Stevia - 41 Reviews

Arteasan Green Tea Passion Fruit Elderberry Peppermint

Arteasan Green Tea Passion Fruit Elderberry Peppermint
Dear Readers,
I have to be honest with you, I am sick to death of stevia. Yes, I know it's the healthier zero-calorie sweetener, but a majority of the time it is in a beverage it becomes 60% of the flavor. I'm all for less sugar and calories, but I would rather forgo a sweetener altogether than have to taste this nonsense all the time. It's been a big part of the slowdown of Thirst Dudes (at least on my end). Almost every time I come across a new beverage that looks like it would be great, the S sweetener is listed in the ingredients. It becomes a heavy task to try to ignore the flavor and write a proper review for beverages.

This drink really jumped out at me though. Passion fruit is a definitely weakness for me, and elderberry is nothing to slouch at either. I just had to take the chance. Did it pay off? Well, not totally, but more than I expected. The stevia makes up maybe 35% of the flavor instead of the expected 60%. The fruit flavors are on the lighter side, as I believe they should be when they are just flavoring a tea. Sometimes I wonder why companies make teas instead of “juice drinks” when they go overboard with the flavoring and you can't even make out the tea. This is a green tea at its heart with some flavoring added to enhance it. I really don't taste peppermint at all, but I'm fine with that. Really, if it weren't for the stevia and they had just left this unsweetened I would have given it 5 bottles and raved about it. Unfortunately, all of the wonderful natural flavor gets muddled into a diet aftertaste. Who wants that?
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 1/4/19, 3:38 PM
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REBBL Superherb Tonic Ginger Citrus

REBBL Superherb Tonic Ginger Citrus
Have you ever wondered what good health tastes like? Well ponder no more because REBBL has bottled the feeling and taste in this near perfect beverage. I dare anyone to take a sip of this and not feel instantly rejuvenated. Have you had a crappy day and now you just feel completely worn out and like cold diarrhea on a paper plate? Take a drink and welcome yourself back to the functioning world. Who needs cocaine to keep the party going when you have this? Well it might not be a party, but at least you'll feel great.

It's actually a rather simple beverage. It's green tea with a little bit of orange and lemon in the mix. On top of that there is some vanilla, ginseng, ginger, cinnamon, and anise. That's a whole mess of awesome things mixed together to make something greater than its parts. It's sweetened with stevia, but the flavor of that is completely lost amongst the other ingredients. I know what you're asking, “Thirsty Dudes all you seem to care about is ginger; how is it in this magical bottle?” Well I'll tell you, it's pretty subtle. It's there is flavor, but not in burn factor. Normally I would find that disappointing, but in here it would just take away from the rest of the greatness.

In summary this is a nice little citrus green tea with a kick. A kick that will boot you right in the butt and make you feel a little better about being alive.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/18/15, 1:02 PM
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Good Earth Green Tea Pomegranate Burst

Good Earth Green Tea Pomegranate Burst
They are on to something here. I wish I was a scientist. Well, I wish I was a scientist a lot actually but now I can actually think of a situation where I would use my skills. I wish I was a scientist so that I could pull out my cool pocket microscope and look at what's going on in this bag of tea. There's got to be some sort of concentrate of juice in there and I want to see the flavor crystals because let's face it, all flavor comes in crystals. Since 1996 when Ice Breakers gum came out and their flavor was in crystals, all flavor has been contained within the confides of crystals.

This is titled "Pomegranate Burst" but that might have gotten lost in translation because this tastes like cherries. Also, since we, nay, I, are talking about how this tasted, this is like a 70% juice and 30% tea. I don't know what you want in something that comes in a tea bag. It's listed as a green tea but that is simply the carrier for the juice.

Whether it's cherry or pomegranate, it's good. Whether it's tea or juice, it's good. Whether you ate the wrapper or not with your Ice Breakers gum, it was good. Ice Breakers gum came out almost two decades ago and I'm recalling it like it was yesterday. That's very strange. I don't know if I like it or not. I like this tea, a lot. I don't know if I like how I aged myself back there.
Iced Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/3/15, 11:04 AM
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truBrain Think Drink Turbo

truBrain Think Drink Turbo
Once, in high school, a bunch of us went to a grocery store and my friend bought a bottle of Hawaiian Punch. The thing that he did not realize was that he had grabbed a bottle of concentrate and not the ready to drink variety. He took a big gulp and spit the red syrupy concentrate everywhere. I nearly had a similar experience with this pouch of truBrain. This may not taste as much like poison as the other flavor I tried did, but it certainly tastes like it should be mixed into a glass of water.

