Dunkin' Donuts - 21 Reviews

Dunkin' Donuts Cold Brew Chocolate Cherry

Dunkin' Donuts Cold Brew Chocolate Cherry
Thanks again, The Impulse Buy for making me wake up early to go to Dunkin' Donuts and get this. Both a sarcastic thanks and a non-sarcastic thanks. I saw the post and determined that I had to go. Sometimes even I fall for this stuff.

I go, I buy, I sit in my car with my "lightly buttered" bagel dripping in butter and I take a sip. A very important note to be made is that this is sweetened by its syrup so if you would like to eat solid foods into your golden years, do not think that it's going to come unsweetened and that you should get sugar when they ask. They didn't tell me, I rolled the dice, I won this round. I rarely win. I won.

It was good. It was very sweet but the more you drank, the better it got. You're not supposed to drink coffee so fast but when it's chocolate cherry cold brew, is it ever coffee anymore? I'm no purist but the percentage of coffee remaining is so low in the mix that it's more of a "coffee flavored drink" than a full fledged coffee. Do I care? Nope-ahh. I don't give a rip. It's good. I'd drink it again right now if I woke up a little bit earlier and could go "the long way" and pick one up. I'll most certainly get one this weekend. I might also advise that you get "light" syrup, though. As I said, it was missing a lot of the coffee taste I expect from, you know, coffee. I think they do it in "pumps" there so if you order a medium, as I do, they give you three pumps of flavoring. Half the time when I ask for "light syrup" they just smile with a glint of terror in their eyes as they pump more than the recommended dose. Other times it's fine. Rolling the dice every day of my life.
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Mike Literman on 4/4/19, 6:45 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Girl Scouts Peanut Butter Cookie

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Girl Scouts Peanut Butter Cookie
More Girl Scout cookies. The dense, fat kid in me enjoys Girl Scout cookies. Keep 'em coming. If I didn't have self-respect, I could crush a whole box. I mean, there are only like twenty cookies in each box, right? No problem. Dare me. Don't dare me. I don't need all those cookies. I have liquid cookies now.

With all due respect, this didn't really taste too much like the cookies. I could not pinpoint the flavor. If you (generously) bought this and put it in front of me, I would not be able to tell you what it was. That being said, it was not bad. It was sweet but not tooth-shatteringly sweet. Since I couldn't tell you what it was, I am not married to this guy. Between this and the previously drank Thin Mint, I would take the Thin Mint. Between the Thin Mint and the standard mocha swirl that I like to get, I would get the mocha. A limited time offer? It doesn't bother me at all.
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Mike Literman on 3/12/18, 5:50 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Thin Mint

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Thin Mint
Ahh limited edition flavors. They come and go so frequently that I don't know if things came or went. When it comes time to try Girl Scout Thin Mint iced coffee, I'm in. Sure, Samosa is working its way up the chart to my heart; Thin Mint is still on top. I drink one mocha iced coffee from Dunkin' per week so to add a little mint to it is a nice little gift.

In execution it's a little strange. You "get it" but you "get it" like when you see art and you understand what they're going for but it's not something that's for you. You taste the chocolate and that's fine but the mint is a little strange. I drank it and, you know, I might drink it again but it's not my favorite. Something was just a tiny bit off and I think the mint is close to the original but there is some sort of chemical imbalance that throws it off.

Big ups to The Impulsive Buy for the tip.
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Mike Literman on 3/9/18, 6:20 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee S'Mores

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee S'Mores
Where do I start with this...? It's not great. That's where I'll start. Before the similes and before the jokes, let's get to the marshmallow'y meat of this whole ordeal. It's not great. It tastes vaguely of marshmallow if you made a marshmallow with an array of chemicals...errrr...artificial sweeteners and then covered in more sugar. This time, and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here, real sugar.

This has more of a coffee taste than many of the other iced coffee's I've have, which is a welcome change but the rest of it...I feel like I might need a tongue scraper. It's a very prominent, strong taste that I wish I couldn't taste anymore. I'm not saying it's terrible and I'm going to barf, but after sharing half of this and finishing a half of what I had left, I don't know how much s'more endurance I have left in me. That's not a pun. I don't do puns. I'm better than that.

