Cane Sugar - 601 Reviews

RISE Nitro Blood Orange Coffee

RISE Nitro Blood Orange Coffee
I'll have the 2-2-2, please? Egg? Ugg, scrambled. Sausage. Pancakes please. Oh, chocolate chip pancakes. Oh, to drink? Umm. You know what? I'll have a coffee and an orange juice. Thank you.

Wow. That was fast. Oh, it's made before hand and microwaved and brought to me? You can hardly taste the difference. If I wasn't such a scumbag, I might complain but it's garbage food to begin with so I'm fine with it. Why...why are you making that face? Oh yeah, I like to pour orange juice into my coffee. It cools it down and gives it a citrus taste. Is it good? Well it's not...poison. I don't know why I do it. I've been doing it seemingly forever. Wait wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut? You have a drink that tastes like orange juice and coffee mixed together? You can save me the painstakingly large amount of drinking half my orange juice straight like a savage and then pouring scalding hot coffee into my orange juice cup? How it is? It tastes exactly the same? Does it have the same, strange orange citrus taste mixed with the strange bitterness of coffee? You don't say. Well Darlene, I will take one to go and I will tip you handsomely. No, I'm not calling you handsome. Well I did notice that you have a moustache and while it looks good on you I wasn't going to say anything about it. Well I didn't know if you were going for something and I thought it to be none of my business. Darlene, take this $5. It's yours. Cash. Take it. I'll take this can of Rise Nitro Blood Orange Coffee and drink it in the car on the way to clown college. Yes Darlene, you heard me correctly. I'm a grown man going to clown college. My life isn't going exactly as planned.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/13/19, 11:45 AM
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Archer Farms Cold Brew Mocha

Archer Farms Cold Brew Mocha
Oh cold brew. What did you do to me? Now I drink coffee? Thirty years I didn't touch the stuff and then all of a sudden "maybe coffee ain't that bad." You jerk. While I only drink one cup a day in the morning, it's still there and wasn't before. It makes me more "adult" than I care to be. Regardless, I now buy and drink coffee like some suit bastard.

How is this? It's a bit syrupy. If I could take the words out of the colleague that I let/made try it, he said that it tasted like the mocha was some sort of syrup that had taken over. It tasted like mocha coffee but the chocolate was very lingering and overpowering. I didn't hate it but it could have been backed off a bit. First sip was great but after a while, you kind of realized that something was happening.

I don't think this was terribly expensive and it's only 70 calories so would I buy it again? Eh, maybe. There's enough "mocha cold brew" out there that you don't have to be married to just one. It's a wonderful, polyamorous world for cold brew. It's like the Utah of the coffee world. Does that make sense? It's the singles cruise for coffee? What I'm getting as is that if you can sleep around, do it. Don't get married too soon. Plenty of cool boobs and butts out there to discover. This is no longer a review of coffee and has taken a PG turn. Shield your eyes, children. Mike's talking about sweater meat again.
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/4/18, 12:41 PM
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Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime

Hydro One Bode Lemon Lime
I need to start polling everyone I come across like a crazy person and ask whether or not they A. like lemon lime and B. would ever purchase something that was lemon lime flavored for themselves if other options were available. I don't mind the flavor personally, but I could not tell you when the last time was that I purchased something that was lemon lime (with the exception of things to review for this site). If I were forced to take a guess I would say that it was somewhere between 15 and 20 years ago. It's just a boring, base flavor for me.

This is a solid, albeit diet tasting, lemon lime sports drink. I'm sure the company will roll the eyes at this but think Gatorade and you are pretty close. I'm sure if I drank them back to back I could pick out the differences, but from memory they are close, and that is a good starting point. A big difference is that this is sweetened with a combination of cane sugar and a stevia extract, so it's at least somewhat healthier than corn syrup and sucralose. It's got a little bit of a thickness too it, but it doesn't venture into the land of the syrupy. Overall it's not bad, and a nice option to have.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydro OneWebsite@DrinkHydroOne
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/3/18, 11:46 AM
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Summit Craft Wild Cola

Summit Craft Wild Cola
There is only one thing wild about this cola and that is the sweet pup that adorns its label. That little dude looks like he takes no guff. Unfortunately we, as drinkers, have to take some guff when we are consuming this soda. As my ladyfriend pointed out, “It tastes like someone was making a cola, got distracted and then forgot to finish it.” Yet somehow this unfinished soda made it to market. This tastes lower than store brand. That's right I would choose a corn syrup laden generic can of soda over this glass bottled “craft” soda any day. This is weak and it only hints at cola without ever actually fully tasting like one.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/2/18, 6:57 AM
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Summit Craft Root Beer