This is supposed to be strawberry banana flavored, which I guess it is if you took that flavored candy and boiled it down to a potent extract. Oh yeah they also made it taste diet. This is a function “beverage” though. Its purpose is to boost cognitive function by blending blends cognitive enhancers, nootropic nutrients, and neurochemical modulators. When things involve this kind of science chances of them actually tasting good are very low. Everything I have read about this company seems to say that it actually works if you order a subscription and stick with it. That's gonna be a lot of gross tasting pouches, but hey, your brain is worth it, isn't it?
Diet, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/11/14, 3:05 PM
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Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle

Iconic Healthy Lifestyle Beverage Chocolate Truffle
Rarely on the side of never do I drink "meal replacement" drinks as such but today I did not eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day, so I did not have a choice. First thing I noticed, and this could just be me, is that this was a leaky drink. So leaky. The package was constantly leaking from the cap. Don't let that sway you from getting it. Let my review sway you from buying it.

This was completely laced with Stevia. It was so sharp. Calming down on that and letting some of the chocolate shine through would probably do wonders to this drink. It was thin, so do not expect a shake. It was closer to a thin chocolate milk. Or if you made chocolate milk with skim milk or some other poor life choice.

What would I do to fix this? Number one? Real sugar. I know it would increase the calorie count but it wouldn't leave me with a taste on the tip of my tongue. Look, I drank the whole thing. It wasn't terrible but it was kind of thin and overly fake.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 10/9/14, 10:26 AM
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True Brew Pink Lemonade

True Brew Pink Lemonade
Pink lemonade on a day like today would make a normal man jump with glee. Me? No. This lemonade is not at all fantastic. It tastes fake and although it did taste like pink lemonade, pink lemonade it was not.

So what do we like. Let's make a compliment sandwich out of it. We like that it smells like pink lemonade. We do not like the way that the Stevia cuts through the one time fantastic flavor with a super sweet knife made of super sweet sugar. We do like that, for a limited time, you can treat your taste buds to a decent pink lemonade any time you want before the lies rush over your tongue like a tidal wave of garbage. It's not that bad, but it's not great.
True BrewWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 10/2/14, 4:38 PM
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truBrain Think Drink Morning

truBrain Think Drink Morning
Folks, I think it's finally happened. We were sent samples in the mail and it must have been a company we gave a bad review to in the past getting back to us, because I'm 99.9% sure that what I drank was poison. If I get to the end of this review without blood leaving from every orifice in my head it will be a miracle.

This little pouch that apparently contains my undoing was developed to be a cognitive enhancer, meaning that it's meant to be a study aid. Tons of students down energy drink after energy drink in order to stay up and study. Unfortunately all of the junks in the typical beverages give you the jitters and make it harder to concentrate. TruBrain was created to help with concentration and to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to brain use. I personally plan on doing some research in the stock market, because I want to pretend I'm a real human adult that is if this truly is a “think drink” and not just poison all gussied up for the party.

Seriously people this did not taste like anything you should consume. If I didn't know better I would have sworn there should have been a Mr Yuck sticker on this and I should have found it under the kitchen sink. I don't even know what flavor it's supposed to be. Perhaps they were going for the diet poison route because that's what I'm getting here.

It's been about 15 minutes since I drank this and I appear to still be alive with no negative effects, so I'm going to wager that truBrain is not just a shell corporation for Young Energy Source getting back at us for the having the audacity to think that their beverage is the worst thing we've ever tasted on this planet. I still think this is a horrible tasting “beverage” but I do feel a sense of clarity, so it works for its function, and since when do those drinks ever taste good?
Diet, Energy Drink, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 9/22/14, 4:33 PM
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Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry

Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry
If I know anything it's that this is a leftover promotional relic from the HBO show Dream On. To be fair, I don't know anything about said show. Up until now I thought that Larry Sanders was on it, which is apparently not true. There it is though, right at the top of the bottle, “Dream On.” Actually, maybe someone in Aerosmith owns this company. They did have that one song that sounded like nothing else in their catalog that had the same nomenclature.

