Juice - 935 Reviews

RISE Nitro Blood Orange Coffee

RISE Nitro Blood Orange Coffee
I'll have the 2-2-2, please? Egg? Ugg, scrambled. Sausage. Pancakes please. Oh, chocolate chip pancakes. Oh, to drink? Umm. You know what? I'll have a coffee and an orange juice. Thank you.

Wow. That was fast. Oh, it's made before hand and microwaved and brought to me? You can hardly taste the difference. If I wasn't such a scumbag, I might complain but it's garbage food to begin with so I'm fine with it. Why...why are you making that face? Oh yeah, I like to pour orange juice into my coffee. It cools it down and gives it a citrus taste. Is it good? Well it's not...poison. I don't know why I do it. I've been doing it seemingly forever. Wait wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut? You have a drink that tastes like orange juice and coffee mixed together? You can save me the painstakingly large amount of drinking half my orange juice straight like a savage and then pouring scalding hot coffee into my orange juice cup? How it is? It tastes exactly the same? Does it have the same, strange orange citrus taste mixed with the strange bitterness of coffee? You don't say. Well Darlene, I will take one to go and I will tip you handsomely. No, I'm not calling you handsome. Well I did notice that you have a moustache and while it looks good on you I wasn't going to say anything about it. Well I didn't know if you were going for something and I thought it to be none of my business. Darlene, take this $5. It's yours. Cash. Take it. I'll take this can of Rise Nitro Blood Orange Coffee and drink it in the car on the way to clown college. Yes Darlene, you heard me correctly. I'm a grown man going to clown college. My life isn't going exactly as planned.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/13/19, 11:45 AM
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Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus

Blume Honey Water Vanilla Citrus
Well it certainly is nice to try something new again. This was great. I'll come right out of the gate, swinging my fists like a complete idiot; ready to fight no one and everyone at the same time. Honey rules. I put it in my coffee at home. I put it on ice cream. I add it to other stuff that you mind your G.D. business about, that's what! This is sweet. It's a different sweet than "1,000,000 sugar" sweet. It just tastes like honey which tastes sweet. It's a bit of a mental thing. As far as the "citrus vanilla" goes., yeah, that's there lighter in the mix. It's certainly a honey base but it does have notes of citrus and vanilla. I don't know how they do it. It's not thick at all. It's "like water" but tastes like honey. A drinkable honey for those of you cosplayers who go to Winnie The Pooh conventions but don't want to get your $1900 costume all sticky before the inevitably sex party afterwards aptly named "The Piglet Roast."

As sweet as this is, the whole (tiny) bottle is only 70 calories. This was generously sent to us but if I saw it in the wild, I would buy it. It's nice. A+. Quick shipping. Would buy from again.
Juice and Water
United States
Mike Literman on 9/7/18, 1:33 PM
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Amaz Amazon Plant-Based Elixir Tropical Boost - Guarana + Catuaba

Amaz Amazon Plant-Based Elixir Tropical Boost - Guarana + Catuaba
What we have here is an elixir (aka juice) that is made from herbs and such that are found in the Amazon rainforest. The end game is to put healthier, functional drinks into the hands of the public, or so I assume. What do I know though, the owners could have some secret vendetta against an old colleague and they could have built this entire company as part of some revenge plot, but let's just say it's for health.

There are other things in this elixir, but the two ingredients that Amaz is trying to shine a light on are guarana (a natural stimulant) and catuaba (strengthen and balances body function). Basically it's a natural energy drink of sorts. It tastes very tropical. The guarana is the main flavor in the beverage, which is overly fruity and borderline bubble gum tasting. I do get a slight hint of banana as well. That I am not a fan of, but I know I'm in the minority with that one. Also included are cupuacu, apples, caja, suma root, beets, green coffee, marapuama and camucamu. Iwould be a liar if I told you I could accurately describe each of those ingredients. Mixed together they most certainly bring to mind something that I could envision being a customary beverage in the rain forest.

