Snapple - 24 Reviews

Snapple Straight Up Tea Sorta Sweet

Snapple Straight Up Tea Sorta Sweet
While I was drinking this I kept thinking about the Red Rose tea my grandmother used to drink. Then I thought, wait I've drunk a tea that reminded me of that before, and I did a quick search and saw that I had reviewed Snapple Straight Up Tea, but nowhere did it mention that it was sorta sweet. The thing is that everything I was going to say about this, I said in that old review. I don't know if it's the same product just relabeled, or if it does have less sugar, but my review stands.

I think it might be a stone cold fact that every American elderly woman who was a grandmother in the late 80's/early 90's drank Red Rose tea. Mine certainly did and everyone I've questioned about it came back with an affirmative response. Red Rose ruled the tea world at that time, and as an added bonus, the boxes came with little animal (Wade) figurines, which were nice for the grandchildren; everyone was a winner.

As I drank this tea all I could think of was Red Rose. This tastes exactly like how my grandmother's tea would taste cold. It's a nice black tea with a bit of sugar in it. It's actually probably about a spoonful. This is a nice genuine tea. It's not particularly fancy, but it's just black tea and sugar with a little citric acid in it. I've had many a cup of tea in my life from all sorts of companies, and this has the very specific Red Rose taste. I had other try this to confirm my thoughts and we all agreed. So where…β‚¬Λœs my little figurine?
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 8/7/16, 8:29 PM
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Snapple All Natural Straight Up Tea

Snapple All Natural Straight Up Tea
I think it might be a stone cold fact that every American elderly woman who was a grandmother in the late 80's/early 90's drank Red Rose tea. Mine certainly did and everyone I've questioned about it came back with an affirmative response. Red Rose ruled the tea world at that time, and as an added bonus, the boxes came with little animal (Wade) figurines, which were nice for the grandchildren; everyone was a winner.

As I drank this tea all I could think of was Red Rose. This tastes exactly like how my grandmother's tea would taste cold. It's a nice black tea with a bit of sugar in it. It's actually probably about a spoonful. This is a nice genuine tea. It's not particularly fancy, but it's just black tea and sugar with a little citric acid in it. I've had many a cup of tea in my life from all sorts of companies, and this has the very specific Red Rose taste. I had other try this to confirm my thoughts and we all agreed. So where …β‚¬Λœs my little figurine?
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/31/14, 4:13 PM
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Snapple Keurig Lemon Iced Tea

Snapple Keurig Lemon Iced Tea
All of you guys have your fancy coffees in your fancy tiny cups. Ohhhhh you're soooo cool. Tiny cups for tiny cups of coffee. When is it my turn? Oh, it's my turn now? What do you mean they've had iced tea and regular tea for as long as they've had coffee? Why didn't anyone tell me? Yes, I do feel entitled to know these sorts of facts. I love tea and you guys should have told me. Yeah, I guess you are bad friends. Seriously, if I would have known about these options I would have gone a lot softer on you guys about the whole "tiny cups" thing. I guess it wasn't that hard on you guys. So what do I think? I like it. Even though it's not the primary sweetener, you can tell that there is something diety in there. What's in there? Uhhh...aspartame. Great. It's got a good lemon tea flavor but I would far rather have a bottle of this exact same tea from the store. I just think that it's better, that's why. You know, you're coming on pretty strong about this whole "tiny cups" thing. Are you really that offended? Yes? Really? Really. Well in that case maybe we shouldn't be friends any more. If things like that are going to break us apart than this friendship doesn't stand a chance. Good day, shopkeep.
Iced Tea and Keurig
United States
Mike Literman on 10/11/13, 1:50 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Lemonade

Snapple Lemon Daze Lemonade
Sometimes you decide that you're going to hike an 18 mile creek. You decide to do it in parts. Before you know it summer is almost over and you still have a bit of it you haven't explored. So you go out and hike it on an unseasonably nice day. The thing is that the area you have left to hike is much longer than you had anticipated. Eventually you get to where the creek ends on the map, and you find a pretty neat waterfall. Being the scientist you are you deduce that the water must be coming from somewhere so you climb up, almost falling numerous times. At the top you see that the creek goes on even further than you had thought. Being the dummy that you are you forgot your water in the car. You decide you reached your goal and your dehydrated and fed up with walking on uneven rocks, so you make your way through the woods to the road. The road back to your car is long (over four miles) and there are no stores on the way. You feel like you're going to die, and have convinced yourself that you need to go up to a house and knock to ask for a glass of water. At that moment you catch the scent of grapes in the air. Across the street there are rows and rows of grape vines, so you go steal a few handfuls, and hydrate yourself with their sour juice. The thing is you eat too many, and it starts to corrode your tongue. Eventually you make it back to the car, and of course your water is too hot to be refreshing, so you hightail it to a 711 and pick yourself up a bottle of lemonade.

