Root Beer - 223 Reviews

Summit Craft Root Beer

Summit Craft Root Beer
Summit is an Aldi instore brand, and my has Aldi come a long way since their discount beginnings. When Mike and I moved into our first apartment together we shopped way too much at Aldi, because it was all we could afford. The food was mostly trash, but we survived and hey they had cheap produce. In recent times I believe Aldi has made it a policy that all food stuffs sold in the store must be organic. As a result the quality has skyrocketed. There are a variety of different veggie burgers, fancy juices, almond milk, and who can forget that delicious white bean basil hummus that I cannot get enough of. They have also stepped up their beverage game with some cane sugar sweetened sodas.

Now there is nothing wrong with this root beer. It is perfectly serviceable. It is also pretty mediocre. I don't drink much soda these days, so when I do I want to make sure it's worth the stress on my aging body. This doesn't really pass that test. When I was younger I would have ate this up, because the quality to price ratio is just right. I'm at a point in my life where I don't mind paying a little bit more for something that is of the highest quality. The thing that is great about this though is that hilarious dog on the label. I can't tell if he's a bi-plane pilot or a biker dog. Either way I would totally give him some treats and belly rubs.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/23/18, 1:16 PM
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Moneybag Root Beer

Moneybag Root Beer
Gene Simmons of Gene Simmons Toyota has released his own line, AKA signed the rights to his name, to a pop company. Is the pop any good? Is a Toyota Corolla purchased from Gene Simmons Toyota any good? Yeah, it's fine. It's root beer. Much like a Corolla, it's fine. It does what it's supposed to do and does it well. It isn't exceptional but it's reliable. I didn't know that the pop game was so large that just anyone could say, "Oh, I have the chance to make a million dollars so I'm going to stamp my reputable and honorable name on the line so people can drink my pop."

Would I drink this again. Yes. Was it good. Yes. Would I buy a car from him? Eh, why not. Some root beer is good and some root beer is great. This root beer was good but, like a Corolla, a good root beer is a dime a dozen.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/12/18, 8:22 AM
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Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer

Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer
Batch, I'm sorry okay? I know you tried really hard and you like to make things a little quirky, but in this instance it didn't really do it for me. Root beer is an exceptional flavor, and I don't know if I've ever had one that I didn't enjoy to some extent, but this tastes like it was half root beer and half…€¦I guess it would be brown sugar soda. The second soda detracts from all of the things that would normally make soda one so great. It's like the Nothing and it just gobbles up everything in its path, including tasty root beer.

Batch, don't get me wrong this isn't terrible. I finished the whole bottle and everything. It's just that I have such a high standard when it comes to root beer, and you did not live up to it. Perhaps if it were names Brown Sugar Soda with Root Beer Flavoring I would be able to get behind it a bit more for being the uncommon soda that it is. Unfortunately it is named the opposite and it leaves me wanting.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Batch Craft SodaWebsite@BatchSoda
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/29/17, 7:54 PM
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Bickford's Traditional Soda Sarsaparilla

Bickford's Traditional Soda Sarsaparilla
I knew I was in for a wild ride when I didn't even have this cap completely off and I was blasted in the face by the familiar sent of anise/licorice. How is it that I hate black licorice/black jelly beans more than I have hated almost anything in this world, yet I kind of dig that flavor when it's in beverage form? Sure this tastes a bit like carbonated Nyquil, but it's still somehow pretty great.

There really isn't anything about this that would make me think sarsaparilla if I blind taste tested it. I would just assume it was supposed to be an anise soda, because that's all I'm getting. Perhaps sarsaparilla is something different in Australia, where this drink comes from.

This bottle is only 9.3oz, but I think it would be perfect at half that size. I really enjoy it, but it gets to be a bit too much for me at about the half way point. I really hope I stumble across this companies other flavors though, because I anticipate great things from them.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/21/16, 6:39 PM
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Cheers Root Beer

Cheers Root Beer
I travel a lot. Be it touring with bands, or just for leisure I like to leave Buffalo a lot. I love it here, but I appreciate it more when I'm able to take a break and then come back to it. When I'm out in the world I don't often do touristy things. I prefer to go on adventures and find the weird, cool things cities have to offer. Recently I was in Boston for the probably two dozenth time in my life and my friends who I was with really wanted to check out Cheers. They love the show and it we had some time to kill, so we walked across some park or another and checked it out. I must admit it was pretty neat to stop in for a few minutes. I really had no interest in eating there, or having a drink because…€¦yeah I'm not a fan of bars. The television nostalgia was nice though. They each picked up some souvenirs and I grabbed this bottle of root beer.

