Austria - 8 Reviews

Sin Thirst Sin Maca & Rose

Sin Thirst Sin Maca & Rose
All energy drinks taste the same. They all taste like some candied citrus chemical that upon first trying you are sure is poisoning you, but that upon repeated tasting you grow to actually enjoy. So sit right back, take a sip and welcome in the status quo…€¦


In reality what Sin Thirst Sin (Is that the official name?) gives you is not more of the same with a different label. This tastes like your drinking rose flavored butterscotch or something like that. I instantly get the rose flavor, and then something else that I couldn't place. When I searched maca I found out that it tastes like nutty butterscotch, and that is a fairly accurate description of what I could not place. The lack of taurine is what is causing the chemical taste to be lacking, and that is a good thing. For the most part this seems to rely on more natural ingredients to give the imbiber a boost of energy.

This is most certainly something new and different and it had the potential to blow me away, but then they had to go and use sucralose as a sweetener. Underneath any sort of interesting flavor is the lingering taste of death via fake sugar. Let's move past sucralose people. There are other zero calorie options out there that while they still have a specific flavor it's not as offensive as this.

Diet and Energy Drink
Sin Thirst SinWebsite@sinthirstsin
Jason Draper on 2/15/14, 5:37 PM
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Cannabis Light Drink Hemp Light Beverage

Cannabis Light Drink Hemp Light Beverage
I really, really wanted these to taste like something special. I wanted a ropey flavor, like you get with hemp iced tea. All I ended up with was a beverage that tasted very similar to diet Red Bull. That's not a bad thing at all. I actually prefer the diet version to the regular (an insane thing in my world with a hatred of all things artificially sweetened). It's just more of the same. Sure this has hemp seed extract in it, but it's not evident in the flavor.

I'm the very competitive world of energy drinks, where companies come and go all the time, this may have an edge with the pot leaf on the can. It will appeal to the stoners and kids out there who think they are getting away with something wrong by drinking it. It's just an image, but if that image helps them sell product, good for them.
Diet and Energy Drink
Jason Draper on 8/17/13, 1:43 PM
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Hi-T Organic Hemp Iced Tea

Hi-T Organic Hemp Iced Tea
Cheap Girls are an alt-rock/indie band from Lansing, MI. After a recent show in Buffalo on their tour with The Sidekicks Ian, Ben and Adam were nice enough to do a guest review for us after we got calzones at 3am. Their newest album, Giant Orange is out now on Rise Records. It, along with their other two full lengths are a must have.

ps. To me this tea tasted the way an old bag of weed smells. It also tastes like rope, like most hemp drinks.
Iced Tea
Cane Sugar
Cheap Girls on 4/12/12, 10:23 AM
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Trojka Energy Drink

Trojka Energy Drink
I can safely say this is the first energy drink from Austria I've ever had. My friend Rita brought it back from her travels and gifted it to me. I could tell before I even opened it that it was going to be a Red Bull clone. Was I right? Of course! As far as Red Bull wannabe's, this one leans on the better side, but still not as good as Red Bull.

I expected more from you Austria.
Energy Drink
Derek Neuland on 1/3/12, 4:07 AM
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C+ Swiss The Original Hemp Ice Tea

C+ Swiss The Original Hemp Ice Tea
Several people told me that they have never seen me as excited as when I found this drink in a corner store in New Brunswick, NJ. I screamed and giggled like a small child. I'm pretty sure I also was jumping up and down. Let it be known that I don't smoke pot ever, but I think the idea of this is completely ridiculous and hysterical and just thinking about how many people out there probably think that drinking this will get you high is almost too much for me to handle. On top of that the beverages logo is a pot leaf frozen in an ice cube. It's pure gold.

I strangely don't mind the flavor of this either. The way the flavor washed over your mouth is like watching a good DJ making a perfect transition between songs. It starts off tasting like a normal lemon iced tea. The lemon is actually pretty strong. Then as the lemon is slowly fading out the faders on the hemp flavor are moving up. There is a brief moment when they are in perfect balance, but before you can acknowledge it the hemp gets louder, while the lemon just fades away. There's really no other way to describe the hemp flavor other than it tastes the way a bag of weed smells. We've all got stoner friends who usually have weed on them, and we all know exactly what that dried plant smells like before it's smoked. That smell is the flavor. A friend who enjoys getting "lifted" says it tastes like stems and seeds. Ridiculous. I can't believe I don't hate the way this tastes, but I find it interesting.