Summer may be ending, but it's still hot for the time being, so why not sneak in one last bottle of the official beverage of the season? Snapple did it right with their Lemon Daze line. It has a ton of sugar in it, but that is the way lemonade is supposed to be. It's made with real lemon juice and it has a nice tartness to it. Unfortunately that tartness felt like hell on my grape corroded tongue, but I still enjoyed the drink. It cooled me down and refreshed me just the way I needed it to. Oh I also drank like a gallon of water, but it didn't taste nearly as appropriate as this. Oh, I seem to have slipped into the first person. That's just poor writing, but that's what you get with Thirsty Dudes.
United States
Jason Draper on 9/10/13, 10:50 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Pink Lemonade

Snapple Lemon Daze Pink Lemonade
If you are like us here at Thirsty Dudes you have probably drunk some pink lemonade, looked at the ingredients and said to yourself, “Wait, there is no berry juice in here, why is it pink? What makes pink lemonade pink?” Fear not, we have done the 30 seconds of research for you and here are our results.

First off, a lot of companies do use strawberries or raspberries to tint, and flavor their lemonade. That makes perfect sense. It's what I always expected to be the construct of pink lemonade. Over at the Huffington Post website they had an article about the origins of this delicious summer treat. Instead of paraphrasing, here is the exact text:

According to Josh Chetwynd, author of the book, "How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun," there are two main claims to the title of pink-lemonade inventor -- and neither of them sound very thirst-quenching. The first attributes this beverage to a salesman, by the name of Pete Conklin, who sold concessions at the circus. When working a shift in 1857, he ran out of water to make his lemonade (with no access to a nearby well or spring).
Rather than lose out on business, "Pete sprinted into the dressing tent and came across Fannie Jamieson, one of the show's bareback riders. She had just cleaned her pink tights in a vat of water, leaving the liquid looking a deep pink hue." He used the water without a second thought, and sold it as "fine strawberry lemonade." It's reported that he "did double the business of ordinary refreshment and, allegedly, ushered in a new style of the drink."
The second claim to pink-lemonade fame is also a result of a lemonade mishap. According to a 1912 New York Times article, Henry E. Allott -- a circus promoter, saloon-keeper and gambler -- was the originator of this drink. "One day while mixing a tub full of the orthodox yellow kind he dropped some red cinnamon candies in by mistake,” the newspaper wrote. “The resulting rose-tinted mixture sold so surprisingly well that he continued to dispense his chance discovery.” This article, written after Allott had passed away, claims that he invented this drink as a teenager, which would date it to roughly 1872-1873 -- 20 years after Conklin's story.

The first of those sounds absolutely terrible. The second has me intrigued. Those cinnamon candies have a very specific taste that isn't exactly like the spice, but it would go amazing with lemonade. Someone please point me in the direction of a company that makes their lemonade like that, or I'm going to have to try and make some myself.

I'm guessing that modern day companies, don't really use either way, and simply settle for food coloring, if they aren't adding fruit juice. That lemonade is a cop out if you ask me. All flash, no substance. Luckily, Snapple went with fruit juice, mostly for color, but it has a bit of flavor to it. A blind taste test proved this. The testy (get your mind out of your pants) could tell that this was not normal yellow lemonade. It's has a nice sweet, refreshing berry flavor that compliments the tartness of the lemon. For a prepackaged lemonade, that you can find in any city across the US, you could do a whole lot worse than this.
United States
Jason Draper on 7/1/13, 4:35 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Mango Lemonade

Snapple Lemon Daze Mango Lemonade
It was recently pointed out to me that the time from the release of Dazed and Confused until now it longer than the time when the movie is supposed to take place until it was released. That seems crazy and it makes me feel so damn old. I remember when that movie came out. It was so long ago that it was pre straight edge me, and I hung out with a bunch of stoners all the time, who always wanted to watch The Wall high. You can all breath a sigh of relief that I didn't participate in that, but I did remember agreeing with everyone that we all needed to be stoned to watch Dazed and Confused. I don't think anyone had any weed, so it never happened and we just watched it sober…€¦I think.