Summit Craft Root Beer
Summit is an Aldi instore brand, and my has Aldi come a long way since their discount beginnings. When Mike and I moved into our first apartment together we shopped way too much at Aldi, because it was all we could afford. The food was mostly trash, but we survived and hey they had cheap produce. In recent times I believe Aldi has made it a policy that all food stuffs sold in the store must be organic. As a result the quality has skyrocketed. There are a variety of different veggie burgers, fancy juices, almond milk, and who can forget that delicious white bean basil hummus that I cannot get enough of. They have also stepped up their beverage game with some cane sugar sweetened sodas.

Now there is nothing wrong with this root beer. It is perfectly serviceable. It is also pretty mediocre. I don't drink much soda these days, so when I do I want to make sure it's worth the stress on my aging body. This doesn't really pass that test. When I was younger I would have ate this up, because the quality to price ratio is just right. I'm at a point in my life where I don't mind paying a little bit more for something that is of the highest quality. The thing that is great about this though is that hilarious dog on the label. I can't tell if he's a bi-plane pilot or a biker dog. Either way I would totally give him some treats and belly rubs.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/23/18, 1:16 PM
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Tran Quini Positively Relaxing Drink Sparkling Hibiscus

Tran Quini Positively Relaxing Drink Sparkling Hibiscus
Well this is delicious. Hibiscus is the new pomegranate and I could not have been happier. The first time I came across this wonderful flavor was in 2009 when I was in Europe and we stopped by our driver's mother's house. She made us lunch and made us lemonade with hibiscus from her garden. It blew my mind and I drank far more than my fair share. When I returned home I searched for more beverages of this flavor and slowly but surely they started to pop up as the years went by.

While I prefer hibiscus mixed with cinnamon and other spices, I have no qualms with it plain either. In here it's fairly standard plain hibiscus, but it is still more than tasty. It's sweetened but not overly sweet with 17g of sugar. That does not detract from the main flavor at all. In addition there is chamomile, lemon balm, and theanine from green tea in the mix. Even with these ingredients, it is not a sleepy relaxation drink, but more of a de-stresser. That is something I needed as I stayed in an apartment right next to the BQE in Brooklyn. The constant stream of cars filled with people traveling to and from work is rather unnerving and prone to give me anxiety. So thanks Tran Quini for getting me through that ordeal.

Relaxation and Sparkling
Tran Quini
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/19/18, 6:46 AM
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Coca-Cola California Raspberry

Coca-Cola California Raspberry
Look what finally showed up in Western New York. I know these have been out for a while now, and I have been keeping my eyes open, but it took months to make it to my market. Was it worth the wait? Hmmmm…€¦I guess so. It's pretty damn tasty. If you know me and my beverage drinking habits, then you probably know that I have a real soft spot for Cherry Coke. When I'm completely exhausted and thirsty as all hell, there is just something about an ice cold can of Cherry Coke that satisfies me like no other beverage can. Welp, that sound mega ultra creepy. I assure you all of the pleasure culminates in my taste buds. This is very similar to that, with just a little more in the flavor. I'm not sure if it's better or worse. I think I may prefer the old standby because I associate so many life events with it. This is new and it's going to take some building. It certainly has a raspberry flavor to it, but it is a bit syrupy. A few friends said it tasted like cough syrup. I don't agree with them at all. This is coke with raspberry in it. It's exactly what you would expect and that is nothing to slouch at.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/4/18, 1:45 PM
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CannaHemp Premium Energy Drink Original

CannaHemp Premium Energy Drink Original
Well, we have this new energy drink that we need to name that is made out of cannabis. Oh wait let's use the word hemp instead. I feel like that won't be so obvious for all of the suburban moms that like to complain about everything. Holy…€¦stop the presses, I have it! What are we serving these in? That's right, cans. It's a can of hemp, but to go back to our original word cannabis, we can have some wacky word play and go with Cannahemp. Sure, we may have to deal with more uptight people, but that is a pun that is too good to pass up. Now it's me, the reviewer breaking the 4th wall. Yes I made fun of the name, but honestly it's great. It is clever in a goofy way that I love and I support it. Also, anyone who wants to complain about hemp use in a thing like this is a moron. Of course something sold in a mass market that you don't need a prescription, or a “weed card” for is not going to contain THC and you are not going to get high from it. So you can calm down and if any of you youngsters out there have friends who drink this and they say it gets you high, let it play out so that they do some dumb stuff that they think is what being high is and then after a bit call them out and embarrass their lying asses.