If you're wondering, I can't taste any chocolate or graham cracker. Marshmallow and coffee and endless questionable sweeteners. This will surly bring a plague of unknown disease upon my poor, meat-filled body. I just won't know about it for another twenty years when the test results come back. Prognosis...negative.
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Mike Literman on 5/31/17, 6:00 AM
Buy It
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Dunkin' Donuts Fruited Iced Tea Blackberry with Strawberries

Dunkin' Donuts Fruited Iced Tea Blackberry with Strawberries
Ahh. A nice, opaque tea in the morning. What better thing to start off the day? That's what I said to myself as I miraculously got my dumb son to school on time and still had time to buy this maroon treat for myself.

What is it? Well it's unsweetened black tea with an undisclosed amount of blackberry puree in it and some assorted chunks of strawberries. It's also available for a limited time so I thought, "I need to get this before it's too late!" as if I didn't get it, I would regret it for the rest of my life like the time that I wanted to see DJ Rashad in Toronto but couldn't find anyone to go with me and he died the next day. That type of regret.

She's good, though. I think there is so much puree that you can't taste any tea, though. "Problem" with that is that the puree itself is so good that you almost don't care and then hate yourself for saying such apathetic things about tea, the lifeblood of everywhere but America, who, ironically and allegedly, runs on Dunkin'. Every once in a while you're treated to a bullet to the back of your throat disguised as mushed up strawberry that is more fun than gross. If you might like tea, like fruit juice and enjoy working on your cheek muscles, this is a great summer drink for you.
Chunky and Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 5/10/17, 6:14 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Pistachio

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Pistachio
My brother is getting married. I am in Arizona and it is hot. Some might call it "a dry heat" but no matter which way you cut it, 87 degrees is hot. My poor, frail, pale Buffalo skin hasn't seen the sun since September so coming off a six month winter as we do most years, I am worried that I am going to burn to a beyond-aloe status.

What do I do when on "vacation?" Well besides eat huevos rancheros, I (apparently) go to Dunkin' Donuts and get new iced coffees because that's what I did tonight. Pistachio, that's what I chose as (I don't think) we have it in Buffalo. How was it? Well it was very light and worried me. It just looked like straight cream and I didn't have any idea what it was going to taste like. It ended up being pretty good, though. It tasted like pistachios, which is saying a lot since I would wager a guess that no actual pistachios have ever touched this mix. It tastes like pistachio ice cream, which I love and wish I had right now. If you're into that, add the essence of coffee and you might have a recipe for success.

Phoenix? We don't know who is going to win this battle but if I were a betting man, I would say that the odds are in your favor. At least I got to cool down for the ten minutes the Dunkin' Donuts was open before they closed at six which I find a little bit early but what do I know? Nothing. I don't live here and I don't know these people. I know nothing.
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Mike Literman on 4/14/16, 10:38 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Frozen Dunkaccino

Dunkin' Donuts Frozen Dunkaccino
Quite the Indian summer we're having, isn't it. Last year we couldn't drink frozen, frosty drinks with open hoodies in November. That's for truth. We couldn't drive down the street with our windows down listening to "Indian Summer" by Go West last year. No sir. This year is the friggin' tropics compared to last year. This time last year, Buffalo got seven feet of snow in a day. Look it up if you don't believe me. This winter has been a breeze comparatively, so nice that I ordered the previously mentioned frosty drink. A frozen Dunkacchino brought to me by my hard work and Dunkin' Donuts ability to put chocolate in everything. I don't know the difference between this and a mocha. It might be milk. This tasted creamier than that of a frozen mocha. I think I'm right attributing it to the milk. It didn't taste as much like coffee as I would have liked but it certainly wasn't bad at all. It was pretty good but it was like a nice, frozen dessert than a coffee related beverage. Fault? Eh, who needs it? They know what they're making and if it should have "coffee" in quotes then so be it. It's a beautiful day outside and I'm in no position to be judgmental over petty things like "not enough" this and "not enough" that. This is fine if you just want a frozen drink that almost doesn't taste like coffee.
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Mike Literman on 11/18/15, 4:51 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Oreo

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Oreo
Cookies. More cookies. Big ones. Small ones. Medium ones. Dark ones. Medium ones, again. Light ones? I don't think that I want anything like that here. That would involve white chocolate and no thanks, friends. No thanks.