This is all way too much information that only seems relevant due to the fact that both the movie and this drink's names contain some form of the word “daze.” I'll tell you where it comes in, I love that movie now even more than I did when I was a teenage dirtbag. The story of teenagers starting kicking off the opening night of summer break is wonderful and heartwarming. What way to celebrate summer than with a nice cold lemonade? Snapple thought the same thing and released its new line just as summer was coming around. Some people, the characters in the movie included, would probably prefer to down a frosty beer, but I'll stick with my lemonade…€¦especially one like this.

As soon as you twist off the cap the most pleasant fruity scent enters your nostrils and you know you're in for a good time. The mango flavoring is perfect. Even though mango juice isn't listed on the ingredients list, they do a good job of making it taste just like the fruit. The lemonade base is nothing to scoff at either, although I could have done with a little less sugar in order to up the tartness just a little. I just looked and there are 45g of sugar in here, maybe “a little less sugar” should have been “cut the sugar in half.” Even with it's cavity creating powers this is a drink to be reckoned with and I will be enjoying a quite a few on the hot days and long nights to come. On those nights don't be worried about how many you drink when you climb the water tower. The only way they could make you fall is if you have terrible balance when you obviously pee off the top like any red blooded American would.

United States
Jason Draper on 6/26/13, 6:23 PM
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Snapple Keurig Peach Iced Tea

Snapple Keurig Peach Iced Tea
You make coffee, hot, tea, espresso, and iced tea? Keurig. You've really done it. You also don't make garbage sweet tea. You can cram some real magic in those little cups. I feel like a giant holding a cup of yogurt when I handle those things. I'm a short giant, like twenty feet tall. Does that scale correctly? I would say that it's a third the size of a cup of yogurt so three times of what I am now would be between eighteen and twenty feet. I gave myself the benefit of the doubt and said an even twenty. Twenty feet sounds a lot bigger than eighteen feet for something reason. For the same reason that $10 sounds like a lot more than $9.99.

This tastes like a peach iced tea. Big whoop, right? It comes from a cup of dust so give it a break. It could have given you a lot less and you have gotten a lot less without the restriction of the ingredients being crammed into a tiny cup. If anything, my sole gripe would be that it's a bit too sweet. I really mean "a bit." It's enough to bump it down a rung.

Put more things in these mystery cups and let me make it myself. I want some different stuff like sweetened yerba mate with cinnamon in it or something. Experiment, science dudes and dudettes. That's why you got into that racket, isn't it? To make me a custom tailored drink that around twelve people will really enjoy?
Iced Tea and Keurig
United States
Mike Literman on 6/26/13, 4:47 PM
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Snapple All Natural Raspberry Peach

Snapple All Natural Raspberry Peach
Snapple was one of the first “big” companies to make the switch back to real sugar from high fructose corn syrup. I for one was a happy camper. As you may know if you are one of the three people who actively read this website, that aren't me (I'm looking at you Mike and Neuland), HFCS destroys my stomach if I drink more than one bottle of something with it in it within a week. Snapple was a savior for me on the road. It some something that I knew would be in every rest stop and gas station. It allowed me to mix things up from water and straight up apple and orange juice. At that point there were maybe only 4 or 5 flavors in their “All Natural” line, but since then they've been cranking them out. In an age when there is a decent selection of non-corn sweetened beverages regularly available I started taking them for granted. Trying this drink I realize I'm an idiot. This is pretty darn good. Sure it's sweet as all hell, but sometimes you get “the tooth” and you need to serve it as your master. Would this be better with less sugar? Of course it would, what juice wouldn't be?

The weird thing about this is that pear juice is one of the main ingredients, above any other juice. Now, a lot of companies use apple juice to stretch the juices they use, but I've never run across a company using pears for that self same thing. It's one of those things that you would never taste if you didn't know, but once the knowledge enters your mind grapes you can taste it. Luckily the peach flavor overpowers any other flavor, with raspberry riding shotgun. The pear juice is nice and tied up in the trunk where unsuspecting people would have no idea…€¦just where pears belong.
United States
Jason Draper on 4/21/13, 1:13 PM
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Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Peach Passionfruit Tea

Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Peach Passionfruit Tea
About five years ago Snapple released their "All Natural" line. I for one was ecstatic. It was around the time that I realized that if I drank beverages that were sweetened with corn syrup it would destroy my stomach (yes I am dumb and I still drink them sometimes). It was just before the big anti-HFCS boom, so having a new beverage I could enjoy without having to deal with some pain was greatly appreciated. Now that some time has passed they are expanding that line to include a few flavors that are "Lightly Sweetened."