Being a novelty item I had low expectations for this soda and it ended up sitting in my fridge for a while. Obviously they went to some bottling plant and just had them slap a Cheers label on it. Normally in those situations the soda is completely uninspiring and more sugar water than anything. This was more robust than I had expected. It was better than store brand, which is the barometer that I use for root beer quality. It's a little dark, and fairly sweet. It did its job and I found it quite refreshing on this hot, anxiety ridden day. And no, I do not want to go where everybody knows my name. I want to hide out in the woods where I will come in contact with very few people. At what point do I need to admit that I have a problem? Oh, probably when I run out of drinks to review.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/2/16, 7:41 PM
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Baumeister Root Beer

Baumeister Root Beer
I feel like out of all of the soda flavors out there root beer is the one that can have the most nuances. Even though all of the varieties fall under a specific umbrella the differences between them can be vast. Baumeister falls on the good side of those differences and produces a dark, crisp root beer that is heavy on the wintergreen. To me that makes this stand out amongst a sea of what I like to call “store brand root beer” flavored drinks. As a general rule, the earthier a root beer tastes, the more I'll like it. This doesn't really taste that way at all, but something about it is really hitting all of the right buttons right now and I love it. It's definitely very sweet, but it's in a good way, and not a root beer barrel way. Does anyone actually like those candies for more than like 30 seconds?
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/31/16, 10:16 PM
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Fiz Root Beer

Fiz Root Beer
Roc City (Rochester) makes this and it's good stuff. Cane sugar and a decent root beer. I don't mean "decent" as in it just passes satisfactory, it's good. I drank the whole thing. No sharzies and I share everything. This was all mine and I drank the whole thing. No. I do not want a medal for drinking a whole bottle of pop like everyone else. I'm just illustrating the point that it was so good that I didn't give any to the drain.

It did taste like root beer and did not linger too long. It was a pretty good model of what a root beer should taste like. I bet those Roc City tough guys are pretty proud of themselves for making a very fine root beer.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/12/16, 12:53 PM
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New York Seltzer Root Beer Soda

New York Seltzer Root Beer Soda
Unfortunately I think this company is running on nostalgia and not much more. I for one was more excited than I should have been when I heard that new York Seltzer would be hitting the shelves again after a long absence. The thing is that when I used to drink it, I didn't have much of a relationship with soda outside of the big names and store brand. This seemed special at the time, but now it just tastes average. This is like someone took a survey of what a hundred people thought root beer tasted like and used the results to make this soda. It definitely has a root beer flavor, but it comes off as generic. This is a lighter soda version of root beer barrel candies.

I didn't mean to come off so negative with this review. There is nothing bad about it, and I would happily drink it again. It's just a little too on the nose, when I had expected so much more. Nostalgia will be the death of us.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
New York SeltzerWebsite@DrinkONYS
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/1/16, 11:07 PM
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Sno Cap Root Beer

Sno Cap Root Beer
Apparently Wisconsin has more soda companies per capita than any other state in the US. It seems like more often than not what I've been drinking lately has come from the Badger State. I was just informed that was the state's nickname and I am thoroughly intrigued. Can this state get any better? Now I want to try and search some out next time I'm there, and yes I find myself in Wisconsin more often than your average person.

Sno Cap is produced by the Titletown Brewing Co. This may be the first brewery made root beer that I have tried that was sweetened with HFCS. Sure it also has granulated sugar in here, but it's hard to miss the thick syrupiness of HFCS. It's one of those things that you don't even need to check the ingredients to know it's included in the recipe. It is also heavy on the caramel flavoring. All of the usual root beer suspects are there, but the caramel is what is standing out to me. Perhaps badgers love that particular flavor and they use it to appease their furry overlords. Oh, you didn't know that badgers ruled Wisconsin? The rest of the country may be run by lizard people, but they don't call it the Badger State for nothing. This is better than your average root beer, but it doesn't blow my socks off or anything. Perhaps if I was a different species that would be a different story.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Sno CapWebsite
United States
Granulated Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/9/16, 5:52 PM
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Fiz Buffalo Birch Beer

Fiz Buffalo Birch Beer
When you go into a small local beverage store and see a soda called “Buffalo Birch Beer,” and you are me, the first thing you think is “How the hell is there a new soda company in Buffalo and I didn't know about it? I'm a consummate professional and I should really be up on these things!” a quick label then informs you that it's actually from Rochester, NY (a little over an hour away) and that it's made by College Club, a company you are very familiar with. That is twice that I was duped today. I was also told that Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard was from Buffalo as well, which broke my brain. I then found out that he's actually from Olean which is even further than Rochester. I guess the lesson here is that Buffalo is great and everyone wants to pretend that they are a part of it in some way.