This is not the first hemp/cannabis beverage that I have partaken in. Most of them tastes kind of like rope, except for the one I had from Canna Energy, which I believe is the old branding of this company, if the logo is any indication. Reading back on that review I found it to be pretty gross. If it is the same company they have either reformulated, or something was wrong with that original can I had. This does not taste spoiled, but it also does not taste like rope. It tastes like a very sweet green candy that is perhaps a mix between a green apple Jolly Rancher and some other green Wonka-esque confection. It is not my favorite, but I am also not grossed out by it. It gave me the energy I was searching for and I was easily able to get it down without complaining. That's a win in my books. There is still some room for improvement, but it's better than my last dalliance with the beverage.
Energy Drink
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/21/18, 9:15 AM
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Peet's Coffee Cold Brew Dark Chocolate

Peet's Coffee Cold Brew Dark Chocolate
My parent's, specifically my mom, never goes anywhere. Heck, she probably goes weeks at a time without leaving the county. So when we were in Phoenix for my brother's wedding a while back, she tried like crazy to get Peet's Coffee. You can't get it here. I assume it's like Western New York's local favorite franchise Tim Horton's. My uncle or someone said that it was great so she tried to find it while she was wildly out of her comfort zone. I bet I could count on one hand the amount of times my mom has been on an airplane.

I found this bottle of Peet's at a Target. Right around the corner from home and nowhere near Arizona or wherever Peet's is local to. I saw "dark chocolate" and "cold brew," audibly said, "Yup!" and headed for the checkout. I tried it today and it is awesome. It's also hardly coffee. It's just chocolate milk for adults. It's more coffee flavored chocolate milk than vice versa. It did have a great coffee taste and the dark chocolate was very good, too but let's call a spade a spade here, dude. This is not exactly a refined person's coffee. It's at least 50% chocolate milk. It's very good. It's very but not too sweet. I would absolutely get it again but certainly not when I needed some pep in my step. Just for when I want coffee and chocolate simultaneously.

My mom couldn't even drink this. I gave her Dunkin' Donuts' new brown sugar cold brew and she made quite the face at me. This would do something unimaginable to her. I think she likes her coffee like she likes her men.
Peet's CoffeeWebsite@peetscoffee
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Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/11/18, 10:41 AM
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Me & the Bees Lemonade Prickly Pear

Me & the Bees Lemonade Prickly Pear
True story: Just outside of Buffalo there is a barn whose side has been painted with a mural of bees and it says “When we go we're taking you all with us.” With the numbers of bees on this planet dropping that is a terrifying thought. They do a lot of good here on Earth, and their disappearance is concerning. Mikaila (the human child that helped form the company that makes these lemonades knows this a problem so she donates some of her profits to organizations who are working to help the bees. If you don't think this is wonderful in itself, keep in mind that she started doing this when she was 11. She's a better person than most adults I know and that is before you take into account that her drinks are delicious.

This lemonade is made with real lemon juice and cane sugar. In my opinion a beverage that does not have those two ingredients isn't lemonade, but you'd be surprised with what companies try to pass off. It also has honey in it, you know, because of the bees). This proper beverage is tart and refusing with some sweetness to even it out. On top of all of that there is prickly pear in here, which is actually not a pear at all, but a cactus. It adds a nice fruity flavor that is vaguely melon tasting. Overall it's quite tasty and with the weather finally breaking it's a nice treat. Maybe I'll drive out to the mural and sip on a bottle pretending that I'm a street tough with a soft spot for bees and an indifference to the human race.
Me & the BeesWebsite@MikailasBees
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/22/18, 1:19 PM
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Me & the Bees Lemonade With Ginger

Me & the Bees Lemonade With Ginger
This is a re-branding of Bee Sweet and here is our review when it was called that:

Want to hear the most adorable thing you'll come across all day? This company is owned by an 11 year old lady named Mikaila. It started when she was trying to come up with an idea for a children's business competition. She got stung by a bee, twice and received her grandmother's cookbook with the lemonade recipe in it. Through that she became obsessed with saving bees and donates a percentage of her profits to organizations working to help bees. It kind of makes you feel like you've wasted your life, right? I wish I cared about anything as much as this girl cares for bees. In doing so she also produces a delicious beverage.