This country sure loves its sugar. Even though this has less sugar than their normal version it is right to the limit of how sweet I think drinks should be allowed to be in an ideal world. It is by no means unsweetened, or even "Just a Tad Sweetened," like Honest Tea. It's pretty sweet, but I appreciate the effort in trying to wean the public off so much sweetness.

As far as the actual flavor goes, they certainly got this one right. The peach and passionfruit blend together perfectly, as if to make one new ultimate fruit. It also does not have an overly bitter flavor like white tea tends to have. It all just blends together very nicely.

Snapple, I like what you've done here and I'm excited to try the rest of this line.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 12/4/12, 10:49 AM
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Snapple Diet Half and Half

Snapple Diet Half and Half
Since we intake so many calories from consuming drinks all the time, I have actually come to look forward to diet drinks. 80% of the time they taste horrible, but every once in a while you'll find one that surprises you. This is one of those instances. Usually diet iced tea is really gross and tastes like a barrel of chemicals. Somehow Snapple has managed to keep the toxic taste out of this half and half. I have a feeling the lemonade might have something to do with it, but I'm not complaining.

As a half and half, this is just "okay". It's not the worst, but it's far from the best. It's middle of the road. Medicore, so-so, or any other way you want to put it.
Diet, Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/10/12, 1:00 AM
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Snapple Refreshing Green Tea

Snapple Refreshing Green Tea
A few years ago Snapple switched over to their “All Natural” line. I was completely stoked because it wasn't that long before then that I discovered that HFCS played a key role in causing the hell that went on in my stomach every night. I probably ingested far more bottles of the new teas than any one human should. It wasn't too much later that I started to see these cans pop up in gas stations. They were about half the price of the glass bottles, so I was understandably interested in them. I quickly realized that while the glass bottles were sweetened with cane sugar, the cans still used HFCS. I never understood why that was. I can't imagine that cane sugar is that much more expensive, since a bunch of other companies use it and keep their prices low. Perhaps some people (I'm looking at the folks from the UK) actually preferred the HFCS version and complained. I will never understand that.

This flavor is what companies want you to think that green tea tastes like. In reality it is reminiscent of green tea you would brew at home in only the most distant of ways. There is so much “sugar” in this that it tastes more sweet than anything. It tastes less like green tea than the Arizona tall boys do. If you're just in the market for an inexpensive sugary drink, perhaps you'll like this. If you're actually a fan of green tea I would probably skip over this one and grab one of the Snapple All Natural teas instead.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/3/12, 6:05 PM
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Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Cherry Pomegranate

Snapple All Natural Lightly Sweetened Cherry Pomegranate
These are dangerous times guys, dangerous times. They are dangerous times to be a small company because large companies are getting smarter and making some awesome products. Snapple, in my eyes, was long forgotten for a long time and then in the last couple years they ramped it up and now make delicious tea. That's why it drives me crazy when I see small companies using garbage ingredients. You know that Snapple could make way more if it used worse ingredients but there is someone digging their feet in ensuring that doesn't happen.

This tea is pretty great. I've been doing this for long enough to know different varieties of tea and flavoring. This is a lightly sweetened (both as advertised and as practiced) white tea. It's good. I would like it if this was just that: simple, efficient, and beautiful. I've never had just a plain sweet white tea. It would be fantastic. You hear me, Snapple? I'll buy it. Cherry is a rarity in tea but pomegranate is a bit old hat. The pomegranate in this is good, but it might be about 33% of the fruit. Cherry takes the majority, a majority I'm calling 66%, and is right on the cusp. It's a dangerous line that it walks because sometimes people think that cherry tastes mediciny but this is not at that rate. It's good. White tea plus cherry plus pomegranate is a good mix. Let it be known.