This is a different juice, and I don't think it's for everyone, but I enjoyed it. As a bonus the company support ethical sourcing of ingredients and 1% of their sales goes to seeding the forests in the Amazon.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/10/18, 10:33 AM
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Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange

Ocean Spray Pact Cranberry Blood Orange
Question: Is it infused if it takes the color and flavor of the fruit? It seems like it's just a juice at that point.

Story: This is good. I saw it at an Aldi and left the line I was in while the people in front of me argued about bringing bags and the people behind me screamed at someone on the phone about how they're going to beat the hell of them when they see them. I'm painting a picture of what it's like to Aldi by me. Yes, it's a verb. I could not get out of there fast enough. It's not always like that but when it rains it pours.

Review: This is good. I'm at work after a long weekend just drinking some fruity juice water. It's good. Best of all, you can't really tell that it's fake sugar. I believe previously that you could. Perhaps they improved the recipe. From a drink standpoint it's good. I certainly get more cranberry than blood orange or even citrus at all. Did that make it lose points? Nope. It was still good. I would get it again. For the eleventh time, though, this is juice. Give Vitamin Water to a child and have a discussion about whether or not it's water or juice. Hint makes water with fruit essence in it. This is not that.
Juice and Water
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Mike Literman on 6/12/18, 6:37 AM
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San Pellegrino Melograno E Arancia

San Pellegrino Melograno E Arancia
It's not often that we find "regular" drinks on the shelves everywhere but today I found this while buying a seasonal corned beef sandwich. I was surprised when we hadn't reviewed it because both Jay and I enjoy a nice can of San P when given the opportunity. It's more calories than we like but they're good so we like it. How did this far? Well it fared well because sitting next to me is an empty can. It's very fruity and all of the orange and pomegranate juice comes through nicely. It's not overly sweet or fruity. It hits you right in the sweet spot. If you gave this to a scientist and said, "Dr. Scientist? Why are there so many calories in this juice?" They would probably say something like, "You mispronounce my name. It's 'Craig' and it's because there are a lot of calories in fruit and you know…€¦.sugar."

So fruit has calories. Calories are displayed as "joules" in the UK, right? That's cooler. American's hate calories. Joules sound way cooler. We should switch. Let's take the metric system while we're at it. Oh, and get rid of daylight savings time. Just rip those bandages right off all at once. Be on the right side of history, friends.
Juice and Sparkling
San PellegrinoWebsite@SanPellegrinoDK
Mike Literman on 3/12/18, 1:06 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Forager Mango & Chia

Forager Mango & Chia
Oh, a mango and chia probiotic smoothie. That sounds pleasant enough. Wait, the base of this is cashew milk? That sounds a bit odd, but I'm willing to give it a try, I mean I really like almond milk.
*one spit take later*
Okay, I was wrong that is not what I want to taste. I still think I would like cashew milk on its own. Hell, I think I would probably even like it if it were just that and mango juice. It might be a little weird, but I have a ghost vision of it on my taste buds and it's not bad. The problem lies with one, some or all of the other ingredients. I'm looking at you orange juice, dates, lemon juice, and bacillus coagulans GB1-30 6086 whatever you are (it's a probiotic strain). In your ranks is the think that makes this taste very vegetable juice like and not like something I want to drink at all. It tastes like it's the gross beverage that I would have to force myself to drink on a juice cleanse. Lucky for me I'm not cleansing and I don't have to force anything. Wait, why did I just chug the whole thing then?
Juice and Milk
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/6/18, 11:12 AM
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Core Organic Blueberry

Core Organic Blueberry
You know. It's a juice.

Wild blueberry. Is that different than a "regular" blueberry? I feel like you could add adjectives to anything and as long as it's not "wrong," it's right. "Well you do find them in the wild so they are technically wild blueberries. LOLZ." Farmers. Whatever, dudes.