You know what I want cookies in? Mostly everything, honestly. I don't drink coffee, as you boringly know. This though, man, all day. This is kind of spectacular. "Kind of spectacular" seems like an impossible status. What makes this good, though? Well the fact that it's a good split between Oreo syrup and coffee. Two things that are probably not great for you and together they're most certainly not good for you but you don't give a rip because you're an adult and you can't tell me what to do anymore, Dad! Wuh....what....where am I? I blacked out. What was I doing? I was doing a review? For what? Oh, Oreo iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. Let's start up that old engine again.

This is great. Well, was great. It's gone. Like Daryl Hall said many, many times at this point, "she's gone." I would like to take Daryl Hall out to Dunkin' Donuts. I would buy him this cheerful, summer drink. Maybe after that he wouldn't feel soul alone. See what I did there? Daryl. See what I did?
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Mike Literman on 6/17/15, 4:28 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo
Oh the summer series from Dunkin' Donuts is going hard. Last year was ice cream flavored drinks. This year? Cookies. I love cookies. Who doesn't love cookies, really? Men, women, teachers, murderers, clowns, baby sitters, arsonists, girls, firemen, security officers and even ladies love them.

When ordering this, the option was presented to me, "Coffee of vanilla?" which I answered overwhelmingly "Coffee, ma'am." I don't know if she heard me because there is little to no "coffee" in this but it is a Coolata which I think is as far from actual coffee. This is one rung away from milkshake territory.

You know what, though? It's really good. They put whipped cream atop with some Oreo crumbles to really finish it off. Look at me, "finish it off" like it's some sort of high-end garnish. It's cookies, dude. It's cookies in a milkshake, whipped cream and cookie crumbles on top. It's delicious. It's everything you want in your life. You lead a regular life. Take no extra chances and get this. You're not going to surprise anyone else in your white bread world if they "catch you" drinking this. You aren't going to surprise your mother who raised you on chicken noodle and bologna sandwiches. This is cookies. Liquid cookies. This is liquid cookies and it's fantastic. Hello summer. Welcome back. We've missed you.
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No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/8/15, 2:00 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Rocky Road

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Rocky Road
Rocky road is a pretty great ice cream. Chocolate, marshmallows and nuts. It's kind of the best things combined. This is a liquid version with coffee. Now, in typical Dunkin' Donuts fashion, I saw how it was "made" and was a bit let down. They're not good at keeping the curtain up between the "half coffee; half hot chocolate; mocha" debacle and now the fact that they just arbitrarily squirt flavor into coffee, it's just not full of surprises. Do I need to be surprised? No. Do I want to have the knowledge of where my food comes from and how it's made? Eh, to an extent. I still want to love hot dogs, you know?

Back to rocky road. It was actually pretty good. It would be something that you get once, and then love, and then get like eleven days in a row only to find out that it's clearly awful for you and you've got the jitters like you wouldn't believe and now your feening. Getting one and drinking one I can see how this would avalanche into an intervention. It's sweet, still tastes like coffee, has a good chocolate taste and although you don't get any nuts or marshmallow, it's still a nice treat to pick you up in the middle of a day. Just don't watch them make it because they squeeze all the fun out of everything.
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Mike Literman on 4/7/15, 9:39 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Latte Snickerdoodle

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Latte Snickerdoodle
Was there anything more disappointing that when you were in home economics in high school and they told you that you were going to make snickerdoodles only to find out that there is nothing similar between Snickers candy bar and snickerdoodle cookies? What a complete bummer. To this date, I still get mad when I eat snickerdoodles. It's not that they're bad but they're no Snickers. I'll make you a Snicker cookie that would blow the lid off any of your dumb grandma's prized, award winning snickerdoodle cookies. Oh, I know they won the blue ribbon in Tennessee in 1953 against Mabel Johnson's apple pie but who gives a rip. Snickerdoodles will always be second to something with chocolate, caramel and nuts.

This, as disappointing as it may be, isn't bad. It's coffee and snickerdoodle. It would be like if you had a coffee and dipped a snickerdoodle in it and it broke off and you just went with the flow and let it marinate. It's sweet but cookies are sweet so if you didn't see that coming, you truly don't know what you're eating and have no imagination.