The ingredients in this are water, lemon juice, cane sugar, honey, ginger and flaxseed. It's simple. It's delicious. It has digestive benefits. You can also feel good spending your money on it because you're helping a child help bees. The ginger and the lemons overpower the honey a bit, but you can still taste it. I like when beverages taste heavily of honey, but I'm not one to argue with ginger (which has a kick that's on the mellower side in here).

I'm not going to spend the rest of the day staring at the wall trying to figure out how I can be a better person.
Ginger and Lemonade
Me & the BeesWebsite@MikailasBees
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/30/18, 3:54 PM
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Moneybag Root Beer

Moneybag Root Beer
Gene Simmons of Gene Simmons Toyota has released his own line, AKA signed the rights to his name, to a pop company. Is the pop any good? Is a Toyota Corolla purchased from Gene Simmons Toyota any good? Yeah, it's fine. It's root beer. Much like a Corolla, it's fine. It does what it's supposed to do and does it well. It isn't exceptional but it's reliable. I didn't know that the pop game was so large that just anyone could say, "Oh, I have the chance to make a million dollars so I'm going to stamp my reputable and honorable name on the line so people can drink my pop."

Would I drink this again. Yes. Was it good. Yes. Would I buy a car from him? Eh, why not. Some root beer is good and some root beer is great. This root beer was good but, like a Corolla, a good root beer is a dime a dozen.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/12/18, 8:22 AM
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X2 Performance All Natural Energy Raspberry

X2 Performance All Natural Energy Raspberry
Do you like teas the taste vaguely, and lightly, like raspberry? Do you want the same amount of energy you would get from drinking almost any old iced tea, but only have to drink half the quantity? If you fall into this category you are someone who lives a very specific life and good news, this tea is for you!

I really have nothing bad about this. Nor do I have anything really great to say about it either. See my complaints in my other reviews of their products for non-taste related things. Flavorwise it's pretty unremarkable, but again there is nothing bad about it. It's just there and sometimes that is what a drink needs to be.
Iced Tea
X2 PerformanceWebsite@X2PERFORMANCE
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/2/17, 5:00 PM
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Odwalla Almond Milk Shake Snickerdoodle

Odwalla Almond Milk Shake Snickerdoodle
You call it snickerdoodle. I call it horchata. This is tastes more like the traditional beverage than it does a fancy cookie I would spend far too much money on in a coffee shop in the late 90s. The difference s is that Instead of rice it's made from almonds and pea protein. It's a tad sweeter than I wanted, but it is flavorful. It goes beyond the "this tastes like the milk left over after I ate cereal" I into more of its own thing. It's vanilla. It's cinnamon. It's almonds. It's quite tasty.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/24/17, 6:24 AM
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X2 Performance All Natural Energy Lemon Flavored

X2 Performance All Natural Energy Lemon Flavored
Sometimes I feel like companies are taking things a bit too far with calling things energy drinks. This is just a mixture of black and green tea. Yes, I know that caffeine gives you energy, but with that logic every tea should be labeled an energy drink. The X2 name also makes it seem like it's going to be a crazy ride, when really it's just 106 mg of caffeine per can.

All of that nonsense aside it tastes like a fairly light tea that is very heavy on the lemon. The combination of the two teas is nice, but I would have liked it to be a bit stronger.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
X2 PerformanceWebsite@X2PERFORMANCE
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/11/17, 6:14 AM
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Joe Tea Energy

Joe Tea Energy
I am a big fan of Joe Tea, but unfortunately it's not available around Buffalo, or at least so I thought. Out of all of the places I would find this product at an antique mall was pretty low on my list. Yet, there it was amongst the overpriced porcelain and the furniture I generally like, but can't justify paying so much for. Why was I at said antique mall you might ask? Well, let me tell you I was there to look for a cabinet to put the taxidermy coyote I recently bought on. Yes, I am a 20+ year vegetarian and yes I have a bunch of taxidermy. It's all older than I am and I really want my house to look like the grandfather's from Lost Boys. Either that or a museum.

So there I am, wondering why a toy from a cereal box is marked $60 that I had about a dozen of when I was a kid when I glance up and see the cooler filled with Joe Tea. It was a glorious site, especially when I noticed this new flavor.