This is fine. I didn't expect much as it's a Stevia juice with low calories. They kind of take the form of a fruit flavored sugar after a while. This doesn't taste bad but it hardly tastes like any blueberry I've ever tasted and I've been known to eat a blueberry every now and then. At ten calories per bottle though, I cannot and will not complain. This is actually a decent drink that met my expectations and allowed me to happily drink while not knowing if I was going to have some sort of caloric overload or sugar high, neither of which I want.
United States
Mike Literman on 3/2/18, 12:55 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Raspberry Blood Orange

Bolthouse Farms Raspberry Blood Orange
So either there was a mishap with the labeling of this product, the people at Bolthouse have learned some crazy science that would make them masters at mixing fountain beverages, or the company employs warlocks. The reason for this is that the flavor listed on the bottle is Raspberry Blood Orange, yet the fruit it lists as making up the juice are blood oranges, apples, strawberries, cherries, and pomegranate. As you can see raspberries are not included in this bottle, yet without knowing the name of this juice I would have bet money that it included raspberries just from the taste. Okay at the very bottom in tiny writing it does say raspberry puree is used, but it's in the fine print, so I'm guessing like .05% of this is actual raspberry. That being said, this may taste more like raspberries than any other drink I have ever tried. Perhaps mixing strawberries and cherries tricks one mind into thinking it's a raspberry. I don't know, but I wish I did, because I would like to recreate it on my own. This juice is fantastic and it is exactly what I needed to drink while I'm dealing with this cold. Can someone come over and just squeeze blood oranges and raspberries directly in my mouth, because I seem to have drunk this entire bottle. I would also accept it if you brought several more bottles with you instead.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 2/21/18, 3:31 PM
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Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime

Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime
I think if Thirsty Dudes could have one sponsor it would be Big Lots. I believe that I speak for both Jay and myself when I say that for drinks, it's a great place. They never have the same thing and you could go once a month and find new stuff. It's not the best stuff, sure. It's not the most high end stuff, sure. Sometimes you find a lot of the same stuff but anything that's there a lot is truly and undeniably garbage at best. Recently they've been getting some nicer stuff though like Bruce Cost, Illy and Belvoir. Maybe they know we're going there.

This last time I went with my brother who has never "Thirsty Dude'd" with me and he just watched as I nonchalantly knocked drink after drink into my handcart. This being one of them and I'm glad I did because it's pretty darn good. Somehow the lime does cut through and ruin everything. The watermelon flavor was light and first followed by the lime. They're also doing a good job at taming their array of sweeteners because it no longer tastes like Stevia threw up in your mouth. It's also in a nice, small can so you don't get overwhelmed by the flavor. It's sweet. Not too sweet but I think anything larger than this there would be remainders.

Big Lots, if you're listening, we're accepting offers.
Diet, Juice and Sparkling
United States
Bai Natural Sweetener Blend (Erythritol and Organi
Mike Literman on 2/19/18, 6:12 AM
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Star Wars Sparkling Vitamin Drink Space Punch

Star Wars Sparkling Vitamin Drink Space Punch
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..and by that I mean a few months ago in Delaware this beverage was “bottled.” Star Wars has always been known for its merchandising, but this one seems a bit ridiculous. Space Punch? Are they serious? This seems like it should be some sort of knock off product, you know like something that would be featured on a Star Wars version of bootlegbart.com. The slit on Kylo Ren's mask would go vertically and his light sabre would be bright green or something like that. We live in a strange world though in which Disney owns Star Wars and has licensed it out for this product.