Also, if there was a fight, my maternal grandma would crush your grandma in a cook off. My paternal grandma would lose every time. No, not because she's dead but because she was a pretty terrible cook. She was a wonderful woman who lived through the Holocaust. It didn't enhance her cooking skills but what each of my grandmas was doing in their twenties was polarizingly different.
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Mike Literman on 12/2/14, 12:19 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Dunkaccino

Dunkin' Donuts Dunkaccino
Like a scene right out of Chapelle Show's "Pop Copy" skit, I walked in to Dunkin' Donuts and the employees were talking about not committing a crime because it wasn't worth going to jail and having something on their record. Fantastic. I, for one, enjoy catching little gems like that. At least these people have some sort of personality and aren't just robots behind a counter pressing buttons. As long as it doesn't affect my food, continue on, please. I find myself right now asking myself what it is that wasn't worth it. In between jail talk I managed to ask what a Dunkaccino was. Her response was that it was like a mocha but with a powder. I have reviewed Dunkin' Donuts mocha and it was disappointing. Why? Because they advertised it to me as "Oh, you mean a half hot chocolate and half coffee?" pulling the sheet off the magic trick. This was described with a bit less blatancy.

This tasted like hot cocoa with a touch, a dash of coffee. It wasn't bad. It went down pretty smoothly as if it was somehow "lighter" than regular hot cocoa. Frothy, perhaps.

At the end of the day, I'll probably get the jitters from a minimum amount of coffee-based caffeine like a wimp but hey, if the glove fits.
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Mike Literman on 10/30/14, 2:19 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Hazelnut Swirl

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Hazelnut Swirl
What better way to start off a week than with a kind of slimy sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant and an iced coffee drink? Well, for starters, don't get the croissant because you knew it wasn't going to be good and second don't start off by going to the police station to retrieve a police report on an accident you were in over the weekend. That's how. I suppose that this drink may make my week start off a little bit better. Why? Well, it's not too bad, that's why. It was also served with a smile that felt sincere so that always helps.

This drink? Much of the same but the hazelnut flavor was pretty prominent. No, it didn't taste like Nutella which is partially what I wanted it to taste like but it also didn't really taste like coffee too much either. I'm so/so on that one. I wish that I had gotten my iced fudge almond thing but I saw a new drink and had to review it. Such is my life, right? Was this good? Yeah. It was good but slushie drinks in the morning are kind of, well, gluttonous. It was sweet and cold. It would have made a nice closer to my day rather than an opener. I'm planning things all wrong today now that I'm finishing this review. I might be off on a bad foot.
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Mike Literman on 8/11/14, 10:52 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Frozen Mocha Coffee

Dunkin' Donuts Frozen Mocha Coffee
Oh, you're right. I shouldn't have the whipped cream on top of this. Do you remember that time we went to that fancy restaurant, I got a small vanilla ice cream and diarrhea ran rampant? What a night? Good thing I had workout pants in the trunk of my car. What a mess. This drink is good without it, though. Oh, I got the...what is this called, frozen mocha coffee. Isn't it implied that mocha is coffee? It seems a bit redundant.

This is good, though hardly mocha, if you ask me. I don't get a lot of coffee. Last night when I said I was coming to bed, I've got to come clean about something. I have been catching up on Party of Five. I just never got around to it. I stayed up way too late and thought this might give me some pep but this seems like more of a chocolate Icee than a coffee and chocolate Icee. It's not quite coffeeless, a made up word, but it's precariously on the edge of being so.

I'm having order regret, though. I kind of wish I had gotten the whipped cream and suffered the consequences. I think that if I had stirred it in and made a whipped mocha coffee drink, it would have thickened it up and been something more substantial. Look, I'm not complaining, but I'm always looking to enhance my experiences, you know. I've got to say, this is a great second date. It would have been a shame if I got diarrhea again. Let's end this one on a solid note. Ha. Remember when I was talking about poop and then I talked about something being "solid." Ha. Good one, me.
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Mike Literman on 6/5/14, 3:14 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Arnold Palmer

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Arnold Palmer
I know people, adults, who drink copious amounts of Arizona Arnold Palmer. Copious. Too much. Yeah, I'll say it. Too much. Iced tea and lemonade or as it's nicknamed, "Half & Half" is great when you've got great ingredients. A good lemonade and a good sweet tea are some of the simplest drinks to make. Ready? For both there are only four ingredients and two of them overlap and one of those is water. Water, sugar, black tea, lemon. Done. There is more in this and you can tell because it has a strange viscosity. Not a common complaint among us Thirsty Dudes but this was an iced beverage that somehow never managed to taste iced. It just tasted like a twenty percent thick Arizona Arnold Palmer.