I have nothing bad to say about College Club. They make delicious soda that is ridiculously cheap. Their normal line comes in reusable glass bottles and cost about 35 cents each. You just can't beat it for a family gathering, especially with their selection. It appears that Fiz is their venture into cane sugar sweetened sodas that come in normal glass bottles. This does taste similar to their other birch beer. It's dark and rich, the cane sugar makes this way better though. It's obviously less syrupy and the wintergreen really seems to shine a lot more. This is great. I wish it really were from Buffalo, but Rochester isn't that far, and I'm glad to see that things are going well for College Club. They have always treated Thirsty Dudes well and it's nice to see them expanding.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/3/16, 1:08 PM
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3 Dachshunds Root Beer

3 Dachshunds Root Beer
All root beer. It's been a while, friend. So long, in fact, that this root beer took a little turn into "potentially spoiled" territory. I can taste through it so I will be rating it as a non-spoiled bottle of grossness.

This is a fine root beer. If you like root beer, you will like this. If you love root beer, you will think this is "just another" root beer. This is a calmer version of a pretty generic root beer but the cane sugar makes it better because the taste doesn't linger. It's got a medium bite and it's not too dark and not too light. I don't think that this was made "from scratch" but probably from a concentrated syrup. Look, no judgement, it just tastes like it.

A dashshund bit my dog the first time I took her to the dog park so if I had three dashshunds around me, I think I'd be a bit skeptical. I'd probably be on the defense like they're going to attack. If I had three bottles of this root beer around me, two of them would go to waste.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
3 Dachshunds
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/29/16, 1:42 PM
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III Dachshunds Root Beer

III Dachshunds Root Beer
III Dachshunds is a brewery in Milwaukie, WI, which also makes this delicious root beer. I've heard it claimed that they chose the name because the owners had three Dachshund dogs and they were their entire world. I'd like to submit that there is a different reason. This brewery is located in Wisconsin. The official food (pretty much) of the state is bratwurst. While brats and hotdogs are not the same thing they are close enough and another name for a hotdog is a wiener, which also happens to be a common name used to describe dachshunds (wiener dogs). I'd like to propose the ridiculous theory that the company actually named their company after their love of sausage and not for dogs at all. They just have a little shame over their Wisconsin pride (not that anyone actually would, it's a magical place).
Wherever the name is from this is a quality soda. It is certainly no generic “mix” or store brand root beer. It is dark and bold. All of the flavors that were originally used to make root beer, that have since been watered down to homogenize it, all stand up tall proclaiming their stake in the soda game. There's wintergreen, vanilla, caramel, sassafras, licorice and all of the others. On top of a great flavor it also is very carbonated, which is something that I always enjoy in a soda.

Grab your dogs. Grab your brats. Hell, grab some cheese even. Get it all together pop open a bottle of this and sit back and enjoy yourself. You put in a long day at work and you deserve to relax, Wisconsin style.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
III DachshundsWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/23/16, 12:06 PM
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Lakefront Brewing Inc Golden Maple Root Beer

Lakefront Brewing Inc Golden Maple Root Beer
You know how you get served a giant mound of pancakes and you pour that golden syrup all over it to give it a nice sticky sweetness that you love so much? Oh you do, well can you explain it to me because I think that it is disgusting. In fact I eat my pancakes completely dry. That's right, not even butter gets spread on my cakes. I'm sure that second fact makes me look like a sociopath of some sort, but I simply do not like syrup.

I've given many maple flavored products a chance over the years and they simply don't do it for me. When I picked this up I thought to myself, “Well, I have to do it.” Lucky for me I only get the faintest, if any, maple flavor in this bottle of root beer. Actually the most notable thing about this soda is that it may be the crispest root beer I have ever tried. It's like someone took a regular root beer and an unflavored soda that was pure crispness and mixed equal parts and put just the tiniest dab of maple syrup in it. The result is that even the root beer flavor isn't very strong, but it's there enough to be pleasant.

