Capone - 8 Reviews

Capone Family Secret Black Cherry

Capone Family Secret Black Cherry
I can near guarantee, with no need for research, that there have been unsuccessful mobs. Mobs and gangs are a tough racket. Unless you're one of those motorcycle gangs that look like the toughest dudes ever that secretly raise money for kids with cancer, you're always on the lamb. Especially when you're well known and people know not to mess with you, everyone waiting until you slip and leave a print somewhere. You're always looking behind you thinking people are watching you. Maybe Rockwell was in a gang and he felt like people were watching him, something to think about.

If a mob spent, nay, wasted their time making pop, I would say that they would be better off just boosting cars because that's a waste of time. You're probably not making that much money and your overhead is way too high. You've got machines, staff, social security, tax and not just smooth dudes working their way into purses and pockets stealing keys and hitting the road with a fresh "slightly used" Lincoln MKZ to sell one town over.

This pop especially is nothing to "go straight" for. It's not as strong as some more cheap, run of the mill black cherry pops, which is a good thing but nothing special by any means. It tastes like black cherry and is carbonated, so if you really like black cherry pop, this could be on the board of "go to's" but it doesn't really stand out.

If you are going to be in the gang or the mob, do it right and be that guy that finds things that fall off a truck, not the guy that has the hook up on otherwise generic pop. You're above the law and below the radar. Make the most of it. You don't need to kill anyone but you could be a modern day Robin Hood. Just think of it that way when you're driving some day trader's Porsche Panamera down the street without his knowledge.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 8/15/13, 4:44 PM
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Capone Family Secret Strawberry

Capone Family Secret Strawberry
In the summer as a child, you eat hundreds of freezie pops: three per day every day for the whole summer. Quality is no issue, as you have to beat the heat with whatever you and your friend's parent's have. That being said, I don't know if I've ever had a bad freezie pop. Why do I bring this up? Well, I tee'd this thing up pretty obviously but if you can't do the math, this thing tastes like a strawberry freezie pop.

It's pretty sweet like those old people strawberry wrapped candies that are wrapped to look like strawberries and when unwrapped still look like strawberries. Come on, you don't know what I'm talking about? Grandma's and grandpa's have these lining the halls of their homes. For every five Precious Moments dolls there is one glass candy dish filled with either Werthers Originals or those strawberry candies. Go visit your grandparents if you can. They put out that candy for you and trust me it's getting dusty. They don't eat candy. It would take out their dentures.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 6/6/13, 3:42 PM
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Capone Family Secret Orange

Capone Family Secret Orange
I liked Atari Teenage Riot. It's probably still good but I haven't really listened to "60 Second Wipeout" in a long time. Either way, all I have in my head is "Sick To Death" in my head because this winter has gone on too long. I am just done. I now completely sympathize and understand why old people move from the Northeast to Florida. Florida sucks, but at some point, you just, and rightfully so, don't feel like having to deal with it any more. I just wear coats all the time and I'm sick of it. I was thinking last week that I want to go to a barbecue and I'm almost to the point where I will stand outside in eleven jackets just to make myself a couple of hot dogs on the grill.

Barbecue is where this pop comes in. It's orange pop. Plain and simple. It's not great but it's orange. It isn't gross and it isn't fantastic. Right, smack dab in the middle. I didn't expect anything more because it's orange pop. I don't think I've ever had an exceptional orange pop. I don't know if it exists. I would like to be proven wrong but I don't care if I'm not. It's orange pop. It's only drunk at kid's parties and, to a lesser extent, adult barbecues. Don't ever offer me an orange pop anywhere else. I will be mildly offended.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 3/6/13, 3:29 PM
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Capone Family Secret Diet Root Beer

Capone Family Secret Diet Root Beer
Al Capone. You and your cronies have done a wonderful thing here. You have broken the correct legs to get to this diet root beer. All of those threats, violin cases filled with Tommy guns, guitar cases filled with machine guns, briefcases filled with handguns have allowed you to create one of the best diet root beers I have ever had. The slight taste of diet in this is quickly smoothed over with a nice root beer taste complete with vanilla. This is better than some regular root beers I have had and that is saying a lot.