If I had my druthers, and this would most certainly not be the voice of the masses, I would have just used Dunkin' Donuts' sweet tea because it's pretty great. The lemonade, I don't know if Dunkin' sells it but they theoretically could and just do everything in house. I don't get the need for the "Arizona" registration mark unless Arizona is supplying the, presumably, syrup that is dastardly ruining this otherwise good drink.

This drink is not what you want it to be and is let down by the demand for name dropping and laziness. There. I said it. Sorry, America.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
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Mike Literman on 6/4/14, 10:55 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Cookies & Cream

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Cookies & Cream
Buying this drink made me realize one thing; I don't know how to order coffee. Dunkin' Donuts comes out with this new line of ice cream flavored iced coffee and people, much like me, are lured in. People, much like me, who don't order coffee line up around the corner like Bruce Springsteen tickets went on sale and it's 1987, in anticipation of new drinks.

I go to the little window and order a cookies and cream and the man says, "How do you want it?" to which I not very eloquently and with complete lack of knowledge of how coffee works, "I don't know. However it comes." to which I am challenged with that worst possible response, "It comes however you order it." and I sigh since there is nothing left inside of me as that response might has well have punched me in the stomach in which to knock all the air out and I say, "I don't know. One cream and one sugar." which passed the test and I was on my way.

Now I handled the cup from the little window on down to my cup holder and when I brought my hand back up, it smelled wonderful. It smelled like I was a kid and idiotically put my hands in ice cream. I looked forward to this drink. I got to work and started to drink. Something I must have left in the car was the flavor of this drink because it certainly was not in the cup. Did it jump out? Did it evaporate? Did they forget to put it in the cup and only put some on the outside of the cup? Who knows for sure but what I tasted and what I smelled were two different things. The contents of the cup were nothing more than an iced coffee that you could get anywhere. Yeah, it was good, but it wasn't anything that a regular iced coffee isn't. I assume they did everything right but this tastes nothing like I wanted or expected. What do I know besides gaining the sad knowledge of learning that I don't know how to order coffee like an adult and that when I drink coffee, I get awful shakes and probably shouldn't be drinking the stuff in the first place? Nothing, for I am truly and imbecile. I might as well put my hands in ice cream because I am no smarter than my dumb three year old son.
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Mike Literman on 4/7/14, 12:47 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Jamoca Almond Fudge Swirl

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Jamoca Almond Fudge Swirl
They taketh away and they giveth back. They recently closed my Arby's. Tears streaming down my face, right? Swimming in a sea of my salty sadness, I dealt with my loss of a local Jamocha shake. As soon as I shook it like a love lost, Dunkin' Donuts twists the knife and releases this guy and they do it well.

I don't know about "ice cream flavors" unless you're got very refined tastes but that's what this was released under the collection "Ice Cream Flavors." Cookie Dough and Butter Pecan yes. I have had those ice creams. Jamocha Almond Fudge Swirl sounds like a great ice cream that just doesn't exist yet. That being said I've got a small iced coffee version of it inside of me and am pleased to say that it can stay as long as it wants because it was rather great. Good coffee taste but well rounded by the chocolate and/or fudge. The almond I couldn't really get but I didn't miss it. Sure I love almonds and if I died today, the mortician would say, "Man, I can't believe that Dunkin' Donuts just kept stabbing him but this kid sure did eat a lot of almonds. Also here are all the pennies that he ate as a kid that didn't get digested. There is thirteen cents in here. Here, Tom, we'll split it since you're holding his ribcage open and have earned your cut."

A small was enough. Anyone who gets a larger one clearly doesn't know what a vegetable is and should be both mentally and physically evaluated.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
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High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/4/14, 11:56 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

Dunkin' Donuts Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate
I will tell you for those who do not already know, that one of the worst things ever is packing for a big move. I live in a small house and am moving to a slightly larger house but I have been packing non-stop for days. It feels like an eternity but I am slowly seeing everything I own broken down and crammed into boxes and put into a corner of my house. It still feels like there is so much more stuff to pack but I am finally, after today, in a place where I think that I see an end.

