Silk - 8 Reviews

Silk Iced Latte Mocha

Silk Iced Latte Mocha
For the longest time, it was hard to find vegan coffee drinks. Besides smaller coffee shops and Starbucks, it's near impossible if you want anything besides a black coffee. For as large as Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons have become, you'd think they'd start offering drinks with soymilk by now. I have probably gone on this rant before but I don't care.

Lately I've been enjoying the new non-dairy coffee drinks that have been hitting the shelves like this one. It makes sense from a marketing stand point, they already have the key ingredient, might as well throw a little coffee in there. This particular one is decent, but not amazing. It has that chocolate milkshake feel that I was hoping for, but sadly the chalky taste of the soymilk really spoils the drink. I can't complain too much because this half gallon cost the same as a 12 oz iced soy mocha at any coffee shop so it gets a pass for it's cost and convenience factor.
Coffee and Milk
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/21/13, 12:19 AM
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Silk Pure Almond Dark Chocolate

Silk Pure Almond Dark Chocolate
Vegans, you're getting luckier by the day. Your hatred of animals and animal by-products is getting easier stronger and more beneficial. You are no longer segregated to the underground seed and nut parlors of old but now you are welcomed into the sunlight and above ground stores and restaurants. You are treated special without questions asked. Your influence is growing. Soon, no one will look at a cow the same way. Soon, Morrissey will have one less thing to be sad about.

This totally animal free drink is pretty great. Almond milk is thicker than soymilk so it's more "milkshakey" which means "better" in layman terms. I don't get a lot of dark chocolate but I might get "slightly shadier chocolate." I wouldn't give it the credit that it asks for since I am allowed to be critical on my own soapbox. That being said, it's still good.

Vegetarians and vegans, you may dance until the sun comes out for this drink passes the test of a carnivore. I have spoken and it has been said. I hereby sanction this drink as acceptable to all parties.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/29/12, 4:49 PM
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Silk Chocolate Mint

Silk Chocolate Mint
When I saw this alongside Silk Nog my heart jumped because it's my favorite time of year. While many of my friends protested that it's "too soon" for eggnog, I disagree. It's never too soon and I wish it were offered year round.

While this is no nog, it's a seasonal drink so I couldn't pass it up. This is the friend your best friend brings along with them. You'd rather just hang out with the person you know and love, but you'll give this other friend a shot.

While this may be my first chocolate mint soymilk, it will not be my last. This stuff is really delicious! It's a very smooth chocolate with a nice crisp mint that isn't overpowering. While my love for eggnog has not be surpassed, this wonderful soymilk has earned its spot next to it in the fridge.
Milk and Soy
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 10/3/12, 1:28 AM
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Silk Fruit & Protein Mango Peach

Silk Fruit & Protein Mango Peach
I'm sorry your dessert has taken so long to get to you. As you may know this is our opening weekend and we did not expect to be this busy. Who would have known that this many people in the city would be interested in a vegan restaurant? We've been completely slammed, and it's great, but exhausting.

I know you ordered the mango peach soy ice cream, but what I didn't know was that the kitchen put it out for me to drop off to you, and I got caught up with another table. As a result it ended up melting, and unfortunately that was the last bowl of it we had left. I poured the melted mess into a glass for you, in case you still wanted it. I'll take that and your drinks off of the bill. I'm sorry again.

What's that you're offended that I would offer you soy ice cream melt? Well fine, maybe I will drink it myself! MMM…€¦this is actually really good. If I didn't know this was supposed to be frozen I would think this was a nice thick drink. Well, I guess it's not too thick, but thicker than most. You can really taste both of the fruit flavors in here. You two messed up royally by not accepting this. It's delicious and so darn smooth. I bet Silk could put this in cartons and it would fly off the shelves. Seriously, you don't know what you're missing you fools. Maybe next time you won't be so rude to your server and good things will come to you.
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 8/12/12, 9:19 PM
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Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened

Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened
Jerry wasted much of his time trying to unlock the secret of the almond, mainly how to get “milk” from them. You see Jerry was absolutely disgusted by milk that came from animals. Rice milk tasted too much like rice for his liking. Soymilk was a good substitute for a while, but he soon learned that consuming a lot of it just wasn't healthy. It was at this point that almond milk entered his life. He loved the nuts, and he loved the milk. It just baffled him where the milk came from. The nuts were fairly dry themselves, but he did some experiments to compress moisture out of them and came up with failure. His next thought was that maybe the milk came from the almond plant, and not specifically from the nuts. He went to the local botanical gardens and checked out the trees. While he was able to get some liquid from them, it wasn't anything like what he bought at the grocer, and it wasn't anything that he would have liked to consume.