Snapple, you've done good work. You made something new and I've got to give you credit because it was a fantastic implementation.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/9/12, 3:42 PM
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Snapple All Natural Kiwi Strawberry

Snapple All Natural Kiwi Strawberry
There is a sandwich place, or as I occasionally like to all it a "sandwich joint", the next block over from my work. Fantastic sandwiches. Fantastic. Trust me. If you ever find yourself in Buffalo and want to have lunch with me, and you are in the mood for sandwiches, that's where we're going. My boss always gets this and you've probably had it but I've been too busy drinking stuff made from pond scum and horse teeth to get around to it. I've been missing out.

Everyone's got to take their lumps and gross drinks are my method of getting them out of the way. I've cleared out my dance card and now I can drink this Snapple Kiwi Strawberry juice. You know what? You actually do this time. It's good. Now I'm talking to you. I'm not asking you any more questions. We're having a talk. It's good. I like it. It's stronger strawberry than kiwi but I feel like if you gave me this without kiwi, I might miss it, and I don't even like kiwi that much. You can discuss among yourselves about that if you disagree with it. I slammed this entire bottle without hesitation and could do it again if you dared me.

We all have to take an equal amount of lumps and I just make mine public. You know that I'm accountable for. You, man. I don't know what you've done but by the non-sounds of it, you've got a rough life ahead of you. Clear sailing for me, son!
United States
Mike Literman on 3/19/12, 3:38 PM
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Snapple All Natural Snapple Apple

Snapple All Natural Snapple Apple
I submit this to the neurons in your brain that receive the messages from your taste buds in order to distinguish flavor. In front of you sits an enormous apple. It's the biggest apple you have ever beheld with your eyes. You need both hands in order to list it. You toss it in the air a little to feel the heft of it, and what a heft it has. You look it over for a bit and then somehow your jaw unhinges in order for you to take a proper bite. It is the juiciest apple you have ever eaten. The juice is just pouring down your chin. It's an apple's equivalent to a tidal wave of juice. You have never tasted a fresher or more well rounded apple.

Some how Snapple has somehow captured this experience in a bottle. They have created a beverage that tastes more like eating the best apple ever than any other apple juice ever has in the past. It even has the taste of the apple skin in it somehow. I think somewhere someone rolled a 20-sided die and this is what they created in their fantasy world. Somehow it was brought into real life, and the world thanks the dungeon master in charge.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 2/27/12, 5:39 PM
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Snapple 100% Juiced Green Apple

Snapple 100% Juiced Green Apple
I like green apples better than red apples. I think it's a matter of crispness and crunch. Red apples just don't have the same pizzazz to me as green apples. I just saw an apple on the can and assumed that it was apple juice. Just regular old apple juice. Nothing special. Apple juice. You know, apples go great with cinnamon and honey. I think it's a Jewish delicacy. I seem to remember wearing nice clothes eating bread and apples and cinnamon and honey. Wouldn't you love to be able to drink an apple and cinnamon juice sweetened with honey? Oh. I'm so excited. I hope this exists.

I was pleasantly surprised that this was green apple, which I didn't know until my first sip. Thing is, initial sips lead me to a delicious, green apple-dom. Aftertaste is a bit bitter and I am on the fence if I like it or not. For all I know, this could be the exact same sensation that happens when I eat a real green apple but without the chewing and the apple skin and the whole experience, I might miss the strange aftertaste that Snapple is telling me belongs there.

This is a nice way to kick off a week. It's different, it's juice, and it might actually be good for you. I look forward to finding more of these 100% Juiced drinks somewhere.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/23/12, 11:43 AM
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Snapple All Natural Papaya Mango Tea (The Amazing Race)

Snapple All Natural Papaya Mango Tea (The Amazing Race)
When I bought this I had no idea what The Amazing Race was. I was then informed that it was some sort of reality television show. I need not know more to know that I was certainly not interested. I don't know the premise, and I don't really want to know. I will just assume that it is a giant race where teams have to go around the world and harvest ingredients to make special and unique teas. In the past some of the entrees were haggis-pickled avocado, tripe-kale, and calamari-poutine. Needless to say none of those were winners. The contestants were actually publicly ridiculed and a series of brutal pranks were played on them and their love ones for another spin off reality show "So You Suck at Making Iced Tea."