In doing so, I had three boxes of things that I had to donate. After I was done and they gave me a "receipt" which is a piece of paper that says, "The IRS uses the honor system when you claim donations." which I thought was very strange and lazy, I decided to go right down the street and get something warm. It was very cold today, as I am sure you all know since I believe the entire country is going through a cold front right now. I believe it was twenty degrees outside and at the time of writing this, it was snowing. I wanted a mocha, but then I saw a sign that promoted the salted caramel hot chocolate. Since I think it was seasonal, I had to get it.

After waiting for it to decrease from the temperature of the sun, it was time to drink. I leaned in my house, in my kitchen, surrounded by both full and empty boxes, and took sip after sip and just cleared my head. This was a good, well-balanced drink. The caramel smoothed it out, the base hot cocoa was there and the salt was not overpowering and gave it a nice sweet and salty taste. It's a nice change of pace for the lovers of hot cocoa in times like these. Cold times. Winter times.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
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Mike Literman on 12/8/13, 11:28 PM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Hot Chocolate

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Hot Chocolate
On iced tea day, I intended on only drinking iced tea. That is until I saw a commercial for cold hot chocolate and had to switch things up a little bit. I'll get to you tea but as it is, I drink more iced tea per week than an entire family.

I went to Dunkin' Donuts and humiliatingly ordered "Midgees" which I guess was the old name for "Munchkins" and I think the cashier picked on me but I can't be sure so I have to let them get away with it. Then they didn't have anything but glazed ones anyhow so it really didn't matter what I called them. Nothing but problems with that place. Then I got this drink and I was ready to go.

Now this drink is simple, right? It's hot chocolate but cold. They "Icee" it up a little bit using their super crushed Coolata ice. I don't know how they do it but it's nice. It's nice for a limited time and then it just turns into a regular, flat drink. I drank about half this as something special and then the second half, as far as I am concerned, was just chocolate milk. As you can see in the picture, they just have chocolate syrup in there anyhow. It's not like they invented anything here. They just made something hot cold and blended it in a machine that they use to make other things in.

Sure, it's good. Sure I would get another. It's hardly breaking down any barriers. I know they're not trying to do that and I'm not trying to judge them too harshly. I don't know what I would do to improve that aside from things on my part. Number one would be to get a smaller drink so that I can enjoy it as it was intended in its entirety. Second would be to drink it faster and not care about the inevitable impending brain freeze or actually enjoying the drink. I think that the first option is the better one. Smaller. I didn't need all that I got anyhow. I think I ordered a small but they might have given me a medium. Maybe I got a medium. They probably just proved me right and just got my order wrong again.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
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Mike Literman on 6/10/13, 11:02 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo in Coffee

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo in Coffee
Hey dude. Check out that chick right there. So hot. I'm so glad we came to "Big Wet" instead of going to that theme park with the water park in it. They've got a Dunkin' Donuts right across the street. Do you want anything? I'll get my hand stamped and come right back.

Here you go. Oh, this? It's an Oreo Coolatta. It's pretty good. Want to try it? Yeah, it tastes mostly like Oreo cookies and not a lot like coffee. Would I have appreciated a bit more coffee? Yeah. Did someone just scream? Maybe it was some kids going down a waterslide. Yeah, I would have appreciated a bit more coffee but look at all the cookie in here. It's a fine grind, but I've got to say that there are two or three ground up cookies in this drink. It's sweet and man is it big. This twenty-four ouncer is a medium. No one needs this much but you know what? It's hot out.

Dude! Did you see that!? That! Right there! That hot chick is missing a leg! She had one a minute ago and now she doesn't. That was a hot leg. Why am I making jokes? Is that kid missing a hand? What the heck is going on? Is that pool filled with blood? Woah! Did you see that?! A piranha just jumped out of the water and bit that girl's neck. We've got to get out of here. Where's Carl? Is he still in the pool? Carl!! Carl!! Get out of the pool! No, you are not safe on that raft. Those piranhas are everywhere and they're eating people. Get out of the pool. Yes, you can have the rest of this Coolatta just get out. Oh, great. You see, Carl, you idiot? You stayed in and now you've got a piranha on your arm. Get that thing off and let's just get out of here. It's still nice out. We can still make it to that theme park and go on that roller coaster once we get you all bandaged up. Man, that piranha did a number on you. Just put some of these napkins on it. It will be fine.
Milkshake and Coffee
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Mike Literman on 8/7/12, 10:27 AM
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