At first I thought the price point on this was a bit high for a kid's drink. Then I noticed that the vitamin content of this was mostly B vitamins and Niacin aka vitamins used in energy drinks. It was then that it hit me that when I was a kid everything Star Wars related was directed towards children, but nowadays a bunch of it must be marketed towards adults because those kids that were fanatics about it in the 80's are now all grown up. If this were made for kids it would taste like Flintstone's chewable vitamins dissolved into fruit punch. Instead it tastes like Centrum multivitamins were ground up and put in the juice. It has a very non-candy like vitamin taste to it. At least the fruit punch aspect of it tastes great.it is composed of grapefruit, pear, orange, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry juice mixed together. If you took out the vitamins and most definitely left out the completely unnecessary erythritol this would be a punch that would truly be out of this world. Instead it just tastes a bit earthy and a bit diet. The force was not with A Drink Department One when they dreamt this up.
Juice, Sparkling and Diet
Star Wars
United States
Jason Draper on 2/15/18, 3:56 PM
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100% Fruit & Veggies Purple Rain (Beetroot-Apple-Grape-Black Currant)

100% Fruit & Veggies Purple Rain (Beetroot-Apple-Grape-Black Currant)
Do you think this product was named before or after Prince passed away? Not that it really matters, I just find myself curious about marketing strategies. I will choose to believe that whether it happened pre or post, it was meant as a tribute to the greatness that is the 1984 album/movie. I can picture a juicer in a room draped with purple velvet yelling along with Darling Nikki while squeezing the juice from a variety of produce, or you know to a lesser extent humming Computer Blue while mixing concentrates (which compose this juice).

I mean I know beets are more maroon that purple, but I get where they are going with this. Do you think Prince would only drink grape and beet juice to keep up with his image? I'll choose to believe, yes.

This tastes like an apple-grape juice that has a bit of beet mixed in. I could use it to be a little more beety and taste more like earth. Yes, that is what I want from juice, an earthy flavor. I know it's not for everyone, but it's for me. Even without the dirt taste this is still great. It gets a little sweet, so I'm not able to drink more than a small glass at a time, but who needs to drink more than that anyway?
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/15/18, 11:17 AM
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V8 + Energy Kiwi Melon

V8 + Energy Kiwi Melon
Mark, I was happy to come over and help you tear our your kitchen. I mean it's always great to help out a pal in order to save them some money. The thing is, this is day three of what was supposed to be a couple hour job. As I said, I'm happy to help out a friend, but I'm calling into work for this and old man Jenkins is getting pretty pissed, not to mention my paycheck is going to be light this week. I feel the need to mention that one jar of salsa and a bag of tortilla chips, does not really count as a meal, especially since you are a known salsa addict and eat 80% of it. The one thing I will say is that these energy drinks you picked up are pretty nice. Sure, you forgot to take the tag off of one of them and I see you picked them up at Big Lots for $.80 each, but I'm not one to care about cost, as long as the flavor is there. There is some taste here too. I'd say this is 20% kiwi melon, 70% apple, 5% sucralose, and 5% other. For something that is supposed to be carbonated kiwi melon green tea, it really tastes strongly of carbonated apple juice. That's not a complaint, more of an observation, so you can put down that pry bar. If you drink it while it's cold that artificial sweetener doesn't come through much, but the warmer it gets the more obvious it becomes. Overall it's pretty tasty and it's probably the thing I would complain about this situation the least. I'm hungry, jacked up on caffeine, and my body feels like it's breaking down. Why are there six different layers of flooring on top of the subfloor? Whoever owned this house before you was a real turd, you know that? By the way how much are you saving by us doing this work? $300?!?!?! Are you serious Mark? You know what? Screw you and screw your house and while you're at it screw your pittance of salsa. I'm taking the rest of this V8 I'm leaving. Yes, you will see me at Margret's on Saturday for Louie's birthday and yes I will have gotten over this by then, but as of now. You my friend are the turd.
Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 12/29/17, 11:27 AM
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Zhivchic Pear

Zhivchic Pear
For a drink that expired six years ago from the Ukraine, this sexy pear drink wasn't too bad.
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 11/17/17, 5:53 AM
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R.W. Knudsen Sparkling Pumpkin Spice

R.W. Knudsen Sparkling Pumpkin Spice
For camping in this chilly autumn weather I really wanted a bottle of Reed's Spiced Apple Brew to sip while I sat at a fire. There is something wonderful about sipping some spiced sparkling apple juice while fire consumes everything it touches in a controlled setting while chatting with some good friends. At the store I discovered that they no longer seemed to stock that particular product (I am more than slightly concerned that it has been discontinued and I need to do some research). While I didn't find what I was looking for I did find this bottle which appeared to be similar, but with pumpkin added to the mix.