Apparently the winner of last season was India. I don't know if it was the entire country of India, or if it was someone's name. I can only assume the entire country of India brainstormed and came up with this wonderful tea. It's a dark sweet tea (nearly too sweet). It's like a classic mango tea with some exotic fruit and spices (there aren't any added, but it tastes subtly like their is). For a limited time specialty tea this is pretty incredible. Snapple has stepped up their game from the 90's in a big way.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/22/11, 1:48 PM
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Snapple All Natural Mango Madness

Snapple All Natural Mango Madness
Snapple going all-natural was a wonderful thing to see in my lifetime. To be able to enjoy their teas and juices again was like being reunited with family from the other side of town. A town that had a giant wall running down it. That's right, to my stomach the removal of corn syrup from their drinks was like the wall being torn down in Berlin (side note: corn syrup completely destroys my stomach for some reason).

My main complaint about this drink isn't even a complaint at all. It's merely confusion. The third ingredient listed is kiwi juice, yet it's not in the name of the drink. Using actual kiwi juice is a big deal people. Most kiwi flavored things are artificial and gross. When you have the real deal in product you should flaunt it. I dare say that this actually tastes more like kiwi than mango. They could have named it something terrible like "Krazy Kiwi Mango Madness." Of course that would make me never want to buy a bottle. Maybe Mango Madness was the right title, but underneath it they should have wrote something about the kiwi in there. "A Ki-winning Combination." And that is why I do not write ads.
United States
Jason Draper on 10/15/11, 8:04 PM
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Snapple All Natural Lemon

Snapple All Natural Lemon
Come on, people. You haven't had this? I don't know how we haven't had it yet. We've been spending all our days drinking Black Mushroom sludge and enough Energy drinks to fuel the most depressed, tired country. So why the wait? We probably went to the store as individual, thirsty dudes, saw lemon Snapple, and though, "Oh yeah, someone already did this. Next." and moved right on down the line? You didn't come here for that, though. You came here for a review so here goes.

It's good. Now that they've replaced their lines with all natural product, every tastes better. You can taste the black tea, the sugar, the lemon and everything together is actually great. This is a wonderful lemon tea. Great balance, great price, great taste, and so on. Snapple, you've been in the game a long time and I would be upset that you couldn't have gotten it right in that amount of time.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 10/12/11, 3:03 PM
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Snapple All Natural Tea Will Be Loved

Snapple All Natural Tea Will Be Loved
Let's talk about Maroon 5 for a second. Whether or not you like them, you have to give them this; they might write some of the catchiest, more radio friendly pop rock songs ever. Good hooks, funky guitar, great rhythm section, and Adam Levine is a good singer. Real good. Although you might not like them, you have to give them that. I think that they are one of those bands that I could probably listen to any record and say to myself, "Yeah, this is a certified multi-platinum album for a reason." So, I can see why Snapple called up the Maroon 5 hotline and said, "Hey guys. Reason we called you is because while we were getting a drink from Bret Michaels, we thought that we might want to ask some people that the kids like for being good, not for winning a TV show. So what do you say, dudes?" They then had to go to the thinking lair of the Maroon 5 multi-million dollar headquarters and put together the perfect drink to put their name on.

They each picked a fruit and you know it was Adam Levine who stepped it up and thought out of the box and said that he wanted hibiscus in there. Everyone else probably had "fruit regret" because hibiscus is the secret ingredient in many drinks to push it over the top. Since they picked them, they had to stick with them, though. Snapple took these flavors, put them in a mixer, called up the hotline a week later and said, "This is great stuff, guys. I can taste everyone's flavor suggestion and can still tell that it's a black tea. It's nicely sweet and there is a nice, complex overall flavor both in initial taste and aftertaste. You've got another hit, boys!" and promptly put the drink on the shelves. Mickey Madden, the bass player with ears of gold said that he knew that he could sense that the person that made that call had gold, T-bar glasses, smoked a cigar, and was wearing a fedora when he made the call. He could hear it. Also, he could hear the reverberation coming from the call and also noted that he could tell that he was calling from a velvet-curtained room. Maroon 5 did a five person high five, sold another million records that second, and got sushi.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/18/11, 7:39 PM
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Snapple 100% Juiced Melon Berry

Snapple 100% Juiced Melon Berry
Everything about this can looks like it was left over from the late 90's. Even though this just various juices with no sugar added it tastes more like a "drink" than a juice. Watermelon juice never works folks. You shouldn't even bother trying. It always ends up tasting like some sort of candy. It just tastes generic and I can't get into it.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/3/11, 11:31 PM
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