Disillusioned he finally gave in and looked it up on the internet. It was then that Jerry learned that almond milk was actually just ground up almonds in water. He felt like an idiot for not thinking of that, but it made sense. His favorite kind was the Silk unsweetened because it tasted the most like actually almonds, and really who needs extra sugar in their milk? Now that he knew how it was made, when he took a sip he could taste that it was exactly how it was made. It really just tasted like raw almonds in liquid form. It was wonderful.

That is the story of how almonds saved breakfast and how you can find out anything via the internet.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/10/12, 4:07 PM
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Silk Fruit & Protein Mixed Berry

Silk Fruit & Protein Mixed Berry
Barry, stop our crying. You know that every time you get eat ice cream you get distracted by something else and then it melts. Of course you then get upset and the crying and yelling starts. I'm sick of it. I don't care that you've been diagnosed with ADHD, you're just a big baby. If this keeps happening I hear the coach is going to stop inviting to you to get ice cream after our baseball games. Imagine that, life without ice cream from mini plastic baseball helmets. Well at least you didn't have a cone, so you can still spoon up the melted mess. By the way, who the hell gets berry ice cream? In a world of chocolate, peanut butter and mint, who chooses berry? You're not going to eat your melt? Well it looks like you really are a baby. Give it to me, I'll eat it you wasteful baby!

This tastes a lot like the drink my sister always has in the fridge. She's a vegan, so she always has weird stuff in there. Yeah this definitely tastes like that protein drink she always has, and always yells at me for drinking. I always sneak some because it reminds me of melted ice cream. Well, I guess melted “soy cream.” Basically it's a bunch of berry juice mixed with soymilk with some plant-based protein added. It's basically like a berry creamsicle. My sister always boasts that it doesn't taste chalky like other protein drinks, since there is no whey in it. Whatever it tastes good so I drink it, and she yells at me.

You really are a baby Barry. You're just lucky that you always hit homeruns. How did such a baby get so good at baseball?
Juice and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 7/4/12, 1:14 PM
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Silk Nog

Silk Nog
Eggnog is one of the foulest beverages in the history of the world. Eggs and milk mixed? No thanks! Ever since I was a kid I loathed the stuff. I don't give a rip if Santa loves the stuff. You know what I do care if he likes it. He can have my share.
A couple of years back a friend got a carton of Silk Nog and I went off about how gross the stuff was. I was then basically forced to try it. I was shocked that I actually enjoyed the stuff. I don't know if it was just that I knew it wasn't made out of disgusting ingredients or if it's just better than eggnog. I will tell you this, it's not as thick as eggnog, but it's by no means watery. When you go to take a sip and breath in through your mouth, a strong taste hits you before the liquid. It's like an aftertaste in reverse. I think Silk has mastered quantum physics with this beverage. I've never had that happen before with a drink. When it finally hits your tongue it's very creamy, and tastes like light holiday spices.
Every since that day I've gotten a handful of cartons of this a year. It's not an all the time drink, but a nice glass of it every once and a while is really nice. I guess I have to get in the holiday mood in some way, and I choose to do so eating cookies and drinking Silk Nog.

Milk and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/19/10, 2:28 PM
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Silk Light Vanilla

Silk Light Vanilla
Although I very rarely drink a glass of this, it is my go to soymilk to put on my cereal. The vanilla isn't so strong that it's more powerful than the actual flavor of the cereal, but it's there enough so that when you do have a glass of it, it doesn't just taste like soy. I can get behind it. Regular milk is so gross. I just can't do it. That means soy and Silk wins out.
Diet, Milk and Soy
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 10/22/10, 8:44 AM
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