So I sat at my campsite and threw a rouge pumpkin I found on the fire and cracked this bottle open. As the fire distorted the face carved into the gourd I sipped on a glass of this sweet treat. It turns out it is very similar to what is one of my favorite drinks that I was bummed I couldn't find. The pumpkin isn't too overpowering and I'd have to say that it is mostly a sparkling apple drink. It is fairly sweet tasting. I could only drink a smallish glass (which is what a human should drink, we don't need to be the gluttons we tend to be). It was very enjoyable for that glass, but I can't imagine drinking more than that in a sitting (or even over an extended period of time). It's good that it's a seasonal product. I hope to enjoy it again next year.

Juice and Sparkling
R.W. KnudsenWebsite@RWKnudsen
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No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/8/17, 6:12 AM
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Caribe Cana Guava

Caribe Cana Guava
It's fairly sad that walking through the grocery store and a new fancy juice presents itself to you, and that is the highlight of your day. I guess it is understandable when the juice is guava flavored, one of the elusive fruits that doesn't make its way into beverage form nearly enough. I personally can't get enough of this tropical treat.

This is a cold pressed juice from the Dominican Republic. It is simply cane juice, guava puree and filtered water. I shook this bottle with all my might, but the first half of the bottle was fairly weak and was more like a guava flavored water drink rather than a juice. As I pressed on, the taste got stronger with each sip. By the end it tastes like a great guava juice. I was hoping that the entire bottle was going to be a flavorful guava puree, but I will take what I can get when it comes to the world of guava.
United States
Raw Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 10/11/17, 6:24 AM
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Telula Blackberry + Chia

Telula Blackberry + Chia
I'm pretty sure that as I was going to take my first sip of this I fell asleep, because surely this must be a dream. This is absolutely wonderful. The only ingredients are blackberry puree and chia seeds. I couldn't ask for anything more. Blackberries are one of, if not my favorite fruit and chia seeds just make drinks fun. This is 95% juice. That means that blackberries make up 95% of what is contained in this bottle. I wish I could have this flow out of my sink as water currently does. I want a never ending stream of it at the ready. I could drink an Olympic size swimming pool full of this and it still wouldn't be enough. Are you getting the picture yet? This is perfection.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/6/17, 10:52 AM
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Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon

Odwalla Quencher Hotter-Melon
After drinking over 4,000 beverages to review, things can get boring. There is only so much one can say about the same old drinks day in and day out. Sure, I still really enjoy a lot of them, but my inspiration is running dry and that means Thirsty Dudes has slowed down a lot from when we first started seven years ago. I wasn't even looking for something new to review in the grocery store when I found this. I just really wanted some juice. While I'm in this frame of mind I almost always go for a 100% juice, but when you have a bottle of jalapeno watermelon juice staring you down, you settle for the 20% in order to experience the wild ride it's inevitably going to take you on. So, sit down, strap yourself in, crack open the bottle and let the adventure begin.

First off, when I opened this up, I hated the way it smelled. It doesn't smell unpleasant, but it also does not smell how I want a juice to smell. It smells like a liquefied, fruity salad. Lucky for all of us involved it tastes much better than that. The makeup of this juice includes apple, lemon, watermelon, raspberry and jalapeno. The watermelon actually makes up a very small portion of the ingredients, but I'll give it to them for leaning on it to have a great name for the juice. Instead of tasting just like a spicy watermelon juice, this is more of a spicy fruit punch. It is a great fruit punch though, where you can make out the individual fruits used and not just a general hodgepodge of sweetness. I'd also like to note that the spiciness of it is not overwhelming either. The pepper is there as more of a flavor than a heat factor. The more you drink the hotter it gets, but it never gets to a critical level.

