:53 PM
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Steaz Iced Teaz Mint

Steaz Iced Teaz Mint
There is a cabin that a friend's family owns that Jay and myself go to a few times a year. Before there was the powerhouse that is Thirsty Dudes there was just Jay and I drinking drinks for fun. On our way up to the cabin, we like to stop at a supermarket and get things like hot dogs and drinks. This was the first time that I had seen or heard of Steaz. I think that I got a pomegranate acai and I also think that it was three-ish years ago. I hated every sip of it and I don't think that I have drunk another Steaz until today because of it. I'm not one to really hold a grudge, but I didn't feel like I was missing out on drinking any more of that junk.

We have been playing catch-up with some older, more common drinks as of late and I have seen this on the shelves forever and just assumed it was junk and skipped right on by. I decided to give it a go last week and I'm happy that I did. This is just what I was looking for. It's really light and has a nice, non-gum and non-mouthwash mint taste. It's actually refreshing and if I was a common man and not a destroyer of drinks, I would easily make this a standard in my collection of go-to drinks. It's not too bitter but tastes real. I liked it. The colder it was the better, too. It really brings out the coolness of the mint. This is good. Sorry I hated you for so long.
Iced Tea
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 3/29/12, 2:18 PM
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Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Root Beer

Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Root Beer
Somewhere in the Carpathian Mountains a thirsty scientist named Vigo has gone "mad." He was sick of having to choose between his two favorite drinks, which were green tea and root beer. He decided to take matters in his own hands. He would create a hybrid, a Frankenstein monster of sorts of beverages. He loaded up his ingredients on the platform. He was about to raise it into the storm brewing above when his assistant grabbed his arm and begged him to reconsider to think of how this would affect the future of the planet. The mad genius threw him off and yelled, "Back off man I'm a scientist!" With that he threw the switch and the platform was raised and instantly struck with lightening. If you know anything about science that is the only proper way to make an unholy alliance.

As the platform lowered Vigo scooped out a cupful in his chalice and took a big gulp. His mouth was greeted by three waves of flavor. At first it was just a nice sweet soda taste, it was actually almost a cola. Then a wave of weakish root beer flavor washed over him. It wasn't nearly as strong as he had wanted, but it wasn't bad at all. Finally as that faded away it was replaced with the bitter sting of green tea. He felt that his creation wasn't a complete success, but it was good enough to market to the public. He then vowed to spend the rest of eternity trying to improve upon his creation. It's a couple thousand years later and he still hasn't gotten it quite right. This is a nice hybrid, but it doesn't quite deliver as much as you would want it to in either the tea or root beer categories. Maybe someday Vigo will find a baby so he can return to the earthly realm and begin his work anew.
Root Beer, Soda Pop, Sparkling and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/19/11, 1:37 PM
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Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Zero Calorie Raspberry

Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Zero Calorie Raspberry
I had a flavor of Steaz awhile back and I've been turned off by it since I had one kind that wasn't good. It was a bad first impression and for that, I have taken a Steaz-free vacation. I don't recall what flavor it was, but I want to say that it had something to do with Acai.

This is completely different and actually good on top of the fact that there are no calories. It's like a crazy, alternate universe has emerged from the can. What an ignorant statement if I were actually serious. Like nothing that's good for you is good. Have you ever had corn? How about apples? Tacos grow on trees and guacamole doesn't, that's why guac is always extra.

It's been quite some time since I've had a solid and not something in liquid form, but for what I remember, the flavor is pretty good and honest. You get a sweet erythritol taste, but I've grown to like it so this entire can wasn't even shared by me.

Now all I can think of is a taco tree. I have a feeling that the window of opportunity between ripe and not ripe is very small.
Soda Pop, Sparkling, Iced Tea and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 11/14/11, 2:37 PM
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Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Grape

Steaz Sparkling Green Tea Grape
Surprise, John! It's a celebration! You made it through initiation. I know this last month has been tough and we've been tough on you but you made it. Remember when Tim, the mailman, put an entire box of thumbtacks on your chair and then you sat on it? That was classic. Oh, do you remember when Carol, from accounting, put that eel in your sandwich and watched you eat it? I can't believe it. Then when she told you it was an electric eel and you started screaming; priceless. Ha ha, I just remembered when Bob, the night watchman, pulled his gun out on you when you were walking to your car. That dude, man, parts of me thought that you were going to cry, seriously, I thought you were going to cry.

So, in celebration of you making it through the hazing, we bought you this four-pack of Steaz grape sparkling green tea. It's pretty good. It tastes like light non-alcoholic champagne and since old man Dalrymple won't let us drink at work, this is the best we can do. It's good, though. It tastes like real concord grapes and although I don't get a lot of green tea taste, it's just the right amount of everything else to be awesome.

So you don't have to worry about us always eating your yogurt, putting Vasoline on your door handles, breaking your pencils, telling your wife you are at a "pay by the hour" motel when she calls, or any of that stuff. Welcome to First National Bank!
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 8/12/11, 4:14 PM
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Steaz Energy Berry

Steaz Energy Berry
Energy drink with organic ingredients? Check.
Energy drink that doesn't taste like battery acid? Check.
Berry flavor that tastes like a melted freezie pop? Check.

On second thought, it also reminds me a lot of sweet tarts (easily one of my top 10 favorite candies). Steaz did it again and made a great natural energy drink. It doesn't have an acidic or heavy taste like a lot of energy drinks do. Also if you need vitamin B12, this drink has you covered. In one serving, it contains 833% of your daily-recommended amount of B12. Oh, and this can has 1.5 servings so that's 1,249.5% of your daily B12!! Hopefully too much B12 isn't bad for you.
Iced Tea and Energy Drink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/23/11, 7:26 PM
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Steaz Energy Zero Calorie Berry Flavor

Steaz Energy Zero Calorie Berry Flavor
I feel like there should be a Venn diagram for this drink. It has so many things stacked against it that are intertwined into one. It is a natural diet energy drink. All three of these things tread in dangerous territory, but the three mixed together in one can could be monumentally bad. Luckily, Steaz has a good track record so I'm not that worried.

First sip: eh.....
Second sip: It has a strong tea taste with a chalky berry aftertaste.
Third sip and beyond: It definitely doesn't have a battery acid energy drink taste, which is good. I don't know if it's the lack of sugar, or the 0 calorie natural sweeteners in this but this is definitely not sweet enough for my taste. It has a real bitter taste. People who love green tea and yerba mate would probably love this, but not me.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/19/11, 12:21 PM
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Steaz Energy Orange

Steaz Energy Orange
I've been trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup lately. Anyone who has tried this knows how hard it can be. It's in everything! Even most ketchup has high fructose corn syrup as one of the main ingredients. I was feeling a little sleepy/exhausted from working all morning so I decided to take a walk to the Lexington Co-op to get some food and a drink. Since I was feeling sleepy, I thought an energy drink would be good. Luckily, the co-op doesn't carry anything with HFCS in it.

Now I've had some hits and misses in the past with "natural" energy drinks. Either they actually know what they're doing and it taste great, or it tastes really bland and almost worse than normal gross energy drinks you find at the gas station. Steaz usually makes good drinks so I opted to give this one a try. I must say, it's quite nice! It's a really good mixture of green tea and orange soda. Unlike most energy drinks, it's not heavy at all. It does leave a little bit of a weird aftertaste, but nowhere near as bad as most cans of battery ac.... I mean, energy drinks.
Iced Tea and Energy Drink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/18/11, 5:51 PM
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