Whoever is responsible, rock star or film star, they have come up with a decent shot beverage that doesn't taste too terribly disgusting. I mean with all shots there is a level of concentrate that causes the flavor to be a little off, but this has a nice berry flavor to it that tastes a bit like candy, even though it's sweetened with stevia. Since you would generally just slug this thing back I doubt anyone would even realize the stevia was there. It's more berry than poison-shot in the taste department, and there's not much else one could ask for. Oh it also definitely knocked me right out 10-15 minutes after downing it. I guess that functionality is something I could have asked for, and received.
Diet, Relaxation and Shot
Function PleaseWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 5/22/14, 4:14 PM
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Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted

Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted
"Twisted" might be an understatement. The contortionist that your tongue becomes while drinking this drink is enough to make a circus performer get queasy. It's one of the strangest hot teas I have ever drank and reminds me of when I drank chai for the first time. Is it spicy? Is it sweet? Who knows? Who cares, really since it's so good, sometimes. I like the no-milk chai way more than the milky chai. This is on a different plane all together.

I think the base of this is an herbal tea since it's a black, hibiscus tea. Then all hell breaks loose with ingredients like licorice, lemon, blackberry leaf, vanilla, and rosehip. There are more ingredients than that but it's just a constant jumping from one to another like the guy in Pitfall jumping from rope to rope trying his hardest to not make it into those pesky crocodile's mouths. So pesky. This tea is sweet which some people won't like but I didn't mind because I like Stevia and it's faint enough that it's not overpowering. It's far from a sweet tea and if anything is just being added as a flavor rather than a sweetener. Man, those crocodiles. Much pesky. So wow. Very rope swing.
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/15/14, 3:17 PM
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Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango

Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango
Daryl, this chocolate is great. Most chocolate is great but we need to step it up. No one wants regular "mom and pop" chocolate forever. We've made our name at this farmer's market by making quality chocolate but we need to step it up. The people have spoken and they are bored. Let's get something that figuratively punches them right in the face. Something different. Something to set us apart. Something like...pickles! No. That's gross plus the vinegar from the pickles will mix with the milk from the chocolate and provide nothing but an instantly spoiled mess. What else? Candy inside chocolate is hackneyed. Cereal? Bleh. No thanks. What else. Oh, I've got an idea, hold on a sec.

Look at these. Chilis from Sharon over there. I gave her a chocolate bar and she gave us a handful of chilis. If we mince these up, boil them down and extract the flavor and heat, we could cook it with the chocolate and have spicy chocolate. Yeah, I know it's been done before but I think that people here at this market would appreciate a little pain with their pleasure. Look at that old lady over there. You know she needs a little kick in the pants. Let's do it. I just want to try it first here in its raw format. Oh, Daryl, this is something else. Try this, dude. Wait...where are you going?

Where did you go? Is this a cup of tea? Thanks man, I appreciate...wait...what is this? This is a liquid version of what we just made. This is a packaged tea? Good Earth made this? It''s just like what we made. It's spicy and has a pretty strong chocolate taste with a hint of Stevia which we don't use but is actually pretty good in this tea.

So what do we do? We still pursue it, right? It's still a good idea. We need to change it up. Using this tea as a model, we will make fantastic new chocolate bars. Thanks, Daryl. You're a good partner. Let's try to think of other things we can concoct. Broccoli? Gross. Farm fresh eggs? No. Daryl, do you want this or not?
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/6/14, 12:04 PM
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Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry

Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry
Marco was a child who could stand to lose a few pounds. His life was spent watching television and playing video games. In fact the only times he left the house were when his mom forced him to go to school and on Fridays aka allowance day, when he would take his weekly pay for nothing and head to the corner store to stock up on candy. It was the happiest day of the week for Marco. Not only was he free from school for two days but also his sugar intake would soar.

There was no doubt about it; Marco was a Wonka man. Nearly all of his money went to buy that company's confectionaries. This past allowance day, Marco waddled down to the corner store and was decided what candies to buy this week when a display caught his eye. Spree sparkling water? Could it be that Mr Wonka had expanded his line and made a liquid version of one of Marco's favorite treats? He quickly grabbed a pile of Nerds, Laffy Taffy and Runts before he grabbed a bottle of Lemon Strawberry Spree. He was so excited that he dropped his change all over the counter. After the monetary exchange was complete he ran out side, sat on the curb and twisted open the cap. This…€¦was…€¦not…€¦what…€¦he…€¦expected…€¦at…€¦all. The contents of the bottle did not taste like liquefied candy at all. It was nice and bubbly, but it had a weird taste, that was almost diet but not like the diet pop his mom chugged all the time.