This is now someone's favorite drink. It's not mine, but I certainly appreciate it for being something new and unusual. It's not the type of thing that I would drink the entire 15oz bottle of in one sitting, but I have found myself continuously going back to it throughout the day to take a sip here or there. There are different kinds of beverages in the world and this is the kind you sip and ponder.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/3/17, 8:16 AM
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Natalie's Orange Beet

Natalie's Orange Beet
I spend far too much time reflecting back on my trip to Mexico last winter. I didn't go to any resorts, or the coast. I toured with friends' band and we hit the major cities and were in the real deal heart of the country. I even had an interaction with a member of a cartel, who happened to be at a show and really liked the band. I only knew because he was bragging to me about his custom made suit that was bullet and stab proof. What a life. I actually never think much about those things, but I always find my mind wandering to the food and drinks I consumed there. My outlook on tacos has forever been changed. I'm glad to have experienced them in their true form, but now the ones back home are lacking and leave me wanting. Another thing I had a lot of was juice, which was obscenely cheap for fresh squeezed varieties. My favorites were the orange/carrot juice that I had with my morning tacos every day and what I believe was hibiscus beet juice that I would buy in the markets. They were both incredible in their own ways, and this juice is like a combination of them both (minus a few ingredients). It's simply oranges and beets juiced with nothing else added and it is completely fantastic, to an extent that it is kind of dangerous. I feel like I could consume mass amounts of this if I wasn't paying attention. Would that really be such a bad thing though? It's just juice and it tastes so fresh and healthy. I already want another bottle. So long savings account.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/31/17, 11:03 AM
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Natalie's Honey Tangerine

Natalie's Honey Tangerine
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be tangerine juice with honey in it. I salivated at the thought. When I looked at it I realized that it's just a type of tangerine. I was a little disappointed until I took as sip and I realized that it didn't need the honey, not at all. This is nothing but juice of the previously mentioned fruit, and it needs nothing else. Sure it's a little acidic, but what do you expect? I think I might get a stomach ache if I drank too much, but this bottle is the perfect size for such a wonderful juice.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/29/17, 1:43 PM
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Telula Green Fusion

Telula Green Fusion
I've spied this little fella right here for quite a while at my local Target when scoping out other drinks. I will admit that I am cheap and the $5-6 price tag on it always left me picking it up, looking at it for far longer than I needed to, realizing that I look like an idiot, and then putting it back on the shelf after a quick glance left and right. Sure it looked great, but I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a juice that wasn't perishable. Is there a difference? Probably, but it's also just a mental thing for me. When something needs to be refrigerated I just assume that it is fresher than something that sits on the shelf. Well cut to a few days ago when I'm at Aldi to pick up some carrots to feed the ponies. Yeah I hang out with ponies on a somewhat regular basis. What can I say I live a charmed life. Anyway, at Aldi I see a bunch of these and they are two for $5. Now that is a price I can accept, so I picked this and a bottle of the blackberry chia up.

So now that my penny pinching has been explained away, let's actually talk about this beverage. It is a cold pressed juice that is composed of spinach, apples, kale, lettuce, cucumber, celery, green tea leaves, and a bunch of mint thrown in to make the whole thing weird, but also wonderful. There is both spearmint and peppermint in here and they make up at least half of the flavor. It truly is strange. I've never had minty vegetables before, and you know what? I don't hate it.

Once you make your way past the tidal wave of mint you get to a juice that tastes very much like the vegetables that make it up. It definitely tastes like I'm drinking a minty salad, but somehow I mean that in a good way. I wish they would have held off on the celery, because it's one of those foods that always taste far too strong for me. I love celery on its own, but mixed in with other vegetables it's so overpowering.

This is way different from what I anticipated it to be, but I will definitely be purchasing some more of it if I can continue purchasing it at this price.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/22/17, 6:20 PM
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