This is basically their great half and half with more caffeine added. It's the Jolt of iced tea. I can't complain. I haven't tasted them back to back, but in my memory it tastes the same as the regular version, which I love. It tastes like tea. It tastes like lemonade. It tastes like playing golf. Wait, no. That's just a name. It's just delicious and it's sweet without being overwhelming. It's what I want and it's what I got and I'm a happy shopper besides going home empty handed otherwise.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
Joe TeaWebsite@JoeTea
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/7/17, 1:27 PM
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X2 Performance All Natural Energy Strawberry Kiwi

X2 Performance All Natural Energy Strawberry Kiwi
Yes, I know that caffeine is a source of energy, but when it's the only source of energy in a beverage I don't really think of it as an energy drink. X2 has, as the name suggests, two sources of caffeine; black and green tea. Even with that combo the 106mg of caffeine isn't much more than the 95mg that one would find in a cup of coffee. It still does give you a little boost though, especially if you are like me and are sensitive to caffeine.

Not only are their two types of tea in here, but there are also two different sweeteners; cane sugar and clover honey. The result is 33g of sugar per can. So with a ton of tea and sugar you would expect ot know what you are getting yourself into, but the truth is it doesn't taste much like tea. In fact, it tastes more like a kiwi strawberry tea Gatorade type drink. It's like a flavored water and not tea. I actually like the taste, but at first I expected it to be carbonated, because I expect all energy drink to be so, until proven wrong. Then I expected it to be tea heavy, and it was not. This is nothing what I thought at all. It still is a little bit of okay though.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
X2 PerformanceWebsite@X2PERFORMANCE
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/28/17, 7:15 PM
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Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana

Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana
I've been in Australia for about two weeks now. Let me tell you, eating vegetarian and avoiding eggs and cheese is not an easy task here. As a result I've spent my fair share of time at grocery stores cobbling together meals that I don't need to cook. I kept seeing 4-packs of this ginger beer, but I've been trying to limit my soda intake so I was hoping I would come across single cans in a gas station. It didn't happen, but I did find a 4-packs today on sale for less than a single bottle of Bundaberg is, so I grabbed it to share.

This is fantastic. I wasn't quite sure how the guarana would mingle with the ginger, but they got "right chatty" as I'm sure someone around here would say. As it turns out they combine into something great. The result really reminds me of Skeleteens sodas from the 90s (Brain Wash/Love Potion 69).
The ginger doesn't have a typical burn. It's transformed into something new. It tastes intense and almost hurts your throat to drink it. I mean that in a very positive way. So much for limiting my soda and sharing. My mom is going to be so disappointed in me.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:38 AM
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Private Selection Irish Cream Cream Soda

Private Selection Irish Cream Cream Soda
I have never had an Irish Cream before. In fact I wasn't quite sure what it was. I assumed it was some sort of creamy liquor that people put into coffee, hence the saying “Irish up your coffee.” Look at me putting the obvious dots together. Turns out I was correct. One thing I do know in the world of Irish Cream is Baileys and the reason I actually know anything about Baileys is the Old Greg sketch from Mighty Boosh. It's the best thing the show ever created and it includes some fine art based on Baileys.

With all that said, this tastes pretty much how I would have expected it to. It's a cream soda with the tiniest hint of coffee in it. It's quite delicious and I'm enjoying it way more than I had anticipated. The coffee is there enough to make you notice it but it's subtle enough so that it is still primarily a cream soda and not just a coffee pop.
Coffee and Soda Pop
Private SelectionWebsite
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/27/17, 11:42 AM
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Matero Sparkling Yerba Mate

Matero Sparkling Yerba Mate
Germany may have Club Mate, but Canada now has Matero. Both are yerba mate sodas and both are phenomenal. I really wish I had a Club Mate here so I could do a side by side taste test. In my memory this tastes extremely similar, but I want to say that Matero may be a bit better. Mainly because I think it tastes a little less sweet. I love every sip of this. I'm well aware that this isn't for everyone. In fact, I think a majority of the population would turn their nose up at this, but those people are fools. Just because something isn't like a “normal” soda doesn't make it bad. I would definitely rather drink this over most sodas. It's just carbonated yerba mate tea with a little cane sugar in it. It packs a nice punch caffeine-wise and it's all done naturally. In my dreams this company will trickle down over the border and take over drink coolers everywhere. I may have to go across an ocean to get Club Mate, but I just need to cross a border 15 minutes away to enter Canada to get more of these.
Iced Tea, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/4/17, 6:41 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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