He was a bit disappointed, but since he had limited income he didn't want to waste his purchase, so he kept sipping on it during his walk home. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th sip he realized that he didn't mind the diet taste, which he learned was called stevia. Actually he was kind of getting into the drink. Sure it wasn't candy-like, but it was sweet in it's own way, and not as thick as the sodas he was used to drinking. The dietness of it ran most of the flavor, but underneath that was a bit of a strawberry lemonade flavoring.

By the time he got home the bottle was empty, and Marco didn't feel cheated by his purchase. This was something he enjoyed that he could get his mom to buy because he could convince her it was healthy. Now if he could just convince her that his MMO games were good for him as well, and that school was evil, all would be right in the world.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 3/28/14, 12:37 PM
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Madrat Elixr Tropical Berry

Madrat Elixr Tropical Berry
I don't know what they were working on at the National Institute of Mental Health, but things seem to have gone awry. The scientists there were using rats as test subjects, but something happened and the rodents gained incredible intelligence. Before long they were performing their own experiments while the humans were away. Led by their leader, the newly proclaimed “professor” Jonathan Frisby, the rats developed a powder that would make them stronger and even more intelligent. It works by improving mental clarity while being full of anti-oxidants. There was no sugar in it, and most importantly for the little fuzzballs, it supported joint health.

The rats had nearly perfected their formula then disaster struck. The humans came in to make up hours on the weekend. The rats scurried back into their cages, but they did not have time to collect their formula and the scientists discovered it. They assumed it was something another team was working on and for some reason ingested some, because you know that is what you do in a laboratory where you test things on rats. They discovered that when mixed in water the powder had a berry flavor that kind of also tasted like grape. One of the scientists boldly stated that he could taste the stevia in it, and it was goon to see that nothing artificial was used in its creation. They agreed that it was pretty strong, even when watered down a lot. Also, one of them pointed out that it didn't really dissolve well in the water. No matter how much they stirred it some of the powder congealed into a sludge like substance at the bottom of the glass. When they tasted it, it was like an intense diet Pixie Stix. Since there was no label on it to denote what team created it they decided to steal it for their own and sell it as a energy drink mix that had additional health benefits.

Man, were those rats pissed. Some would say they were mad…€¦ehhh? While they wallowed in their defeat two of the smaller rats conferred in a corner. When one asked what they were going to do now, the other responded with “The same thing we do every night, Pinky …β‚¬β€œ try to take over the world.” Several animated classics were based on these real life events. Sadly all of the rats diet due to other experiments and their famines received no royalties.
Diet, Energy Drink and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 3/15/14, 9:02 PM
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Spree All Natural Sparkling Water Pina Pina Colada

Spree All Natural Sparkling Water Pina Pina Colada
Hats off to Jimmy Buffett. Seriously. I cannot drink or read the word "Pina Colada" without singing the chorus of that song in my head. I have been to a Margaritaville in Las Vegas and had a pretty decent meal of jerk chicken so once again, Jimmy, I doff my hat to you.

Review. Right. This is not a pina colada. I have never drunk one but this is sparkling and clear and not alcoholic and milky. Taste wise though; I don't hate it at all. I quite like it actually. Initially it tastes kind of diet but then you read that it's Stevia and not something gross and you kind of readjust your taste buds to it and the next sip is far better. One sampler in my focus group said that it smelled like suntan lotion but I don't think that I've ever met a pina colada that didn't.

For this being zero calories, this is very good. It is up there on my list of great pina colada drinks. It's accurate and even though they made it calorieless, it doesn't really suffer any consequences. So from me to both Spree and Jimmy Buffett, good work guys. You've got it.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 3/3/14, 4:30 PM
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Shakeology Chocolate

Shakeology Chocolate
I don't understand it, honey. Sammy just refuses to eat vegetables. I don't know what to do. I've taken away videos games, dessert, television, and his bike and he just won't eat them. What did you buy? A milkshake? Honey that sounds like a reward more than it does a punishment. It's got what in it? I don't know what any of that is. Ashwagandha? Cordyceps, Tulsi, Sacha Inchi, Spirulina? Are you just reading a Dr. Seuss book to me? You're making these words up, right? You're not. What do they do? They're healthy? Well I guess that's good to know. Now it's a milkshake. Isn't there a ton of sugar in it that's going to get him to bounce off the walls? Oh, it's made with Stevia? That's cool. Well I guess it all comes down to taste. How does it taste, honey. Oh, you made some? Thanks.