I don't mean this as an afterthought, but I figured I should actually talk about the way the drink tastes first, but check out the packaging of this drink. It's way cool. It's a cardboard can. It's pretty much a drink in a Push Up Pop container. I absolutely love it, and I wish more drinks came in this format.
Iced Tea
C+ SwissWebsite@C_Swiss
Jason Draper on 12/21/11, 12:56 AM
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Almdudler 50 Jahre Krauterlimonade

Almdudler 50 Jahre Krauterlimonade
Ladies, gentlemen, councilmen, Mr. President, your highness, or whoever it is that makes any sort of decision for the country of Austria. We have a dilemma on our hands. Our country has found itself without a national drink. Yes general I know we consume way more Coca-Cola than we really should, but let's face it Coke is everywhere. There's really nothing about it that shouts Austria. No headmaster. Bundaberg Ginger Beer simply will not work, as it's made in Australia, not Austria. Do you even know what country you live in? Seriously. We need something unique. Something that people can't get in any little market over in Germany. I'm sick of them stealing the spotlight. I want to have something that will make us shine brighter! Hey, what was it that Archduke Ferdinand was always drinking before his untimely demise? Alma matter? Alms to the poor? No, that's not it. Oh yes Almdudler! All in Favor? Anyone opposed? There we have it from here on our Almdudler will now be the national drink of Austria!

When you're dealing with a beverage that makes a claim of being the national drink of anything you get some crazy ideas of what it might taste like. Especially when it's called "Krauterlimonade," which my friend Nina says translates to "cabbage lemonade." I really don't know what I expected it to taste like. So many different ideas entered my mind. Not many of them seemed appealing. After I drank it I did some research and found out that Nina would have been correct in her translation if it weren't for that little "er." Those two little letters change the definition to "small-timer." I still don't know what that has to do with this drink.

As the drink first hit my taste buds I thought it was going to be a ginger ale, but that thought quickly faded. I thought I detected some apple, like in an apple malt soda, but I wasn't exactly sure. As the previously mentioned Nina put it "This tastes like nothing more than water does." It tastes sweet, but the sweetness passes soon. I Wikied it to discover that it's a mix of apple and grape flavors. If that's what it is then Austria has some pretty weak fruit on its hands.

The fact that it doesn't really taste like much of anything is actually extremely appealing. I've just about finished this bottle, and I already find myself bummed that I don't have any more after this. It's something that I really, really enjoy. On top of the strange awesome lack of flavor this also has a nice unique bottle.
Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/8/11, 7:43 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Rhino's Sugar Free Energy Drink

Rhino's Sugar Free Energy Drink
I already have a hard time drinking most energy drinks. When you give me a diet/sugar free energy drink, there's no way this is going to be good. The first sip of this was pretty horrible, like swallowing battery acid. The next couple wasn't too bad. Perhaps I've already acquired the taste for this drink? Nope, around the fourth sip the first couple sips finally hit my stomach and it feels very similar to the time I had food poisoning. For three days straight, I lied on the couch while my stomach felt like it was eating itself. It was easily in my top five worst feelings I have ever felt. Any drink that can give me that same feeling is not one I want to consume.
Diet and Energy Drink
Derek Neuland on 2/23/11, 5:55 PM
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Rhino's Energy Drink

Rhino's Energy Drink
When I first sipped this, it tasted exactly like Red Bull. As most people know, Red Bull is an acquired taste and I happen to enjoy it. But I was hoping this drink would be different. I was really disappointed.

But then the aftertaste kicked in. It burned my throat, but not in the usual acidic energy drink way. This burn was similar to ginger beer, but not as intense. It was really surprising in a good way.
Energy Drink
Derek Neuland on 2/4/11, 7:17 PM
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