This is a different type of soda, and I can appreciate it for that, but if anyone got this and was excited to get some maple flavor they would be sorely disappointed.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Lakefront Brewing IncWebsite@lakefront
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/14/16, 8:59 PM
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Northwoods Soda Wild Bill's Root Beer

Northwoods Soda Wild Bill's Root Beer
First things first; This is Northwoods Soda's “Wild Bill's Root Beer” and it is not to be confused with the company Wild Bill's that also makes root beer. I'm not sure which company came first and who is the proper owner of the title according to the judicial system in this country, but it can be confusing. Northwoods is made in northern Michigan, and I grabbed it on a recent drive through the U.P., which I hope I can do again when the weather gets nicer.

On question I have is who named this gentleman Wild Bill? Is it a joke name like calling a fat man Slim? The picture on the label shows an aging man who looks proud of the root beer he has concocted. There is nothing about the picture that would make me question his sanity or think of him as a crazy party animal. He does have something to be proud of though, as he has made a tasty bubbly beverage.

This is a root beer with a heavy caramel flavor to it, especially in the aftertaste. It's a nice soda that lets you pick out the flavors that make up root beer and not just a general amalgamation of them all mixed together. There is some nice licorice and vanilla in here, without either being extremely present. I'm not a huge caramel guy, but the way it's done in here is quite nice and it left me wanting more when the bottle was done.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Northwoods SodaWebsite
United States
Pure Granulated Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/22/15, 12:20 PM
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Point Premium Root Beer

Point Premium Root Beer
A vast majority of the people in the United States, let alone the world know of the wonder that is the state of Wisconsin. It's famous for cheese and beer, two things that I couldn't care less about, yet it may be my favorite state. I know it's probably all in my mind, but it feels like a simpler place where everyone is friendly (Well, except Milwaukee. I've almost gotten into a fight with Nazis there, have witnessed a drug deal gone wrong, and played a house that had a drive by a few weeks prior). I have had conversations with people about how a band could do a two week tour of just the state playing all of the wonderfully named towns. I also played my best game of Galaga ever in a laundromat in Appleton. If all of this isn't enough for you, they also have the grocery store chain Woodmans, which comes in second after Wegmans in my world.

Another thing that Wisconsin has is a decent amount of breweries that make sodas. I came across Point in a cheese shop that my traveling companions wanted to stop at, and was excited to pick up a few flavors. Later that night I decided to enjoy this root beer while I ate one of the most disappointing calzones of my life (not in Wisconsin). On paper this should be a wonderful soda. It's small batch brewed, it's sweetened with Wisconsin honey and it has real vanilla in it. Unfortunately all of these great things somehow couldn't save this root beer. Things started pleasantly enough it's nice and creamy but then there was something lingering underneath. It wasn't anything that made me dump out the bottle, but it tasted off, almost burnt. I checked some other review sites and everyone else seems to love this root beer, so I'm left wondering if I got a bad batch, or if the bottle was old. If I ever come across it again I will pick up another bottle and give it a second chance, because it's from Wisconsin, and it has premium ingredients. I just don't want to accept that this isn't good.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 11/12/15, 5:06 PM
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Rocky Mountain Soda Co Root Beer

Rocky Mountain Soda Co Root Beer
While climbing the Rocky Mountains, Jack heard about a legend of a mysterious cooler on the top of the tallest mountain. For as long as he was a kid, he always wanted to climb the mountain and find out what was in the cooler. Some people said it was a head of a mob boss that terrorized the city during the 1920's. Some said that it was a secret recipe for a really good pie. Jack needed to find out for sure.

He packed a bag and climbed a couple of the smaller mountains for years to prepare himself for the big climb. Then, one nice summer day, he took his first step up the mountain. Minute after minute, Hour after hour he diligently climbed until he finally made it and there it was, a cooler. A standard issue, blue, plastic insulated Coleman cooler with root beer in it. Not just any root beer but Rocky Mountain root beer.

Sure, it wasn't the finest root beer but it was special because it was made from the Rocky Mountain area. It's a nice, dark root beer that's not too sweet and is actually sweetened from beet sugar. Jack was psyched. He just took the one bottle and left the rest. There was a note on the top of the cooler that said, "Take one and tell no one. Safe travels." He obeyed the rules.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Rocky Mountain Soda CoWebsite
United States
Rocky Mountain Beet Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/10/15, 2:56 PM
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Joby Joe's Root Beer Float

Joby Joe's Root Beer Float
Rocket Fizz sure does put out a lot of soda. Sure, they release them under different sub-brands, but all in all they have about six dozen different flavors. That is unheard of for a small company. I don't even know if Pepsi or Coke have that many flavors domestically.