Honey. This...this isn't bad at all. I mean I can taste that something is up but our kid, let's be honest here, he's kind of an idiot. Right? You agree with me. I mean, who doesn't just eat vegetables and takes punishment after punishment. Peas never hurt anyone and corn is fantastic. Kids. Am I right? Can I have more of this? Yeah, I was worried that this would just taste like a gritty mess like protein drinks do but it actually tastes good. You made this with eight ounces of milk? Oh wow. That turned into like double that. Cool. He'll feel like he's getting a real treat but in reality, we're poisoning him with healthy stuff.

When he gets home we'll make him something like a hamburger with a side of green beans just so he thinks nothing is up and we'll serve it with this milkshake. He'll think he's pulling one over on us by not eating the green beans and just eat the hamburger and drink the milkshake. Never thought it would come to this but if I have to trick my dumb son into eating healthy, so be it. He'll learn when he's 300 pounds and constantly sweating like your uncle Larry. Yeah, I said it, honey. He's constantly sweating. Like you didn't know.
Milkshake, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 2/11/14, 4:43 PM
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True Orange Mango Orange

True Orange Mango Orange
If I had endless amounts of money, or even a handful of expendable income, I would try to recreate this drink using some classic science. Here is what I would do:

Step 1: Get a dozen oranges and a dozen mangoes.
Step 2: Court a lovely chemist.
Step 3: Gain the chemist's trust.
Step 4: Convince the gorgeous chemist to let me have a bucket of liquid nitrogen, "You know. For science."
Step 5: Put all the oranges and mangoes in a bowl.
Step 6: Pour the liquid nitrogen into the bowl to instantly freeze the fruit.
Step 7: Smash up the fruit using something like a hammer or a clean shoe.
Step 8: Put the fruit dust into a bottle with water.
Step 9: Put a pack or two of Stevia into the bottle.
Step 10: Stir and drink.
Step 11: Get broken up with because that was not "for science" and I am a "liar."
Step 12: Shrug it off.

Until then, I will have to just buy this like some sort of civilian. I have no problem with that since this isn't half bad. It's a Stevia sweetened mango and orange juice. It cannot be reviewed any differently than that. It is pretty truthful to it's fruit roots. Fruit root. That's fun. This, science aside, is a good drink. I've had two or three of them myself and might be slightly disappointed when they are all gone. That might be the most significant part of the review. It's that good. Fruity and not overwhelmingly Stevia'd. Fruity rooted.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 12/2/13, 3:58 PM
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True Lemon Peach Lemonade

True Lemon Peach Lemonade
I assume Georgia gets sick of being synonymous with peaches. Like Salem and witches, these places have more to offer than being a one trick pony? Now that we're on this horse segue, when have you seen a horse do more than one trick that it's derogatory to be known as a "one trick pony?" Horses run; not a trick, and they jump over fences; trick. A horse that is a one trick pony can now be just labeled as a horse. Backtrack...

Salem had witch trials in the late 1600's. We're four centuries past that and although they milk it, there are other people that live and work there that have other things to do that constantly carve pumpkins, affix faux moles, and practice their shrill laughs.

Salem; check. Horse talk; check. Alright, back to peaches. Peaches are fine. I don't like them but I don't hate them. There are just some foods that I don't eat for no reason other than I don't want to. Furry fruit is one of them. Look, they taste fine. I don't eat them. The thought of a peach lemonade entices me, though. I made myself a glass of this and slammed the whole thing. No problems there. What did I think? Well that's why we're all here, right? At the edges of our seats awaiting my very important review of a powdered peach lemonade. I shall serve you your main course of review right now. Please be seated.

This was the first time since I've been on a True Citrus kick that the Stevia was overpowering. It wasn't too much that it was undrinkable but it was distracting. The peach flavor was good albeit a bit "candied" for my taste. The lemonadidity (not a real word...yet) was about a five out of ten. Between the candy peach and the non-traditional sweetener of the lemonade, this took a turn for the unfortunate "average" column. A couple strikes will do that to you. Baseball strikes. A couple bowling strikes would put you on top of the world. That phrase simply wouldn't work if I was referencing bowling. I don't know much about sports but that I know. Strikes in baseball is bad. Strikes in bowling is good.
Diet, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 10/29/13, 3:45 PM
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True Lime Black Cherry Limeade

True Lime Black Cherry Limeade
I feel like limeade is lemonade's underachieving sibling. Lemonade gets all the good grades, does extra curricular activities like pep squad, fundraisers, and bake sales. Limeade just wants to be an artist and sits in their room with headphones on listening to Jesus and Mary Chain writing blog posts about society and how it's let them down. Thing is, the posts are well written and Jesus and Mary Chain are great. Limeade is just misunderstood.