I trust that with this review, we will be in your good graces so when I pass your men on the street, which, if I may be so frank, are blatant since normally I don't see a gaggle of men in pinstriped suits, they will give me a nod and be on their way. I will leave you to your business of smuggling rum into places, underground fighting rings, and other general cahoots that you and your men perform. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. If I may be of any service, please let me know. Know in advance, I do have my limits. I might not be the best man for things like killing, poisoning, slashing tires, bomb installation, or anything in the "almost legal" category. If you want me to be a wheelman, I would love to do that, though.
Root Beer, Soda Pop and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 1/23/13, 11:03 AM
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Capone Family Secret Blue Raspberry Soda

Capone Family Secret Blue Raspberry Soda
Generally when pop is blue you are in for one of two things: a cream soda based beverage, or something that is so overly sweetened that you can't believe it's still a liquid. When I took a sip of this and I didn't feel like my teeth were going to fall out from liquid candy, I awaited the cream aftertaste. It never came. I have to admit that I waited longer than I should have. I even took another sip and concentrated on trying to taste it. I got nothing. Capone has succeeded in beating the odds. They have created a blue soda that just tastes fruity. Well, it doesn't actually taste like raspberries. It actually kind of tastes like a Bahama Mamma Slush Puppie (aka my favorite). It tastes tropical in a berry sort of way. It's not something that I would want all the time, but this would be great on a hot summer day, too bad we're having our first snow storm of the year.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 12/26/12, 11:52 PM
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Capone Family Secret Cream Soda

Capone Family Secret Cream Soda
I've been a big fan of the other two Capone sodas I've had, and while this is not bad by any means it leaves a bit to be desired. The vanilla and sweet soda flavors are both there, but they are both just kind of …€¦ separate. They don't really blend together the way I want them to. It is certainly better than any sort of store brand cream soda, but for what I was expecting from the ginger beer and root beer it's just not quite there. I'm guessing that everyone out there will probably enjoy this a great deal. Comparison and expectations will just be the death of me.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 10/27/12, 4:13 PM
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Capone Family Secret Root Beer

Capone Family Secret Root Beer
I'm sure the company is sick of references to gangsters when it comes to their products, but how could you not with a name like Capone, and they are based out of Chicago? I for one am a sucker for movies on the subject. There is something about Chicago in the 20's that is insanely alluring to me. The decade as a whole is fascinating to me. I blame that mostly on the writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. You couple that with organized crime and you have a romance that I'd love to be a part of. In reality it would probably have been terrible to live in that time, but if my current self could visit there I would do it in a second. I would especially do it if I had access to the stash of soda in the Capone warehouses. If this is bottle I have is any indication of what the original was like, I would be in heaven.

At first this seems like a very general root beer. It tastes how most people would describe the flavor of root beer when asked. The more you mull it over though, the most flavors seep out onto your taste buds. This has one of the strongest caramel flavors I've ever tastes in a soda. It doesn't taste like you're pouring caramel ice cream topping in your mouth, but it is smooth and flavorful. It also has some spices in the mix. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it works well with the caramel. The aftertaste is where the vanilla gets to shine and then the sun sets and you're finished with the bottle. That would be a sad time if I hadn't used a time machine to go back to the 20's and party down during prohibition.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 10/11/12, 12:59 AM
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Capone Family Secret Ginger Beer

Capone Family Secret Ginger Beer
This bottle tells the tale of how in the 20's police raided Capone's warehouses 137 times looking for illegal alcohol, and all they found was soda. That is hysterical. I just imagine the workers of the warehouse pretending to be all scared and then laughing uncontrollably as police opened up crates filled with soda. I'd also like to believe that there was an illegal “hooch” ring going on as well, but it was just so well hidden that the cops couldn't find it. Dumb cops.

Even though I don't drink alcohol I'm pretty sure I would have been involved in the bootlegging side of life back then. It just seems fun and exciting. Also, have you ever seen speak easy's portrayed in movies? They look like a complete blast. Since I'm no narc I would just hang out while everyone got trashed on bootleg liquor. I would join in the party sipping on bottles of “secret soda.” I would have no problem drinking bottle after bottle of this ginger beer. It has a nice sweet ginger ale flavor that is quickly overpowered by a decent burn. It's not enough to make me pause after every sip to calm myself, but it's enough that I think it might bother your average person. It lingers a little, and that's the way I like it. I've realized that unlike every other soda on the face of the planet ginger beer tastes better when it's sweetened with HFCS. Strange times.

I say bring back prohibition, because I'm getting a little bored with things lately and I could use a little boost in excitement.
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/15/12, 1:22 PM
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