This specific flavor is in honor of Joe. I'm not sure who Joe is exactly, but if the internet is to be believed he is either the owner's brother, or else it has something to do with them being on Undercover Boss. Whoever he is, he may be homeless, as proceeds go to an unnamed homeless organization, or else he really just loves the woods, because the bottle says “Enjoy the outdoors.” Perhaps he become homeless because he loved being outside so much and just wanted to commune with nature forever. The only thing I know for sure is that I have found very little concrete information about this gentleman.

I expected this to be an extremely creamy vanilla root beer. Root beer floats have a very specific taste (well depending on what brand of soda you use), and the contents of this bottle just did not meet my expectations. The root beer flavor itself is nothing special, and the something extra that would be the taste of the vanilla ice cream isn't what you would expect. It instead just tastes like a general root beer with something else mixed in. Unfortunately that something else doesn't really improve the flavor at all. If you were to go into this blind and not be told that it was supposed to be a root beer float, it would be a completely serviceable soda. Knowing how it should taste it leaves me wanting.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Joby Joe'sWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/31/15, 10:31 PM
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Earp's Original Sarsaparilla

Earp's Original Sarsaparilla
“Gambler. Lawman. Soda Enthusiast.” I'm pretty sure that is the inscription on Wyatt Earp's tombstone (full pun intended). It's commonly known that when the shootout at OK Corral was going on Earp called for a time out, Zach Morris style, then he handed everyone involved a nice cold bottle of sarsaparilla, which they enjoyed until they returned to their bloodbath. No one really knows how he kept the soda cold, or where he had it stored, but everyone involved recalled that it was very thoughtful and it really hit the spot at that exact moment.

The Earp family has now aged a few generations, and have decided to bottle and sell their own sarsaparilla. Their wares are the smoothest sarsaparilla I have ever tasted. It has the creaminess of a root beer and not the quasi-harsh sharpness that one equates to this flavor of soda. The general sarsaparilla flavor is there, but it just doesn't have the bite that I want. I did enjoy the soda, but it didn't blow me away like a lot of sarsaparilla does. I feel like I've typed out that word far too many times now. Sarsaparilla.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/17/15, 2:04 PM
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Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer

Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer
Hey kid, come here. Do you like caramel? What? No, I'm not a creepy pervert. Oh man, I just realized how this probably looks; me rolling up in a white van calling a kid over and talking about candy. This is bad. I have no ill intent I swear! I'm just part of the marketing team for Brownie Root Beer. They wanted to start something like the “Red Bull Girls.” You know the ones that just drive around and hand out cans. The thing is that it is way easier to hand out cans of energy drinks from a car with a giant can on it, instead of soda from an all-white van. I told marketing that we needed to put a wrap on this thing to let people know what we were all about, but they said it wasn't in the budget. Now I look like a creep and will probably get put on a sex offenders list or something. I really don't want to go door to door and talk to my neighbors.

Anyway, if you still want some root beer you can have it. The reason I asked you is you liked caramel is that this is a caramel cream root beer. Personally I'm not a huge fan of it. I'm a big root beer guy, but I find the added flavor rather distracting as it's really strong. I'd go as far as to say that this is 70% caramel, 25% root beer and 5% cream. Those aren't great proportions if you ask me. The more I drink the more palatable it becomes, but it's a little rough at first, especially if you're not a big caramel fan. I find it hard to be able to describe how the root beer aspect of this soda tastes because it has been so overpowered.

I really should look for a new line of work, as I seemingly talked you out of accepting a free soda and it looks like you're on your cell phone calling the police. I'm outta here.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/16/15, 10:08 AM
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Stewart's Shops Root Beer

Stewart's Shops Root Beer
It's been a long time since I've had root beer. This one is strange though. It makes quick visits to your tongue and promptly vanishes. In and out, just like when you visited your ex-girlfriend's smelly uncle's house; in and out. Split second flavor. How is that flavor, though? It's actually pretty good. It's more on the candy side of root beer. Not really dark or deep or anything special but it's right in the middle of the root beer spectrum.

If you didn't like it, you wouldn't know because before you had to decide if you liked it or not, you would be half way through the bottle and you would just assume you liked it because you drank so much, not because you didn't have time to justify one way or the other.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Stewart's ShopsWebsite@StewartsShops
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/20/15, 2:22 PM
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