This limeade should be taken seriously in the future because they're trying to do something different. Yeah, we need more pep rallies. Please. Come on. The only reason we liked pep rallies in high school is because we got out early. We need more meaningful art and people talking about the problems at a young age and less fake friends and more meaningful acquaintances. This drink is pretty great and is different than the cookie cutter lemonade. Look, I love lemonade, but sometimes I need something different. Something dangerous. This has a bit of a Stevia taste for reasons that are as simple and blatant as it is made with Stevia. As for the black cherry, it's right on target. I like this more than probably every black cherry pop I've ever had and the lime makes it just bitter enough that it calms the super sweetness down.

I think that's what limeade would have wanted; just to be recognized as a hard working individual who is doing something different, doing something different well, and doing it with a purpose. They just can't hear you because "Just Like Honey" is playing too loud in their headphones.
Diet, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 10/25/13, 12:48 PM
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True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade

True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade
We're getting there. I feel like with this, a larger company in the world of diet and concentrates, using Stevia actively as their sweetener, we are getting off the sucralose, corn syrup, and aspartame train and onto the future Hyperloop. Yeah, I skipped bullet train and went right to Elon Musk's vision of a better, faster, cleaner tomorrow. Is this that much of a jump? No, not really. Other companies have been using Stevia for years but it's just nice to see that it's trickling up into the bigger dudes.

Not only does it have a natural sweetener, but also the taste in itself is pretty good. It's got great lemonade taste and a good, fruity raspberry taste. All together it's not too sweet and not really too much of anything which mixes can tend to be. This is right on mark.

With the proceeds from the sales of this, maybe they'll help build that dream train. I'll ride that thing and take a transcontinental trip at over five hundred miles per hour all day long.
Lemonade, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 10/18/13, 11:59 AM
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Good 4U Relaxation Field Berry

Good 4U Relaxation Field Berry
Do you have a fetish that consists of drinking liquid plastic until you reach a state of relaxation? You do? Well I did not expect you to answer that in the affirmative, but good news for you is that this drink is probably just what you have been looking for; a way to sate your compulsion but without being poisoned by it.

This 100% tastes like the most diet berry drink anyone has ever dreamt of. That beverage was then kept in some sort of plastic container, and the flavor of the plastic somehow seeped into the drink. The result is ridiculously diet tasting plastic.

In addition to tasting like nothing I want to consume, this is also a relaxation drink that will keep you calm without making you feel drowsy, like Marley Mellow Moods. In order to achieve that they use a blend of lemon balm, hibiscus, l-theanine, green tea, passion flower and a few other things.

So there you have it. You're rare fetish can now be explored anytime you wish. You just may have to head to Canada to pick some up.
Diet and Relaxation
Good 4UWebsite@GOOD4UDrinks
Jason Draper on 10/14/13, 12:09 PM
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Good 4U Endurance Tropical Citrus

Good 4U Endurance Tropical Citrus
The tropics must have been going through a storm when this drink was made. You know the type that I'm referring to, the kind that blows garbage all over your lawn. You always say you're going to cut down those hedges because all they do is collect garbage and take up your limited front yard but every time you go in the shed to get a saw, you remember that you don't want neighbor dogs defecating on your yard. Well that garbage filled yard is like what this drink taste like: a diet tropical garbage citrus storm.

Right off the bat the Stevia is bastardizing whatever is in this bottle so I cannot get a good read of any flavors without being rudely interrupted by your highness. There might be a mango or a pineapple in here but I wouldn't know because, much like Adam Levine's number one biggest and fattest fan pushing her way up to the front of the crowd, Stevia is shoving it's way all over your poor taste buds.

Sometimes you wonder why drinks are on sale and then you drink things like this and realize why. Questions and answers wrapped into one cheap, 473ml bottle of diet sweetener.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Good 4UWebsite@GOOD4UDrinks
Mike Literman on 9/6/13, 4:11 PM
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